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iron_worker 10-28-2009 11:27 AM

As do I. I'm not usually sick very often.

I dont' think there is a whole bunch you can take to get rid of it. I have been trying to manage the symtoms with lots of tylenol and neo citran. Cold showers help when the temperature is really getting out of control.


HIThopper 10-28-2009 12:00 PM

Dude, hope you start to feel better mate!!

Pitysister 10-28-2009 01:39 PM

eat your veggies!!!! :)

iron_worker 10-29-2009 08:45 AM

Well I'm feeling quite a bit better today. Just a touch of sore throat left for the most part. I'm not allowed to go to work until "24 hours after any symptoms" though so that kinda sucks since I don't have enough sick days built up (just started).

I'm hoping to hit the gym tomorrow and do some light work. I expect to be a little weak yet but hopefully by Monday I'll be full steam ahead.


TALO 10-29-2009 11:21 AM

I wouldn't go to the gym. If your coming off H1N1 you could still give it to other people.

iron_worker 10-29-2009 12:21 PM

Highest point of contagion is 2 days before any symptoms start which is one of the reasons it spreads so easily. You don't even know you have it and you're spreading it around.

I haven't decided if I'll go yet or not. We'll see.


Pitysister 10-29-2009 02:02 PM

spread it to the weak immune system people....survival of the fittest :)

iron_worker 10-29-2009 02:51 PM

Take out some of the big dudes at the gym. Make myself look better for a week or two. lol

iron_worker 10-30-2009 11:07 AM

Well, I think I lost some weight. I kept my diet up until my prepared food ran out but when I'm down and out I just dont' feel like making food or eating it. I think I lost some weight. Hopefully mostly fat.


iron_worker 10-30-2009 10:40 PM

Friday Oct 30th/2009

BW: 187.5lb

Smith Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 5
185lb x 5
225lb (180lb) 5x5

Well I expected today to be a weak day but smith bench just felt awful. My shoulders didn't like it one bit, my bench kept sliding around, and it felt heavy as F!

Front Squats
bar x 5
95lb x 5
115lb x 5
135lb x 5
155lb x 3
185lb x 3,5

I was trying to teach my buddies front squats so I started real light on this. One did well, one did... not so well. lol

Hamstring Curl
45lb 3x8

DB Tricep DL
25lb x 8
27.5lb 1x8, 1x6


Well I expected it to be a weak workout day and it was. I also expected that I would lose some weight and I did. So, I guess I can't complain as everything went down as I said it would.


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