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Kane 07-05-2006 03:20 PM

Ok, here's what I'm planning to do...

-I'm already very close/passed my 5RM for most of the big compounds and quite a bit of the other stuff, but since I'm still seeing great results with this program I am going to continue until I can't progress (might as well suck 'er dry) (ps.I know I should still be submaximal but even with 5lb steps for most of the exercises...this is how it worked out...A bit of a fuck up on my part but I'm not complaining about the results at all)

-I'm planning on ending HST in roughly 2-3 weeks, followed by a one week deload

-After the deload I am going to do DFHT with 1 week loading followed by 1 week deloading (like 0311 suggested)

-After that deload I am going to shoot for 3 weeks loading and then 1 week deloading (like 0311 suggested)

Basically I'm going to follow 0311's advice on everything because He has yet to fuck up and steer me in the wrong direction :biglaugh: (plus I want to get massive and other than this my next best choice would most likely be doing bicep curls supersetted with chin-ups twice a day 7 days a week)

*EDIT* I did a little bit of figuring and in order to get DFHT done properly I will have to finish everything by the last week in August (I go back to school then and won't be able to hit the gym for a week). So basically I'm going to have to end HST and deload this week! As in this monday! Like I said earlier i'm already past alot of 5RMs and I've seen alot of good growth off this program so I'm not fucking myself over IMO. I'm going to hit the gym a couple times and just fart around and next monday I'll be geared up for DFHT.

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