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Old 09-09-2007, 05:44 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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If you want to do more, say starting with two sets instead of one then you need to reduce the frequency of them. You would want to have it set up some you have a Mon, Wed, Fri workout instead of only two workouts alternating. That will work better for a little more volume on deads.

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If you act sanctimonious I will just list out your logical fallacies until you get pissed off and spew blasphemous remarks.
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Old 09-09-2007, 08:09 PM
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Sunday Sept 9/ 2007

I thought today went pretty good considering I was sick all weekend and not eating as well as I should etc. I tried the 1x5 deads and it still got me sweating pretty good despite the low reps.

Here is the breakdown:

bar x 8 (warmup)
115lbs x 6 (warmup)
140lbs 3x5

I thought squats felt real solid. Focused on keeping nice form
(knees stay apart and drive off the heels etc) and making sure I get my ass in the weeds. Definately going up again next time.

50kg x 7 (warmup)
65kg x 5 (warmup)
80kg x 4 (warmup)
110kg x5 (approx 245 lbs)

Deads felt good. I did all the warmup cause I didn't want hurt my back. Held my form solid but my grip was slipping a bit. I think its cause I was using straps on my other plan. I did 2 reps of the work set double overhand and switched to opposing after that for the last three. Guess I'll have to work on that. I'll go up in weight next time. Haven't decided if I should go up 5kgs or 2.5kgs. (depends if I can find the small plates or not I spose)

Standing Military Press
bar x 8 (warmup)
65lbs x 5 (warmup)
85lbs 3x5

These felt decent but presses always are tough on sick days I find. Or at least I notice it more. Overall I thought it was okay and I'll go up 5lbs next time.

Pull ups - Don't really know how to warm up for this so I just did it

BW (170lbs or so) 3x5 - Felt pretty strong. I made sure to let my weight drop all the way down. Not sure if this is right but it made it harder and didn't hurt my elbows so I thought it should be good. Any comments on that? I guess I'll add the belt and throw on a few pounds next time or are these sposed to be 3x10? I couldn't remember.

Standing Calf Raises (machine thing)

90lbs x 10 (warmup)
180lbs x 10 (warmup)
230lbs 3x10

Also, the numbers probably don't actually mean anything since its a machine so I'll just use them for reference.

We weren't really sure what to do with the weights on this one as it was our first time using it so thats what I ended up with. Might have been a few too many reps but oh well. Got a good burn in the calves.

And that concludes my sunday sickness day workout. The first run through of workout B. Comments and suggestions welcome. Thanks for reading.
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Old 09-12-2007, 04:54 PM
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Wednesday Sept 12/07

Was feeling pretty tired all day and I didn't bring my energy drink to get my ass moving before the gym. Also, didn't eat enough today. I really have to nail down my diet now. I've got the workout plan now I just need sleep and food.

Workout A

- bar x a few? (warmup/stretch)
- 115 x 8 (warmup)
- 140lbs 3x5 (working sets)

Bench felt really solid. Hammered through with no problems. Probably could have done another 2 sets but I refrained.

- bar x 10 ish (warmup/stretch)
- 115 x 8 (warmup)
- 145lbs 3x5 (working sets)

Squats felt a bit shaky for some reason. I'm thinking my tired body was to blame. Also I kept having a problem with my toes turning out a bit as I go really deep. I tried to widen my stance a bit to see if that would help but that seemed to make the squats much tougher. hmmm.

standing rows
- 95lbs x 10 (warmup)
- 120lbs 3x5 (working sets)

Hammered these out no problem. Are you supposed to be pausing at the top of these?

Accessory Lifts


- bodyweight + 5lbs 3x10

Felt kinda stupid with a weightbelt with a 5lb on it but o well, it did the trick. I didn't know if I was gonna finish the whole 3x10 but I hammered through at the end.

Cable Ab pull down

- 80lbs x10 (warmup)
- 110lbs 3x10

This time for the cables, we tried a different method. Bending out away from the pulley works much better. Better ROM and more consistent weight on the abs.

Iron Worker
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Old 09-13-2007, 04:10 PM
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Well I felt bad for not eating like I should so last night I cooked up a whole bunch of potatoes, pasta, chicken, and egg whites. Now I can just grab some stuff and take it to school with me.

Here is what I ate today

8am - Bowl of cereal and a banana ( I am planning on getting a weight gainer shake for a quick boost in the morning)

10am - Chicken Breast and a potato

noon - 6 egg whites, apple, OJ

2 pm - chicken breast, spaghetti

4pm - Can of tuna with one of those packages of noodles ( without the salt)

6pm - Hasn't come yet but I plan on having a couple fish steaks and some vegetables

8pm - Probably some more spaghetti and egg whites

How does that look as a days worth of food?
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Old 09-14-2007, 03:55 PM
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Friday Sept 14/ 2007

bar x 8 (warmup)
115lbs x 6 (warmup)
150lbs 3x5

Felt a little tired on the last couple reps but I made sure I kept my depth and pushed em out. I'll be going up again on this. It feels nice to progress.

50kg x 7 (warmup)
90kg x 5 (warmup)
115kg x5 (approx 253 lbs)

Well I couldn't find the 1.25kg plates so we went ahead and did the 5kg jump this time. I got out all the reps but I found myself seperating leg movement from back movement. I think this may also have been related to doing too high of reps with warmup. I think I'm gonna do like 40x6, 60x4, and 80x2 for warmup next time and see if that feels better.

Standing Military Press
bar x 8 (warmup)
65lbs x 5 (warmup)
90lbs 3x5

I hammered these out no problem. Hittin up 95lbs next time. Woot.

Pull ups -

BW x2 (quick set to get the blood going... dunno how else to do it)
BW+ 5lbs (175lbs or so) 3x5

The last rep was a struggle but I think it counts. I'll go up next time and see what happens.

Standing Calf Raises (machine thing)

90lbs x 10 (warmup)
180lbs x 6 (warmup)
240lbs 3x10

Felt strong on these despite the 10lb jump. I think today went well and I've been eating like a horse lately so that probably helps.

Here is what I ate today so far

8am - bowl of cereal (really need that weightgainer shake for this time)

10am - big bowl of macaroni and chicken breast mixed in (too big maybe)

noon - chicken breast and some spaghetti

2pm - couldn't eat cause I felt real full and didn't want it to hinder my gym performance at 2:30 so I just had an energy drink to pep me up which helps alot

4pm - Had two wraps with sliced up egg whites and pickles and spinach and a potato cause I might not keep up my eating as good 2nite since I'm going out

Hopefully I get one more meal in before I head out 2nite but overall I'm happy with today's progress.

I see people have stopped responding so I must have a boring routine or something. lol O well, I'm keeping this mostly for my own good to monitor my weights and macros. thx for watching


Last edited by iron_worker; 09-15-2007 at 04:24 PM.
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Old 09-17-2007, 03:31 PM
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Monday Sept 17/07

I tried out an ephedrine and an energy drink today before the gym...dunno if the ephedrine helped or not but I did sweat alot.

Oh yeah, weighed in again at the end of the workout... I was at 173-174lbs which is pretty much 3lbs more then a week ago. Don't know if its the innacuracy of the scale or not but if not then...whoa, might need to go easy on the cals.

Workout A

- bar x a few? (warmup/stretch)
- 115 x 7 (warmup)
- 145lbs 3x5 (working sets)

Again, felt pretty strong on this. Looking forward to hammering through for as long as possible and make some good gains.

- bar x 10 ish (warmup/stretch)
- 115 x 6 (warmup)
- 155lbs 3x5 (working sets)

Squats always seem to feel heavy to me but I did manage to do all the reps and got way down so I'll see its good. Good progress here.

standing rows
- 95lbs x 8 (warmup)
- 125lbs 3x5 (working sets)

Felt good and solid on the rows. Held my form nice and steady and made sure to hit the abs every rep.

Accessory Lifts

- bodyweight + 10lbs 3x10

Dunno if I should keep going up 5lbs at a time or switch to 2.5 but I think I'll continue with 5lbs till I still and then drop back.

Cable Ab pull down

- 80lbs x10 (warmup)
- 110lbs 3x10

Nothin to report here other then should have went up to 120lbs.

On the whole I'm feelin pretty good with my workout progress. I'll just keep givin er' shit till I stall out I guess. I'm hoping that doesn't come for quite some time but we'll see.

My diet today looked like this:

10am - Weight gainer shake and a banana

noon - 2 wraps with a can of tuna and some BBQ sauce + pickles (don't try this at home lol...not so good) and an apple

2pm - burger, energy drink and an ephedrine (Pre workout)

2:30 workout

PWO - weight gainer shake

PPWO - 2 fish steaks and a can of green beans

7-8pm ish -Gotta go do some hw tonight and I'm bringin some noodles and tuna for a snack.

Comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Thx.

Iron Worker
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Old 09-19-2007, 05:25 PM
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Wed Sept 19/ 2007

bar x 8 (warmup)
115lbs x 5 (warmup)
160lbs 3x5

For some reason my first set sucked pretty bad. Leaned way forward on the last rep and felt pretty awkward overall. But I really focused on my breathing and pushing off my heels and finished the last two sets hard. Going up again. Woot!

40kg x 6 (warmup)
60kg x 4 (warmup)
80kg x 2 (warmup)
112.5kg x5

I found the 1.25kg plates so we decided to drop back and try to nail our form out a little better. This felt better so I think I'll try to go up from here with the 2.5kg jumps. Really gotta concentrate on keeping my ass down tho. Scared I'm gonna hurt my back if I let it slip too far one of these times.

Standing Military Press

WHAT THE HELL! I completely forgot about doing these! Holy crap, I should have known too cause I said "wow, quick workout today." as we were leaving. Dummy! Not sure if I should pick them up on friday again... on bench day...? We'll see.

Pull ups -

BW+ 10lbs 3x5

Last rep I used a little leg movement to get going but I think I'll go with it. Might have to start 2.5lb increases.

Standing Calf Raises (machine thing)

90lbs x 10 (warmup)
180lbs x 6 (warmup)
245lbs 3x10

Felt pretty good, nothing too special to report. Guess I thought I should add those weights are plus BW.


9am - Banana and a weightgainer...mmmm

noon - can of tuna and noodles

2pm - burger, energy drink, 2 ephedrine (this little combo has a hell of a kick! woo!)

PWO - Forgot my shake at home but I had it right when I got home after the gym so hopefully thats ok.

5pm- 6 perogies and a chicken breast

I'll have something else to eat later at 7:30 or so and maybe a shake right before bed.

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Old 09-21-2007, 03:51 PM
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Friday Sept 21/07

Workout A

- bar x a few? (warmup/stretch)
- 115 x 6 (warmup)
- 150lbs 3x5 (working sets)

The first set always seems heavy then they just get better. Last year I was at 155lb 5x5 so I'm lookin forward to blowin by this soon.

- bar x 10 ish (warmup/stretch)
- 115 x 6 (warmup)
- 165lbs 3x5 (working sets)

Still going up. Awesome.

standing rows
- 95lbs x 8 (warmup)
- 130lbs 3x5 (working sets)

Finally going up to the 45 plates next time! Woo.

Military Press

-bar x a few (warmup)
-65lb x 6 (warmup)
-95lb 3x5 (working sets)

Squeezed this workout in here even tho it doesn't belong but I had to since I forgot it wednesday. Finally moved up to 25lb plates. Nice.

Accessory Lifts

- bodyweight + 12.5lbs 3x10

I did the 2.5lb jump cause I thought with the added military press it would be harder. My partner says I don't quite make it to 90 degrees on my elbows when I do this. I go as low as I can without it hurting. It hurts under my collar bone. Is this bad?

Cable Ab pull down

- 60bs x10 (warmup)
- 120lbs 3x10


8am - Weight gainer shake and a banana

10am - Ravioli and ground beef

noon - ravioli and ground beef

1 - energy and an ephedrine

1:30 - workout

PWO - weight gainer shake

4:30 - noodles and tuna

I'll try to eat once more before I head out 2nite.

Iron Worker
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Old 09-21-2007, 04:27 PM
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Pitysister Pitysister is offline
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i'm going to reply just for the sake of replying...because hey....we all have needs

have you ever had a broken collar bone? if so...maybe that little pain is something that will be with you forever...

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And when you seek forgiveness
You will see there is no god
And for all eternity
You will cry my name
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Old 09-29-2007, 10:19 PM
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iron_worker iron_worker is offline
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Well its a no to breaking my collar bone but I have bigger issues now...

My father passed away on saturday sept 22/07 at the age of 52 (P.S. I'm 21)....I've been home for a week and just got back to school. I'm kinda lost as to what to do now... My friend took me to the gym on thursday and we worked the big three and I managed to do some sets... set some PRs actually. Maybe the anger helps...

Here is what we did

155lbs 3x5
175lbs x 3RM (couldn't do 175x1 at the end of summer and I probably could have done more reps but I held back for some reason.)

175lbs 3x5 (jumped up 10lbs cause this gym didn't have 2.5lb plates but it felt good nonetheless)

245lbs 1x5
295lbs x1RM (New PR)
315lbs x1RM (missed)

It felt good to blow out some steam at the gym and be sore the next day. Of course, my eating has sucked as far as protein...lots of calories tho.... So hopefully I didn't catabolize too bad. I think the fat came on pretty hard tho. Oh well.

Just wondering if any of you guys have any experience with this. My father and I were very close I would say and I believe he was a good man. Approximately 800 ppl attended his funeral or "tribute" as I've been calling it.

Maybe this will drive me harder in the gym. Just lookin for some support or advice I guess.

Thanks for reading,

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