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ChinPieceDave667 06-16-2005 08:46 PM

damn am I sore. getting back into the swing, hurts so good :cool:
ok Back.

Deads warm-up, 8/135 8/135
working set, 10/225 8/240 6/255 (now remember I'm working on getting my wrist back into shape so I'm doing higher reps, lower weight w/o wrist straps to get my grip strength back. I could do it another way but that's for a different web site :p )
BB Row(overgrip aiming for my stomach to hit the mid to lower back) 8/165 6/185 (felt good on this)
V-Bar Pulldowns 8140 6/150 6/160 (felt real good, no pain)
Seated Cable Row 6/140 (ok there's the pain, my wrist is angled funny using the V-Bar might think about changing to a strait bar or one that has a rotating grip)

BB Shrugs(w/o straps) 8/225 5/250 (F' this the next two sets are with straps)
8/380 8/405 (I just had to, my grip strength was gone after everything)
DB Shrugs(w/o straps) 8/110 (this was painful)

well they are starting to work. I now have more acne.. yippy f'ing dooda
but my girl likes the added drive I have so I can add that to my cardio :cool: .

Over All Analysis
not too bad but the diet is working and the sups are starting to work I just hope there is more to this then just acne. taking the next day off and starting up on the 11th but I will do some cardio and abs.

apocalypse 06-17-2005 08:42 PM


now I can do these because of my wrist so I did more of a static exercise.
plate grabs(this is where I grab 3 ten lbs plates and hold them for about 15-30sec and try not to have the middle one slip out)
15sec/3,ten lbs plates/3 sets. (this was hard as hell but I had to do something)
Never seen anyone doing that excercise or have heard of it. :confused:

ChinPieceDave667 06-20-2005 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by apocalypse
Never seen anyone doing that excercise or have heard of it. :confused:

It's something I picked up from a powerlifter in my gym. the guy is a beast. seeing him squat 600 lbs 4 times is what got me asking questions.

ChinPieceDave667 06-20-2005 12:51 PM

cardio today.
did 30 mins of HIIT on the treadmill.
and also did Abs.
for Abs I do
-weight hanging legs 3x15 (what I do is take a bench and tie some aerobic rubber bands to the bench and to my legs and start doing raises)
-rope crunches 3x10-15 @ 100-135 lbs. (the weight depends on how spent I am)
side crunches 3x15.

overall nothing to report.

ChinPieceDave667 06-20-2005 01:20 PM

cardio, shoulders and tri's

feeling real good as I remember and a little stronger after the rest

DB Press warm-up, 8/30 6/40 4/50
working set, 8/65 8/70 6/80 (wow :D , no pain. I wanted to start out low on the weight because of my wrist and I feel great. Next week will be better)
BB Front Press 8/165 6/165 (ok now this felt uncomfortable, might have to stay with DBs for a 5x5 workout)
DB Lateral Raises 8/30 6/35
DB Rear Lateral Raises 8/25 6/30 (felt a little weak on this)

DB Decline Skulls 8/30 8/35 (feels good, going up next workout)
1 Armed Cable Pushdowns 8/65 8/75 (thought this would give me some problems with the way my wrist is positioned but no pain. going up next workout)
1 Armed DB Overhead Extensions 8/40 8/45

40 mins in the morning moderate hill type workout on the treadmill. (I like to change it up and not do HIIT all the time)

I'm starting to notice a change in weight and strength but that could also be from getting back into the swing of things.

Over All Analysis
starting to feel real good. The Lipo is making me a little jittery. If it doesn't stop I'm going to cut it down to 3 caps a day,(2 morning, 1 afternoon).

apocalypse 06-20-2005 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by ChinPieceDave667
It's something I picked up from a powerlifter in my gym. the guy is a beast. seeing him squat 600 lbs 4 times is what got me asking questions.

Is that shit working for u?

ChinPieceDave667 06-21-2005 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by apocalypse
Is that shit working for u?

I can hold the plates a little longer and my flexing for arm movements are better so I think its doing well, that and not relying on wrist straps also helps

ChinPieceDave667 06-28-2005 07:49 AM

work is done now time to post
:D :D now a much needed catch up

ChinPieceDave667 06-28-2005 09:47 AM

cardio, Bi's, abs

this is going to be the true test.. how will my wrist handle curls... well, it still sucks :mad: .. but it's alot better than before :) ...

25mins in the morning, HIIT on the treadmill. (Lamb of God's Black Label owns in these sprints)

DB Curls warm-up, 10/15 8/20 6/25 3/30
working set, 8/35 8/40 (wow again :D , no pain.. but twisting at the top of the movement does create some discomfort.)
DB Hammer Curls 8/40 6/50 (no pain.. )
EZ Bar Curls 8/75 (had to stop. this was a little much and my wrist was straining)

Same as last time I did abs

nothing to report

Over All Analysis
well after a week I've lost about 2 lbs... of what I'm not going to know until I'm done the cycle.

ChinPieceDave667 06-28-2005 09:50 AM

off today.. all I did was work ..

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