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iron_worker 08-24-2013 12:53 PM

Thursday August 22nd, 2013

BW: 195.0lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 8
185lb x 3

205lb x 3
225lb x 3
235lb x 1
225lb x 2
205lb x 3

Cable Pull Back/Row
140lb x 12,11,10

Seated DB Skull Crusher
35lb x 8
50lb x 12
60lb x 12,9

Bicep Curls
75lb x 10
65lb x 10
55lb x 10


My bench press just falls to shit when I try to lift anywhere near my max. Arg.


iron_worker 08-24-2013 12:56 PM

Friday August 23rd, 2013

BW: 194.6lb

Conventional Deadlifts
70kg x 8
120kg x 5

150kg x 3
160kg x 3
170kg x 3
175kg x 1
175kg x 2

Chest Flies
20lb x 12
25lb x 12,10

Hamstring Curls
60lb x 11
50lb x 13,11

Superset with...

Leg Press
3 plates x 10
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10


My near maximal lifts are pretty much sh!t these days. Wah


iron_worker 08-27-2013 06:15 PM

Monday August 26th, 2013

BW: 194.8lb

Seated Military Press
bar x 10
75lb x 5

95lb x 10
95lb x 10
85lb x 9
75lb x 10

Pull Ups
bw x 12,7,6

Lat Pull Down
140lb x 12

Cable Tricep Extension
60lb x 12,11,9

EZ Bar Bicep Curls
75lb x 10
65lb x 10
45lb x 10


Wasn't able to get on the forum yesterday and I forget my exact numbers ....


iron_worker 08-27-2013 06:18 PM

Tuesday August 27th, 2013

BW: 194.8lb

Sumo Deadlifts
70kg x 8
100kg x 5
120kg x 3

140kg x 10
150kg x 10
150kg x 10

Back Extensions
bw + 45lb - 2x12

Superset with...

Hanging Leg Raises
bw x 12,10


Back extensions and leg raises have been skipped way too much. I believe this is part of the reason why my conventional dead fell to shit.


iron_worker 08-29-2013 06:29 PM

Thursday August 29th, 2013

BW: 194.4lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
115lb x 5
135lb x 5

165lb x 10
175lb x 10
165lb x 9
155lb x 10

Wide Stance Free Squats
bar x 10
135lb x 8

185lb x 10
225lb x 10
185lb x 12


My squats are in much worse shape than I thought. Went back to free squats for the first time in a while... possibly stayed with box squats too long.


iron_worker 09-04-2013 05:58 AM

Tuesday September 3rd, 2013

BW: 194.6lb

Sumo Deadlifts
70kg x 8
110kg x 5
130kg x 3

150kg x 5
150kg x 5
160kg x 5
160kg x 5
150kg x 5

Seated Military Press
75lb x 8
95lb x 5
115lb x 3

135lb x 5
135lb x 5
135lb x 5
115lb x 10


The long weekend destroyed me.


iron_worker 09-05-2013 07:12 PM

Thursday September 5th, 2013

BW: 196.0lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 5
185lb x 3

205lb x 5,5,7

Seated Cable Row
100lb x 10
140lb x 12
150lb x 12, 10

Leg Press
2 plates x 10
3 plates x 10
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10

Cable Tricep Extension
65lb x 12,11,10

Superset with...

Cable Bicep Curls
50lb x 12,10,10


I wanted to do back extensions and leg raises today and hit all the accessories we have been missing but every time I was just about to walk over to it... someone else took it. ARG!


iron_worker 09-10-2013 06:42 PM

Monday September 9th, 2013

BW: 194.6lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
115lb x 5
135lb x 5
185lb x 3

205lb x 3
225lb x 3
225lb x 3
225lb x 1
205lb x 3

Standing BB Rows
bar x 10
95lb x 5

135lb x 10,12,10

DB Tricep Extensions
35lb x 8
55lb x 12
65lb x 10
55lb x 10


Gotta remember to write these out before the day after ... So hard to remember everything.


iron_worker 09-10-2013 06:45 PM

Tuesday September 10th, 2013

BW: 194.6lb

Sumo Deadlifts
70kg x 8
120kg x 5

150kg x 3
160kg x 3
170kg x 3
175kg x 3
180kg x 1 (Sumo PR)

Hamstring Cursl
60lb x 10
50lb x 12, 11

Standing BB Curl
45lb x 5
65lb x 10
75lb x 10
65lb x 8
45lb x 12


Felt good to actually make some progress on a lift for once.


iron_worker 09-17-2013 06:20 PM

Tuesday September 17th, 2013

BW: 196.0lb

Seated Military Press
bar x 10
75lb x 8
95lb x 5

115lb x 10
115lb x 10
115lb x 8
105lb x 8

Pull Ups
bw x 10,8,7

Conventional Deadlifts
70kg x 8
120kg x 10
140kg x 10
150kg x 10


I spent a week at the farm helping with harvest and the 100% carb diet is really affecting me now. My insulin levels are all over the place now that I'm back to my usual moderately low carb diet. ugh


iron_worker 09-19-2013 06:40 PM

Thursday September 19th, 2013

BW: 195.4lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
115lb x 5
135lb x 5
165lb x 3

185lb x 10
205lb x 10
185lb x 11

Free Squats
bar x 10
135lb x 6

185lb x 10
205lb x 10
225b x 10

Cable Tricep Extensions
65lb x 10
57.5lb x 12
57.5lb x 10

superset with...

Bicep Curls
50lb x 12,10,10


Hopefully these short weeks and combined days come to an end soon.


iron_worker 09-23-2013 07:14 PM

Monday September 23rd, 2013

BW: 195.4lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 5
165lb x 5
185lb x 3

205lb - 5x5

Really trying to keep my wrists upright and it's tough because I've been doing it so long incorrectly.

Standing BB Rows
115lb x 8
135lb x 10,10,10,10

DB Tricep Extensions
40lb x 8
60lb x 10
60lb x 8
50lb x 13


Gonna do a real 4 day week this week and I'm excited about it. Sad but true.


iron_worker 09-24-2013 06:50 PM

Tuesday September 24th, 2013

BW: 195.0lb

Conventional Deadlifts
70kg x 8
120kg x 5
150kg x 2

160kg x 5
170kg x 5
170kg x 5
170kg x 5
160kg x 5

Hamstring Curls
50lb x 12,11,9

Superset with...

Leg Press
2 plates x 10
3 plates x 10
4 plates x 12


It was a tough day for deads but it felt like I got some good work in.


iron_worker 09-26-2013 06:30 PM

Thursday September 26th, 2013

BW: 196.4lb

Seated Military Press
bar x 10
75lb x 8
95lb x 5
115lb x 3

135lb - 5x5

Pull Ups
bw x 10,9,8

Cable Tricep Extension
62.5lb x 12
67.5lb x 8
62.5lb x 10

Pec Deck
110lb x 12,12,12

Paused on the touch. Mega pec burn.


Full week this week it looks like. First one in a long time sadly.


iron_worker 09-27-2013 06:33 PM

Friday September 27th, 2013

BW: 194.4lb

bar x 10
135lb x 8
185lb x 5
225lb x 3

255lb x 5
265lb x 5
265lb x 5
255lb x 5
255lb x 5

Hanging Leg Raises
bw x 13,12,8

Back Extensions
bw x a few


My back was still rank sore from deadlifts... made squatting really hard and back extensions a no go.

It's been over a month since I've been to the gym on a Friday. wtf


iron_worker 09-30-2013 06:41 PM

Monday September 30th, 2013

BW: 194.8lb

Military Press
bar x 10
75lb x 8
95lb x 5
115lb x 3

135lb x 3
145lb x 3,3,3,2

Standing BB Rows
65lb x 8
155lb x 10,10,10,10

DB Tricep Extensions
35lb x 8
60lb x 10,10,7

Standing EZ Bar Curls
55lb x 10,10,10


Of course I got sick this weekend. Arg. Feeling really shitty today so my energy wasn't too high.


iron_worker 10-01-2013 06:36 PM

Tuesday October 1st, 2013

BW: 194.4lb

Conventional Deadlifts
70kg x 8
120kg x 5
150kg x 2

170kg x 3
170kg x 3
170kg x 3
160kg x 3

Leg Press
2 plates x 10
3 plates x 10
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10


Still sick today so that was no help. I also was working on full stop deadlifts instead of touch-and-go ... I definitely need work on this.


iron_worker 10-03-2013 07:09 PM

Thursday October 3rd, 2013

BW: 195.4lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 5
165lb x 5
195lb x 3

215lb x 3
225lb x 3
225lb x 2
205lb x 3
205lb x 3

Pull Ups
bw x 9,7,6

Lat Pull Downs
120lb x 10

Cable Tricep Extension
62.5lb x 11,9
57.5lb x 10


Still fighting a head cold. I hope that's what was making my performance so shatty today ... otherwise I have no excuse...


iron_worker 10-04-2013 05:50 PM

Friday October 4th, 2013

BW: 195.2lb

bar x 10
135lb x 8
185lb x 5
225lb x 3

265lb x 3
275lb x 3
285lb x 3
275lb x 3
275lb x 4

Hanging Leg Raises
bw x 12,10,8

Back Extensions
bw + 25lb - 4x12


If I keep coming consistently, maybe I'll actually make some gains. ha Squats felt a lot better this week than last week. Last week my low back just didn't want to hold up.

I got new lifting shoes and they are working quite well. I'm excited to try them out for sumo deads because thats where I really need them. My old ones seemed to let me slip outwards slightly which is never very reassuring for max effort...


iron_worker 10-08-2013 06:29 PM

Tuesday October 8th, 2013

Deload Week

BW: 193.8lb

Military Press
bar x 10
75lb x 8
95lb x 5

115lb x 3
135lb x 1
115lb x 3

Hammer Strength Rows
1 plate x 8
2 plates - 3x10

Sumo Deads
70kg x 8
120kg x 5
140kg x 3
150kg x 3
140kg x 3


Starting to get over my sickness. Hopefully be back at er 100% after thanksgiving for a new cycle.


iron_worker 10-10-2013 06:42 PM

Thursday October 10th, 2013

Deload Week

BW: 196.2lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 5
165lb x 5

185lb x 3
205lb x 3
205lb x 3

bar x 10
135lb x 8
185lb x 5

225lb x 3
245lb x 3
225lb x 3

Cable Tricep Extension
62.5lb x 15
70lb x 12,9

Back Extensions
bw + 35lb - 3x12

...superset with...

Hanging Leg Raises
bw x 12,10


Long Thanksgiving weekend ahead. I'm sure I'll come back rested and much fatter.


iron_worker 10-15-2013 07:08 PM

Tuesday October 15th, 2013

BW: 194.0lb

Seated Military Press
bar x 10
65lb x 5
95lb x 3

115lb x 10
135lb x 5
155lb x 1
145lb x 3

Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown
2 plates - 3x10

Cable Tricep Extension
72.5lb x 12,9
65lb x 10


Neither me or my workout partner were feeling 100% today so we took it fairly easy.


iron_worker 10-17-2013 06:16 PM

Thursday October 17th, 2013

BW: 196.4lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 5
165lb x 5
185lb x 3

205lb x 10
215b x 5
225lb x 4

Pull Ups
bw x 10,8,6

Pec Deck
100lb x 12
100lb x 12
105lb x 10


Still battling a sickness. arg


iron_worker 10-22-2013 06:29 PM

Tuesday October 22nd, 2013

BW: 195.2lb

Seated Military Press
bar x 10
75lb x 8
95lb x 5
115lb x 3

135lb x 8.5
115lb x 10
115lb x 8.5

70kg x 10
110kg x 5
130kg x 3

140kg x 10
150kg x 10
150kg x 10


The gym was closed yesterday due to a water main break so we had to do a combined press/pull day. Might have to do another combined day on Thursday because I'm taking off for the weekend on Friday.

These kind of weeks are pretty shitty for making progress.


iron_worker 10-24-2013 07:03 PM

Thursday October 24th, 2013

BW: 194.6lb

Flat Bench 3-1-3 Tempo ... 60s rest
bar x 10
115lb x 8
135lb x 5

165lb x 10
155lb x 10
145lb x 7
125lb x 8

bw x 10
135lb x 8
185lb x 5

225lb - 3x10

Cable Tricep Extensions
65lb x 10,9
57.5lb x 10

...superset with...

Cable Bicep Curls
42.5lb x 12,11,10


My god. I felt like I was going to die during squats. That's just sad.


iron_worker 10-28-2013 06:41 PM

Monday October 28th, 2013

BW: 195.8lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 8
16lb x 5
185lb x 3

205lb x 5,5,5,4
195lb x 5

Cable Pull Back
100lb x 8
160lb x 10,9
140lb x 12

Dumbell Skull Crusher
40lb x 8
55lb x 12,11,9


The start of a complete workout week hopefully.


iron_worker 10-30-2013 05:54 AM

Friday October 30th, 2013

BW: 195.8lb

Wide Stance Squats
bar x 10
135lb x 8
185lb x 5
225lb x 3

245lb x 5
255lb x 5
265lb x 5
255lb x 5
245lb x 5

Back Extensions
bw + 35lb - 3x12


Deadlift pads were crazy busy so we did squats first this week.


iron_worker 10-31-2013 06:19 PM

Thursday October 31st, 2013

BW: 196.4lb

Incline Bench
bar x 10
95lb x 8
115lb x 5

135lb x 5
145lb x 5
155lb x 5
165lb x 5
165lb x 5

Pull Ups
bw x 10,8,7

Cable Tricep Extensions
67.5lb x 12,10,10

...superset with...

Cable Bicep Curls
52.5lb x 10,10,9


It's been a long time since I've done incline bench. Felt pretty good though. I guess since I'm not used to it I'm lifting fairly light and thus it's easier to control form.


iron_worker 11-01-2013 07:00 PM

Friday November 1st, 2013

BW: 195.0lb

Sumo Deadlifts
70kg x 8
120kg x 5
140kg x 3

150kg x 5
155kg x 5
160kg x 5
160kg x 5 ... uneven barbell by 5kg ....
150kg x 5


5x5 takes forever and I didn't have time for accessories...


iron_worker 11-04-2013 05:35 PM

Monday November 4th, 2013

BW: 196.6lb

Seated Military Press
bar x 10
75lb x 8
95lb x 5
115lb x 3

135lb x 3,3,3,3,4

Hammer Strength Close Grip Row
45s + 25s x 10
2 x 45s x 12
2x45s + 10s x 12,10,8

Pec Flies
20lb x 12
25lb x 12,10


Sliced up my hand a bit over the weekend so that may make things a bit tough.


iron_worker 11-05-2013 05:35 PM

Tuesday October 5th, 2013

BW: 196.0lb

bar x 10
135lb x 8
185lb x 5
225lb x 3

265lb - 5x3

Hanging Leg Raises
bw x 10,10,10

...superset with...

Back Extensions
bw + 45lb x 10,10,12


My squat was actually a significant drop in performance since the last time we did 5x3 and I'm not exactly sure why ... Maybe I was squatting a bit wider? I dunno. It was definitely all I could do to work through those sets though.


iron_worker 11-07-2013 05:07 PM

Thursday November 7th, 2013

BW: 196.4lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
135lb x 8
16lb x 5
185lb x 3

215lb x 3,3
210lb x 3
205lb x 3,3

Standing BB Row
135lb - 4x12

Cable Tricep Extension
65lb x 12,10,9


I'm on a continuous steady decline and I actually don't know what to do.


iron_worker 11-09-2013 05:18 PM

Saturday November 9th, 2013

BW: 196.6lb

Sumo Rack Deadlifts
135lb x 8
225lb x 5
315lb x 3

365lb x 3
385lb x 3
405lb x 3
405lb x 4

Leg Press
3 plates x 12
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10

...superset with...

Hamstring Curl
50lb x 15,12,10


Doing rack pulls felt really nice to get some real weight on the bar. Also, it's been way too long since we've done a full DL day with both accessories...


iron_worker 11-12-2013 05:17 PM

Tuesday November 12th, 2013

Deload Week

BW: 195.6lb

bar x 10
115lb x 8
135lb x 5
165lb x 3

185lb - 3x3 - Rest Paused

Conventional Deads
70kg x 8
100kg x 5
120kg x 3

150kg - 3x3

Pull Ups
bw x 8,7,6


My trap is mega sore and I'm not too sure why...


iron_worker 11-14-2013 04:58 PM

Thursday November 14th, 2013

BW: 195.2lb

Seated Military Press
bar x 10
75lb x 8
95lb x 5

115lb - 3x3 (rest paused)

bar x 10
135lb x 8
185lb x 5

205lb x 3
225lb x 3
225lb x 3

Tricep Extensions
72.5lb x 12,10,9


I've been squatting wider stance lately (more power-lifter style stance) and I'm struggling with it. My hip flexibility is just barely there and my power out of the hole is way down even though I can't even squat as deep as my narrow stance. I'm not really sure if I should keep trying to learn the wider stance or if it's a lost cause?


iron_worker 11-18-2013 05:20 PM

Monday November 18th, 2013

BW: 196.0lb

Narrow Grip Incline Bench
bar x 10
95lb x 8
115lb x 5

135lb x 10
145lb x 10
155lb x 10
drop set
135lb x 10

Hammer Strength Row
2 plates x 12,12,11

Dumbell Skull Crusher
40lb x 8
60lb x 10
65lb x 9
55lb x 10

Pec Deck
110lb x 12
115lb x 12
120lb x 10


My trap has really been bugging me from pressing so I thought I'd try incline instead of flat. It felt pretty good but still bugged the trap.


iron_worker 11-19-2013 05:27 PM

Tuesday November 19th, 2013

BW: 195.6lb

Conventional Deadlifts
70kg x 8
100kg x 5
120kg x 3

140kg x 8
150kg x 8
160kg x 8

Leg Press
3 plates x 12
4 plates x 12
5 plates x 10

...superset with...

Hamstring Curls
60lb x 10
50lb x 12,10


I felt like I probably could have gone a bit heavier on deads today. Unfortunately, I feel like I've been holding back lately because everything seems to not be going that great... Finally today felt pretty solid.


TALO 11-20-2013 01:12 AM

Nice to see you are still logging. But geeze man keep it to either pounds or kilos - haha !!

iron_worker 11-21-2013 05:22 PM

It's just me left. lol Seriously. This whole section of the forum is basically my own personal journal for the last year or so.

The deadlift pads have kilo plates and everything else is pounds so that's why. Kind of annoying but easier than trying to remember conversions in my head.


iron_worker 11-21-2013 05:25 PM

Thursday November 21st, 2013

BW: 196.0lb

Flat Bench
bar x 10
115lb x 8
135lb x 5
165lb x 5

185lb x 8,8,10

Pull Ups
bw x 10,8,6

Laying BB Skull Crusher
45lb x 10
65lb x 10
45lb x 15


For some reason my back has been super screwed up for the last two days. The muscle directly under my scapula has just been burning and aching and I don't really know why. I'm wondering if I sat at my desk weird or slept on it funny or what?! I thought the gym would affect it more but it didn't really. It made it feel better if anything? So weird.


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