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Kane 06-18-2006 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Eric3237
For that matter, Kane, I would reverse high pulls and laterals in Workout A. Unless your into some kind of pre-exhaustion thing, which I doubt I would think you'd be able to go heavier on high pulls this way.

I just thought about that one like 5 minutes ago. Good eye though Eric, thanks for looking out for me :weights:

Kane 06-26-2006 01:22 PM


A2G Squats [3] 205 215
Leg Curls [2] 140 145
Flat Bench Press [3] 200 210
Incline D.B. Press [2] 80 85
High Pulls [2] 135 145
Side Laterals [1] 75 90
Skullcrushers [1] 105 115
Rev. G. Pulldowns [3] 180 185
Wide G. Rows [3] 170 175
Calves (10-15 reps) [3] 270 275


Deadlifts [3] 255 260
Leg Extensions [2] 195 200
Leg Curls [1] 140 145
Incline Barbell [3] 170 175
Flat D.B. Press [2] 85 90
Smith Military Press [2] 110 115
Front Raises [2] 40 40
W.G. Pulldowns [3] 195 200
Rev. G. Pressdowns [2] 75 80
Incline Curls [2] 55 55
Calves (10-15 reps) [3] 265 270

Here's the numbers for week 1 (B,A,B) and week 2 (A). I couldn't make an increase in all the exercises (ie. front raises and incline curls) and I switched side laterals from DB to a machine just because I can go "heavier" on the machine and step the weight in smaller increments. I'm sure next workout the numbers will increase across the board.

Overall I'm noticing alot of leg growth, which I'm happy with. I'm sitting at a lean 187lbs which is even better and its only going up. The weights are getting pretty heavy but I won't have any problem making the progression on the compounds or most of the isolations. I've also been told that I'm getting bigger (by co-workers and friends that I haven't seen in the last 2 weeks). This is definitely the Animal Cycle!


Darkhorse 06-26-2006 04:39 PM


Sounds like you're nearing a post in the PR Thread! :spam:

Kane 06-26-2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by 0311

Sounds like you're nearing a post in the PR Thread! :spam:

Thanks Big Guy...PR post will be coming up really soon (fuck yeah).

Which brings me to my next topic...I'm going to be on HST for roughly another 3 weeks and then I will need a new program. I was reading the DFT sticky and it sounds promising. Thoughts, comments, suggestions anyone?

Darkhorse 06-26-2006 06:24 PM


I was reading the DFT sticky and it sounds promising. Thoughts, comments, suggestions anyone?
Best programs I've ever done. Sleazy's doing Madcow's version which isn't as bad an asskicker as Reynold's version..Check it out! I suggest you look into doing the DF 5x5 (volume and intensity), then jumping into DFHT. I've been getting trained by Matt Reynolds, and I can see the reason for why certain things are the way they are with that program. It's modelled from Westside (minus speed work)

Kane 06-28-2006 12:21 PM

Gym was closed today....the roof didn't fall in so why the fuck can't I workout! As a result I will have to sacrifice a 'Workout B' to the Iron Gods :wtf: :weights:

Kane 06-30-2006 02:56 PM


A2G Squats [3] 225
Leg Curls [2] 150
Flat Bench Press [3] 215
Incline D.B. Press [2] 90
High Pulls [2] 155
Side Laterals [1] 105
Skullcrushers [1] 135
Rev. G. Pulldowns [3] 190
Wide G. Rows [3] 180
Calves (10-15 reps) [3] 280

This has to be the best workout of my entire career lol. I've beaten PR's that I set in Needsize's 5x5. My Bench was 200 [5x3] now its 215 [3x6], Squats were 225 [1x5] now 225 [3x6], Incline DB was 75 [2x8] now 90 [2x6], Highpulls were 115 [2x8] now 155 for [2x6], and I've never pulled as much weight on any pulldown as I am now. If anything HST has given me more strength gains than hypertrophy :wtf: . I am getting bigger although its really hard for me to tell, but holy fuck am I noticing a spike in strength. Perfect for bouncing into DFT/DFHT!!

Darkhorse 06-30-2006 04:18 PM


holy fuck am I noticing a spike in strength
Sweet bro! Over time lifting heavier and heavier weight, your muscles will soon respond and adapt.

Kane 07-04-2006 03:36 PM

I lost another Workout B because it was a holiday on monday up here in the Igloo. But on a better note...Things are definitely coming together as far as my next routine goes. I'm not going to give away any spoilers just yet but it involves DFT or DFHT or possibly BOTH!

Darkhorse 07-05-2006 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Kane
I lost another Workout B because it was a holiday on monday up here in the Igloo. But on a better note...Things are definitely coming together as far as my next routine goes. I'm not going to give away any spoilers just yet but it involves DFT or DFHT or possibly BOTH!

Hopefully you'll be able to squeeze out 4 weeks more of HST. I wouldn't recommend doing DFT because you'll be going from peaking with the HST weight to lowering the load for DFT to compensate for the added volume. If anything, you'd be MUCH better served with single factor 5x5 hands down! My vote goes to the DFHT. IMO, once you hit your 5 RM with HST, deload for a week, THEN head into the DFHT. Your muscle endurance might have suffered a bit from sticking with the 4-6 RM from the HST, so you'll need to do a very managable first week of DFHT after the deload. For the deload, I would just hit the gym twice for that week, doing two full body's or whatever you want. When you finally do get to DFHT, a very good idea for you would be to do ONE loading week, then deload. Remember that you're moving from 3 full body's with submaximal loads and low volume to 4 workouts (two upper, two lower, higher volume) and higher intensity (% to 1 RM). Your goal is to build up your fitness level to handle 2, hopefully 3 weeks loading, 1 deload.

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