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TALO 03-19-2008 04:44 PM

Glad to see your eating better...:) It's always the hardest part.

iron_worker 03-19-2008 05:03 PM

Ya, eating is definately tough to stay consistent with day in and day out but if there is one thing I've learned while weight training is that eating is a *big* deal. My workouts can crash and burn if I've missed just one meal. My current goal is to keep it fairly clean despite bulking. Have to keep remembering that I'm bulking not "fatting." lol

As to you pitysister, I know the gym will still be there but my damn workout partner will probably go without me. The shitty part about that is that he cut too hard before mexico and lost quite a bit of strength. We used to always be about 10lbs-20lbs difference in lifts and now I was finally caught up. Now I'll be behind once again! Always chasing...I guess its motivation.


iron_worker 03-25-2008 03:13 PM

Tues March 25/2008

Well I weighed in at 165lbs...thats down 4lbs or so from last week...ouch. I think its mostly due to the being sick and having an excess coming out of me...thats as far as I'm going to go with that.

I didn't do the regular tuesday deadlift day since I missed squats and bench last thursday and sunday, I felt that they needed more attention then deads.

Also, I'm still sick. I'm better now then last week. Much better...but still coughing and head cold type deal. So the coughing is not allowing me to sleep very well...and the sickness is generally making me feel lethargic.

Squats (heavy)
- bar x 5
- 135lbs x 5
- 165lbs x 3
- 185lbs x 2
- 205lbs 3x5

I got it done. It was a struggle to get my energy levels up today though.

- bar x 8
-115lbs x 5
-135lbs x 3
-155lbs x 2
-165bs 5x5

Well my pec healed up completely so this didn't seem too bad. Also, I changed up my grip. Now I'm trying to go a bit narrower and I'm using ring finger on the ring.

60kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg x 5
120kg x 1

Well I didn't want to sacrifice deads completely but squats had my quads trembling already so I didn't push it too hard. Just did a light set to keep it in the routine basically.


bw+15lbs 3x5

Got this done thank god. Maybe I can finally start moving up again with these.


bw + 45lbs x 7
bw + 35lbs 2x10

Well it seems 45lbs was too much. Don't know if its due to the sickness, or having heavy bench every day with dips now. This was probably more affected by the narrow grip bench.

Hanging Leg Raises

bw x 10,8,7

These are always hard.

Side Bends
55lbs x 5
70lbs 3x10

Guess I'll keep doing these since the cable machines here are ridiculous to get onto for anything of that nature.


9:30 - 1.5 scoops whey and 1 cup oats

10:30 - workout

12:30 - PWO - 2 scoops gainer

1:00 - PPWO - chicken wrap

3:00 - tuna and spinach salad with almonds

5:00 - gotta make somethin up right now...gainer perhaps... I'm lazy


Well considering my illness I guess this workout went alright. I really want to get better now though! Being so lazy and wanting to nap all the time is really getting old. Well anyways, hopefully I can stay in more of a routine now.


Pitysister 03-25-2008 06:17 PM

you could somehow make sure your workout partner gets sick too... :)

being sick sucks though man. good on ya for getting the deads in there :)

iron_worker 03-25-2008 08:27 PM

My gym partner is a bit sick but it worked out today. He had to go pick up a buddy from the airport so I just kinda did a catch up workout.

HIThopper 03-25-2008 11:06 PM

Deadlifts are a prick to schedule in, get better soon mate.

Darkhorse 03-25-2008 11:39 PM



9:30 - 1.5 scoops whey and 1 cup oats

10:30 - workout

12:30 - PWO - 2 scoops gainer

1:00 - PPWO - chicken wrap

3:00 - tuna and spinach salad with almonds

5:00 - gotta make somethin up right now...gainer perhaps... I'm lazy

Half your day is protein shakes without anything solid (exluding oatmeal). Is it due to your being sick?

iron_worker 03-26-2008 12:31 PM

Yeah, it was definately due to being sick. I'll usually have a steak or something for my supper meal and maybe some boiled eggs later on after that. Damn sickness....its slowly getting better I think though.

iron_worker 03-27-2008 07:22 PM

Thurs March 27/2008

Well I felt like I got a pretty good sleep last night...thank god. I'm still a little sick but its mostly gone now. Hopefully this weekend doesn't bring me back down again.

Squats (volume)
- bar x 5
- 135lbs x 5
- 155lbs x 3
- 175lbs x 2
- 190lbs 3x8

Really hard push on this one. Having heavy squats just 2 days ago and now this seemed very difficult. Its done though and my quads/glutes/back are sore to prove it.

- bar x 8
-115lbs x 5
-135lbs x 3
-155lbs x 2
-170bs 5x5

Got this done without too much drama. Onwards and upwards. Hopefully the progress holds out. I'd like to get to 205lbs 5x5...that'd be sweet.

30kg x 5
40kg x 4
50kg x 3
60kg x 2
67.5kg 3x5

Well this is getting pretty heavy but I think it still counts so I'm going to go with it.

DB Military Press
-35lbs 4x8

It was easy until the last set and then got real hard all of a sudden. Not used to 4 sets of press I guess. Done.

Calf Raises
180lbs x 8
270lbs x 6
360lbs 3x10

Going up 10lbs each time on this now to see how long it lasts.

Hamstring Curls

55lbs x 8
85lbs 3x10



9:30 - 1.5 scoops whey and 1 cup oats

10:30 - workout

12:30 - PWO - 2 scoops gainer

1:00 - PPWO - chicken wrap

3:00 - tuna and spinach salad with almonds

7:00 - Went to Montana's with my gf and ate way too much in celebration of our 1 yr. Aw...aren't we cute? lol


Well I guess I may be back on track again finally after cancun. Took a while but I'm finally happy with the weights I'm doing again.


iron_worker 03-30-2008 02:47 PM

Sunday March 30th/2008

Squats (heavy)
- bar x 5
- 135lbs x 5
- 155lbs x 3
- 175lbs x 2
- 195lbs x 1
- 215lbs 3x5

Felt good to get back up in weight. Back up to 4 plates next week. Yay.

- bar x 6
-135lbs x 5
-155lbs x 3
-175bs 5x5

Not too bad. I actually did 7 reps on the last set just for fun. I think it was a mistake judging by my dips performance...or lack thereof.


bw+20lbs 3x5

My grip was giving out on this one for some reason. I got the reps done but I had to pause a couple times to regrip.


bw + 35lbs x 4
bw 2x10

I dunno what happened here...Just didn't have it in me. I dunno?

Calf Raises
180lbs x 8
270lbs x 6
370lbs 3x10

Still with the 10lb jumps on here. Going to max out the machine fairly soon. I think it only goes to 450lbs or so. Don't know what we'll do then.

Hamstring Curls
65lbs x 8
90lbs 3x10


12:00 - 1.5 scoops whey and 1 cup oats

1:30 - chicken and rice

2:00 - workout

3:30 - PWO - 2 scoops gainer

5:00 - PPWO - Burger with lots of pickles/olives and BBQ sauce

7:00 - half a chicken breast, half a can of chicken, spinach, almonds, olives, italian dressing, hummice.... damn good salad

9:00 - 1 scoop of isolate, 1 tsp glutamine, handful of almonds


Well I'm getting back to where I should be for squats and bench is starting to feel better too. Dips sucked pretty bad but I dunno what to do about that. Maybe a reset is required. If my deadlift day on tuesday goes alright then I think I can officially say I'm back on track again.


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