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iron_worker 07-22-2011 10:49 AM

Thursday July 21st, 2011

BW: 205.0lb

Military Press
bar x 8
75lb x 5
95lb x 5
115lb x 5

135lb x 5
155lb x 6

bar x 8
135lb x 5
185lb x 3
205lb x 5
225lb x 5
245lb x 5


Well my muscles are deconditioned like crazy ... especially my legs ... but I feel like the power is coming back already. Hopefully I'll be back up close to where I was after my first cycle.


iron_worker 07-26-2011 09:44 AM

Monday June 26th, 2011

BW: 205.0lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
145lb x 3

165lb x 5
190lb x 5
215lb x 5 (+4)

135lb - 5x10

Bench has gone down but not too too bad I suppose.

Pull Ups
bw x 7,5,5,4,3


Officially back at 'er.


iron_worker 07-29-2011 10:43 AM

Thursday July 28th, 2011

BW: 204.5lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
85lb x 5
95lb x 3

110lb x 5
125lb x 5
145lb x 5(+5)

bar x 8
115lb x 5
145lb x 5
165lb x 3

185lb x 5
210lb x 5
235lb x 5(+5)

Easily could have pumped out 2+ more.


A decent first week back after 5-6 weeks off. I didn't push it to the limit but put up some OK sets.

Now to get back to where I was...


winkless 07-31-2011 01:49 AM

great thread... i love to

iron_worker 08-02-2011 06:13 PM

Tuesday August 2nd, 2011

BW: 204.0lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
155lb x 3

175lb x 3
205lb x 3
225lb x 3 (+1)

135lb - 5x10

Pull Ups
bw x 7,6,5ish,4.5,4


Not sure why I fvcked up so bad... but I did. wah


BigDave666 08-02-2011 09:08 PM

You are right. One`s lifting strength suffers when he/she leaves gym for a specific period. I am not much expert to give you an accurate advice but hope other experts comment will help. Good luck! Take good exercise and food and keep posted.

iron_worker 08-04-2011 06:25 AM

Wednesday August 3rd, 2011

BW: 204.2lb

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 3

120kg x 3
135kg x 3
150kg x 3(+5)

Didn't push it super hard. Had 1 or 2 in the tank still.

80kg 5x10

Superset with...

Hanging Leg Raises
BW 5x10


Well I have been holding back a little bit on deads. Nothing feels exactly naturally again yet.


iron_worker 08-05-2011 09:58 AM

Thursday August 4th, 2011

Grip Work

Trainer - 3x10
CoC #1 - 2x5
CoC #1.5 - 3,3,4,4 (left hand lagged by a rep or two each time)
CoC #1 - 8


Should have re-started doing grip work a long time ago... I've lost lots of strength here... Don't think I could even close the #2 anymore!


iron_worker 08-07-2011 08:33 PM

Friday August 5th, 2011

BW: 202.4lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
85lb x 5
95lb x 3

120lb x 3
135lb x 3
150lb x 3(+6)

bar x 8
115lb x 5
145lb x 5
165lb x 3

195lb x 3
220lb x 3
250lb x 3(+5)


So many condensed days this summer... I am way too busY!


iron_worker 08-09-2011 07:38 AM

Wednesday August 10th, 2011

BW: 204.0lb

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 3

125kg x 5
142.5kg x 3
160kg x 1(+6)

Still had 1 or 2 in the tank. I'm happy with this though.

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
145lb x 3

195lb x 5
215lb x 3
225lb x 1 (+4)

Pull Ups
BW x 9,7,5,4,4


Well now that I think about it... I have dropped all the weights on my exercises except for bench. I guess that's why I'm struggling. I've been trying to jump right back in at the weight I was doing before my surgery.


iron_worker 08-11-2011 06:22 AM

Friday August 12th, 2011

BW: 202.8lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
85lb x 5
95lb x 3

125lb x 5
145lb x 3
160lb x 1(+6)

bar x 8
115lb x 5
145lb x 5
165lb x 3

210lb x 5
235lb x 3
265lb x 1(+5)

Dumbell Rows
65lb x 6
90lb 3x10


Next cycle is going to be extra sh!tty. 2 weeks missed out of 3... arg.


iron_worker 08-15-2011 06:23 PM

Monday August 15th, 2011

Well I managed to slice my foot open at the lake over the weekend and needed to get stitches... then of course it got infected so now I'm on antibiotics and it's sore as fvck.

If there is a higher power up there he/she certainly doesn't want me to get strong!


iron_worker 08-17-2011 06:26 AM

Tuesday August 16th, 2011

BW: 202.8lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
155lb x 5

185lb x 5
205lb x 12
135lb x 10


I didn't think it would be a good idea to do any deads while still having some fairly serious swelling in my foot.

Pull Ups
BW x 10,7,6


Well I guess I fawked this week over too by F'ing up my foot... then next week I'm on holidays ... back for a week and then off to the farm to work for a week. So next cycle is fvcked too.

After that I HAVE to get serious again. I've been moving backwards (partially due to stuff that can't be avoided and partially my own damn fault!) and it SUCKS!


iron_worker 08-18-2011 07:10 PM

Friday August 18th, 2011

BW: 202.6lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
95lb x 5
115lb x 5

135lb x 5
155lb x 3
175lb x 3

Going to miss next week so I decided to let er rip a little bit on these... turned out pretty well I think.


...didn't want to tear my stitches or something sh!tty like that.

Dumbell Rows
65lb x 6
95lb 3x10


Off to South Dakota for a week. Cya in a week or so!


iron_worker 08-30-2011 06:34 AM

Monday August 29th, 2011

BW: 203.0lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
145lb x 3

165lb x 3
190lb x 3
215lb x 3 (+5)

145lb,150lb,155lb,160lb,165lb - 5x10

Pull Ups
bw x 9,6,4,3,2


Well this is my 1 week to hit it hard this cycle. I missed last week cause I was in South Dakota and next week I'll be on the farm. Come september it's time to GET SERIOUS and start bulking again.


iron_worker 08-30-2011 06:16 PM

Tuesday August 30th, 2011

BW: 203.2lb

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 3

120kg x 3
135kg x 3
150kg x 3(+7)

Pretty solid lift for a just returning lift. Hopefully I can get back in the game quickly.

85kg 5x10

Superset with...

Hanging Leg Raises
BW 3x10, 2x8


Next week I'm at the farm for a week then I'm going HARD! I have to.


iron_worker 09-02-2011 02:05 PM

Friday September 2nd, 2011

BW: 201.0lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
85lb x 5
95lb x 3

120lb x 3
135lb x 3
150lb x 3(+6)

100lb - 5x10

Dumbell Rows
65lb x 6
95lb 5x10


Managed to stay pretty strong on my MP.


iron_worker 09-02-2011 06:25 PM

Friday September 2nd, 2011

BW: 200.4lb

bar x 8
115lb x 5
135lb x 5
165lb x 3

195lb x 3
225lb x 3
250lb x 3(+6)

135lb - 5x10


I good solid squat effort considering it's been 2 months since I've been able to squat consistently. I also forgot how brutal squat 5x10s are.... wow!


iron_worker 09-12-2011 07:08 PM

Tuesday September 12th, 2011

BW: 203.2lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
145lb x 5

175lb x 5
205lb x 3
225lb x 1(+4)

155lb - 5x10

Pull Ups
bw x 7,5.5,4,4,3


Farm labor, vactions, and injuries are in the past now (hopefully). Now it's time to get back at 'er. I jumped in on week 3 cause that's what my workout buddies were doing so it was just easier that way.


iron_worker 09-14-2011 06:50 AM

Tuesday September 14th, 2011

BW: 204.0lb

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 3

125kg x 5
140kg x 3
160kg x 1(+7)

I won't complain. A slight increase from the week before that I did deads. Still have some catching up to do but at least I'm on the way now.

80kg 5x10

Superset with...

Hanging Leg Raises
BW 4x10, 1x8


Have to rearrange my diet and get back on the bulking train.


iron_worker 09-16-2011 07:13 AM

Thursday September 15th, 2011

BW: 203.4lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
85lb x 5
105lb x 3

125lb x 5
145lb x 3
160lb x 1(+6)

100lb - 5x10

Dumbell Rows
65lb x 6
95lb 3x10


Well my back is pretty damn tight from deads still.... It has never quite felt right since I strained it a couple months ago. I hope I don't have some serious problems.


iron_worker 09-19-2011 03:55 PM

Friday September 16th, 2011

BW: 202.6lb

bar x 8
115lb x 5
135lb x 5
165lb x 3

205lb x 5
230lb x 3
265lb x 1(+5)

155lb - 5x10


I was shooting for another on squats but just wasn't going to happen. Oh well. Back in the game now at least.


iron_worker 09-20-2011 07:00 AM

Monday September 19th, 2011

BW: 203.6lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
145lb x 5

160lb x 5
180lb x 5
205lb x 5(+5)

135lb - 5x10

Pull Ups
bw x 8,7ish,5,4,3


Back on the bulking train. Hoping to be 215-220lb by xmas. We shall see if that's a reasonable goal.

This cycle is going to be tough. My buddy is leaving for Thailand next month so he wanted to finish this next cycle... which means we didn't have time to deload. So we'll see how that goes.


iron_worker 09-20-2011 06:39 PM

Tuesday September 20th, 2011

BW: 202.6lb

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 3

115kg x 5
135kg x 5
150kg x 5(+6)

80kg 5x10

Superset with...

Hanging Leg Raises
BW 5x10


Felt like a solid workout. Hopefully a step back in the right direction!


iron_worker 09-23-2011 06:29 AM

Thursday September 23rd, 2011

BW: 204.4lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
85lb x 5
105lb x 3

115lb x 5
130lb x 5
150lb x 5(+5)

95lb - 5x10

Dumbell Rows
Moved to tomorrow.


Good MP day.

My weight is wacky lately. It's up a lb and down a lb like it's going out of style!


iron_worker 09-26-2011 06:38 AM

Friday September 23rd, 2011

BW: 203.4lb

bar x 8
115lb x 5
145lb x 5
175lb x 3

185lb x 5
215lb x 5
245lb x 5(+5)

135lb - 5x10

DB Rows
65lb x 8
100lb 3x10


This was a killer workout. It's monday now and my quads are stillllll sore.


iron_worker 09-27-2011 10:13 AM

Monday September 26th, 2011


bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
145lb x 3

170lb x 3
195lb x 3
215lb x 3(+5)

135lb - 3x10

Pull Ups
bw x 7,5,5,3


Mondays are always lack luster. Weekend nutrition and sleep is the largest contributing factor here I'm sure.

I'm trying to back down my 5x10s this week to do a partial deload since this cycle had no break between last cycle week 3 and the start of this cycle. Trying to save myself for week 3.

My bodyweight took a 3lb jump in 2 days... hopefully I'm just retaining water but I don't know?


iron_worker 09-28-2011 10:22 AM

Tuesday September 27th, 2011

BW: 204.4lb

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 3

125kg x 3
142.5kg x 3
160kg x 3(+5)

90kg 3x10

Superset with...

Hanging Leg Raises
BW 3x11


Happy about that. Toned down the 5x10 to 3x10 to hopefully save myself for week 3!


iron_worker 09-29-2011 06:56 PM

Thursday September 29th, 2011

BW: 206.0lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
85lb x 5
105lb x 3

115lb x 3
140lb x 3
155lb x 3(+6)

95lb - 5x10

Dumbell Rows
65lb x 8
95lb 5x10


MP went well and rows felt solid.


iron_worker 09-30-2011 06:16 PM

Friday September 30th, 2011

BW: 205.2lb

bar x 8
115lb x 5
145lb x 5
165lb x 3

195lb x 3
230lb x 3
260lb x 3(+5)

135lb - 4x10


Week 2 squat felt better than week 1.


iron_worker 10-04-2011 06:20 PM

Tuesday October 4th, 2011

BW: 205.4lb

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 3

132.5kg x 5
150kg x 3
167.5kg x 1(+7)

90kg 5x10

Superset with...

Hanging Leg Raises
BW 3x11, 2x8


Well I managed one more rep than I expecting in deads. Sweet! That puts me back up in the territory where I was pre-apprendix explosion. lol


iron_worker 10-06-2011 06:48 PM

Thursday October 6th, 2011

BW: 205.4lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
85lb x 5
105lb x 3

130lb x 5
150lb x 3
165lb x 1(+6)

95lb - 2x10
105lb - 3x10

Dumbell Rows
65lb x 8
95lb 5x10


Had a grrrriiiiinnnnddddeeeerrrrr of a rep on MP. I was stuck at about eye level for probably 5seconds. lol


iron_worker 10-10-2011 06:55 PM

Friday October 7th, 2011

BW: 204.4lb

bar x 8
115lb x 5
145lb x 5
175lb x 3

215lb x 5
245lb x 3
270lb x 1(+6)

Skipped the 5x10...


A solid cycle. I feel like I'm back on track and very close to making some new PRs.

I think I will have to up the cals a bit next cycle though. hmmmm


iron_worker 10-12-2011 06:25 AM

Tuesday October 11th, 2011

Deload Week

BW: 204.6lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
145lb x 5
185lb x 5

70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 5
130kg x 5


A much needed deload.


iron_worker 10-14-2011 02:00 PM

Thursday October 13th, 2011

Deload Week

BW: 206.4lb

Military Press
bar x 8
65lb x 5
95lb x 5
115lb x 5
135lb x 5

bar x 10
115lb x 5
145lb x 5
185lb x 5
225lb x 5


Nothing to report on deload week.


iron_worker 10-14-2011 02:04 PM

Friday October 14th, 2011

Grip Work

Trainer - 3x10
CoC #1 - 3x5
CoC #1.5 - 1x5
CoC #2 - RH:5,4,3 LH:5,4,3 attempts (no closes with left ... arg)
CoC #1.5 - RH: 10 LH: 5


Well I haven't done grip training consistently in several months. My right hand hasn't dropped much at all in strength but my left is now way down.... hmmm

There was a LH/RH disparity before but now it's gotten even worse! Oh well, hopefully with a few more sessions it will even out a bit more.


iron_worker 10-18-2011 06:42 AM

Monday October 17th, 2011

BW: 205.2lb

bar x 10
95lb x 5
125lb x 5
150lb x 3

160lb x 5
185lb x 5
210lb x 5(+5)

145lb - 3x10
155lb - 2x10

Pull Ups
bw x 9,8,7,6,5


A strong monday. Woohoo! My bench felt fairly easy and that's the best pull up day I've had in a long long time.


HIThopper 10-18-2011 06:10 PM

Whats up Dub

Hows things mate?!

iron_worker 10-18-2011 06:16 PM

HITS! Where have you been my whole life? lol

Things are going ok I suppose. After many injuries, health problems, and set backs I think I may be on the right track again...


HIThopper 10-18-2011 06:19 PM

Haha I been checking on you mate.

This forum seems kinda slow now? is there anyone left? Seems alot of spammers hit here and it doesnt get cleaned up?

Anyway keep training and hit me up if you need any help mate.

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