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FlyUSMC 10-07-2008 06:47 AM

Seconded. Good job.

Pitysister 10-07-2008 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by iron_worker (Post 68056)
Oct 6th/2008

Have a nasty head cold and I really didn't think working out would accomplish anything. No gym for me today... wah. Besides, last time I tried to lift heavy while sick, it wore my immune system down so bad that the sickness pretty much just walked right in and raped me. lol Not doing that again.


did it rape you like imaginary christmas critters :)

iron_worker 10-07-2008 09:30 AM

Worse. Much worse.



EricT 10-07-2008 12:21 PM

Hey, lol, just occured to should rename your journal or something :D

I just had a bad cold as well. Get well soon.

iron_worker 10-07-2008 02:59 PM

You know its been all this time and I've never bothered to learn how to do that... how do I do that?


EricT 10-07-2008 03:00 PM

I might have to do it for you. Got anything in mind?

Ross86 10-07-2008 05:07 PM

IronWorker's(aka Steve's) Started Strength Journal

Has a nice ring to it, but it's different. Progressive. I like it.

iron_worker 10-07-2008 08:18 PM

We could call it "IronWorker - SS gone WestSide"

Like it? I think its neat.


iron_worker 10-07-2008 08:27 PM

Tuesday Oct 7th/2008 - Upper 1

Weight: 183.6lbs (Same as last week)

BB Bench Press
-bar x 8
-115lbs x 8
-135lbs x 5
-185lbs x 3
-205lbs x 2
-215lbs x 1
-205lbs x 2
-185lbs x 4

Well I decided to stay light today since I'm still a little sick. So what better day to work back into the BB bench. I used a closer grip then I have been (hand centered between the two rings if you have a standard bar). I focused on keeping the elbows in as tight as I could and staying very controlled on ascent and decent. As soon as I felt the form slip a little I racked it. I think it went pretty well. No hurting yet.

DE CG BB M.Press
45lbs x 5
75lbs x 4
95lbs x 3
115lbs 6x3

Pretty close grip. I was thinking about doing 8x3 but my speed really slowed on my last set so I quit there. I noticed in the mirror that my left shoulder droops lower then my right... wtf. The left is the one that has been giving me problems btw.

bw x 3
bw + 10lbs x 3
bw + 10lbs x 2
bw + 10lbs x 5 (chins)
bw x 5 (hammer grip chins)

BB Skull Crushers
20lbs x 10
40lbs x 10
60lbs x 8
70lbs x 5
50lbs x 9

Mad tricep pump again.


Well I think I may have made it through BB bench and M press without hurting my shoulder. Won't know for sure until tomorrow but it feels tired right now but not sore. I'll let ya know.


HIThopper 10-09-2008 12:56 PM

Lovin the new Journal title Dub, good pressing too, man I sure dont miss military pressing LOL I know its just a matter of time before I need to do them again tho!!

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