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IronWorker - SS gone WestSide

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Old 01-19-2008, 06:20 PM
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That sounds like a good idea. So on heavy bench day (example) I would warm up to a heavy single,double, or triple and then do like a 2x5 after that? Sounds good to keep the CNS going. I'll try it.

My motivation for my cut is that I am going to Cancun for feb break which I spent alot of $ on so I'm damn well gonna look good on the beach. I went last year to Puerto Vallarta and it was awesome. I cut down a bit but didn't quite get to 6-pack territory. This year I'm gonna do it. After this its back to bulking. Cleaner this time tho.
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Old 01-19-2008, 06:51 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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That sounds like a good idea. So on heavy bench day (example) I would warm up to a heavy single,double, or triple and then do like a 2x5 after that? Sounds good to keep the CNS going. I'll try it.
You don't have to keep it to 2x5...you can go to 6 ...reps that is.

Again after you've done your basic lift you can do something else. You could even create a little circuit or something. Still keeping things pretty heavy. Get some more variety. Or just do the rest utilizing supersets. Hell, about a million and one things you could do. Keep it balanced of course. Maybe ask a bodybuilder though

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If you act sanctimonious I will just list out your logical fallacies until you get pissed off and spew blasphemous remarks.
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Old 01-20-2008, 04:40 PM
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Sun Jan 20/08

Weighed in at 172.5lbs today. 1.5-2.0lbs again this week. Consistency is good here.

Well I decided I would try what Eric susggested on M. Press, Squats, and bench (not today but when I do heavy day again). I think it worked out very well.

I slept last night, like a baby. Did some moving of furniture yesterday and travelling so I was tired out. A solid 10hrs sleep makes for a better gym day.

BB Military Press
-bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
-65lbs x 2 (warmup)
-85lbs x 2 (warmup)
-105lbs x 1 (weight acclimation)
-125lbs x 3 (heavy triple)
-105lbs 2x5 (work sets)

Nailed it. Could have done another set but I wanted to save some strength for bench. Next week, I'll do a heavy double etc.

- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
- 135lbs x 5 (warmup)
- 175lbs x 3 (warmup))
- 195lbs x 2 (weight acclimation)
- 215lbs x 1 (weight acclimation)
- 230lbs x 3 (heavy triple)
- 210lbs 2x5 (work set)

Nailed this too. Very happy.

Bench (volume)
- bar x 8 (warmup/stretch)
-115lbs x 5 (warmup)
-135lbs x 3(weight acclimation)
-160lbs 4x8

Finished this too. So far this day is rocking.

bw + 12.5lbs 1x5,1x4
bw 1x5

Couldn't quite cut it here but it was a very intense day otherwise so I'm not surprised. I'm going to drop back and start doing 2.5lb increments like I should have in the beginning.

Accessory Work

Calf Raises

180lbs x 8 (warmup)
270lbs x 6
325lbs 3x10


Glute/Hamstring curl

- 50lbs x 10
- 75lbs 2x10

I'm reseting *WAY* back on these like I need to. Keep my back and ass on the seat and use proper form. Its just an accessory so I may as well do it right!


12:00 - 1.5 scoops whey, 2/3 cup oats

2:00 - workout

4:00 - PWO - 1 scoop isolate

5:00 - PPWO - chicken breast + whole wheat spag., veggies

6:30 - can of chicken, spinach, pickles, olives, mustard (yum)

8:30 - can of tuna, spinach, mustard, pickles


I'm glad I tried Eric's suggested workout and really glad I finally got a sweet sleep. Gonna do the same thing with bench next time.


Last edited by iron_worker; 01-21-2008 at 12:20 PM.
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Old 01-20-2008, 10:36 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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Very nice. Glad that worked out. Good for the head to lift some heavier weight isn't it?
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Old 01-21-2008, 12:22 PM
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It is indeed. It "upped my morale" if you will. BTW, I edited the numbers for Press and squat. I forgot to add the 2 work sets I did after the heavy triples.

Oh ya, I also realized I forgot to do P. Rows Oh well, I'll either hit it on tuesday hard or just wait till thursday. We'll see.
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Old 01-21-2008, 12:24 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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Well you did pullups at least. Looks like you even worked with more squat weight on those work sets (2x5) you added. If it were me I'd try to add reps to that.

You could try some differnet things besides just maintenance also. Give yourself the chance to work at a higher intensity than you have at large.

I would recommend that on a workout like this...maybe think about turning that bench and row (any type of neutral row) into a superset. Still keeping it fairly heavy. At least try it out. This wil also help cut down you total time in gym and that is a factor when you don't have the calories.
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Old 01-22-2008, 10:25 AM
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Tues Jan 22/2008

60kg x 5 (stretch)
80kg x 3 (warmup)
100kg x 1 (weight acclimation)
125kg x 1 (weight accl)
145kg x 1 (work set)

I tried the first set for 2 and only got one. So I rested a couple minutes and tried for another single but I didn't want to hurt my back again so I left it. I'm still pretty happy with this result as its a 5kg PR for my 1RM.

Light Squats
bar x 5 (stretch)
115lbs x 5 (warmup)
135lbs x 3 (warmup)
165lbs 3x5



bw x 5 (warmup)
bw+37.5lbs 3x10

These always go better on none bench day....imagine that...lol

Cable Crunches

120lbs x 8
165lbs 3x10

Felt pretty easy actually.

DB Side Bends

55lb x 5 (stretch)
85lb 3x10

Was back to health again and ready for action on these. Gotta work my way back up now.


9:30am - 1.5 scoops whey and bowl of oatmeal

10:00am - ECA stack

10:30 - workout

12:00 - PWO - 1 scoop isolate

1:00 - chicken wrap

3:00 - spinach, can of tuna, olives, pickles, mustard

5:00 - chicken breast, almonds, veggies

thats it for now


Well I intended on doing a heavy double for deads today but I guess I'll take a 5kg PR anyways! Overall this gym day improved my mood which is good cause that hasn't been the norm lately.


Last edited by iron_worker; 01-22-2008 at 02:33 PM.
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Old 01-22-2008, 02:35 PM
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About the rows and bench superset...not going to work at my gym. The bench is really far away from the pads and its hard enough getting access to one thing at a time let alone keeping 2 available. I could superset pull ups with calves, cable crunches with side bends or crunches with dips but thats about it. The gym I go to gets pretty crazy at times.

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Old 01-24-2008, 10:46 PM
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Thurs Jan 24/08

Weighed in at 171lbs today. We switched our weigh in day to thursday so 1.5lbs loss in 5 days...stilll doing.

I also should mention I got my body comp test done today by a buddy who is in Kin and has to do a report on a # of ppl he tests. So I'm waiting for the results on that. Should be interesting.

- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
- 115lbs x 5 (warmup)
- 135lbs x 3 (warmup))
- 165bs x 2 (weight acclimation)
- 180lbs 3x8

These volume days just kill me. I have never really gone over 5 reps till we started this squat workout.

Bench (heavy)
- bar x 5 (warmup/stretch)
-135lbs x 3(warmup)
-155lbs x 2
-175lbs x 1 (weight accl)
-195lbs x 1 (weight accl)
-205lbs x 3
-175lbs 2x5

Felt good to get this done. I tried for a 4th rep on the 205 set but my spotter started pulling it in too early since he thought I was doing 3. Didn't quite make it but o well, I got the 3 I needed.

Pendlay Rows
-35kg x 5 (stretch/warmup)
-45kg x3
-55kg x 1 (weight accl)
-62.5kg 3x5

This felt pretty good. I'm really glad we dropped back and started working on explosiveness/form. I think the progress might continue on for a bit...I hope. ha

DB Military Press
-27.5lb x 5
-35lb x 3
-45lb x 8
-42.5lbs 1x6,1x5

Haven't done these in a long long time. Somehow keep forgetting to rotate them in. Well I think the heavy triple on bench definately had something to say in my performance on this exercise. Ah well.

bw + 10lbs 3x5

HeAvY on row days.

Accessory Work

Calf Raises

180lbs x 8 (warmup)
270lbs x 6
330lbs 3x10

Glute/Hamstring curl

-25lb 3x10

Tried a new machine where you stand up and do one leg at a time. You can't really cheat at all. I like this machine much better then the seated one.


9:30- 1.5 scoops whey, 2/3 cup oats

10:45 - workout

12:30 - PWO - 1 scoop isolate

1:00 - PPWO - chicken wrap and veggies

4:00 - chicken breast, almonds, veggies

6:00 - spinach, tuna, pickles, olives, mustard

8:00 - 1.5 scoops whey

9:00 - cheesecake...mmmmm it was my buddy's bday....oh yeah, also had some beers. lol Oh well, cheat meal.


This day went pretty solid as well. I got through almost everything. Any progress is good progress when cutting. Also, I realized just how much fat I'd gained when I bulked. Ha. I was so strong tho.

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Old 01-25-2008, 01:01 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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Glute/Hamstring curl
How does the 'glute' come into that?
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