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EricT 10-12-2006 06:18 AM

You're really running this great, Talo. Keep up the good work but cut out the superfluous stuff like extensions :) .

TALO 10-12-2006 06:19 AM

Wednesday, Oct 11

Squat 5@210,230,255,255
Incline Press 5@170,190,210,230
Deadlift 5@235,260,290,320

I don't know how long I can keep increasing deadlifts without using straps, Maybe only a few more weeks. Other than that, a very good workout.

EricT 10-12-2006 06:26 AM

What I've done in the past when deadlifts were increasing very quickly was to do a static hold at the end of the last set, just let it hang there and give your grip/forearms a little extra time at bat. That helps I think but only if holding the bar there doesn't take to much out of you. It shouldn't.

TALO 10-12-2006 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 23513)
You're really running this great, Talo. Keep up the good work but cut out the superfluous stuff like extensions :) .

Just wondering why would I stop the extensions? They are in the program. Would I do something else instead?

TALO 10-12-2006 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 23516)
What I've done in the past when deadlifts were increasing very quickly was to do a static hold at the end of the last set, just let it hang there and give your grip/forearms a little extra time at bat. That helps I think but only if holding the bar there doesn't take to much out of you. It shouldn't.

Thanks, I will try this next Wednesday. Should work since I am only jumping up aprox 5 -10lbs each time.

EricT 10-12-2006 10:21 AM

LOL, sorry, nevermind Talo. I'm losing it. I just was glancing over stuff and saw the word extensions and reacted thinking you were doing leg extensions :lame: . If I had paid attention I would have seen it was arm work day, especially considering the weight used. I think I've gotten so used to my "skullcrushers" I've almost dropped tri extensions from my vocab.

TALO 10-12-2006 11:16 AM

no worries bro.

*I have added in 2L of 1% chocolate milk = 1280 cals w/ 64g protein and 208g carbs, 8g fibre and only 24g fat*

Darkhorse 10-12-2006 12:04 PM


I don't know how long I can keep increasing deadlifts without using straps
Do you use an over-under grip or a double overhand? Over-under is pretty easy to use without straps, but the double needs a 'hook grip' to continue without straps.

Statics are good as Eric stated, or you can do some farmer's walks with the heaviest pair of DB's your gym has.

TALO 10-12-2006 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by 0311 (Post 23540)
Do you use an over-under grip or a double overhand? Over-under is pretty easy to use without straps, but the double needs a 'hook grip' to continue without straps.

Statics are good as Eric stated, or you can do some farmer's walks with the heaviest pair of DB's your gym has.

Yes, I do use an over/undergrip. I guess I just have weak forarms from using straps all the time before.

What are farmer's walks ?

TALO 10-13-2006 07:27 PM

Friday Oct 13

Squat 5@215,240,265,295,3@325,8@265
Bench 5@170,190,210,235,3@265,8@210
Row 5@140,155,170,190,3@210,8@170

weight dips 7@70
One arm dumbbell curls 10@34,8@48,7@48
Pulldowns 8@120/100 12@100/80/40

Today was a good day, I can tell that this is working and since I'm only going up aprox 5lbs each week I should continue at a good pace without a spot. So far so good. This was only the end of week 5, so I'm not going to get ahead of myself, I'm hoping I can make it to week 10.

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