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Peter Steele 11-30-2005 11:50 AM

Use the barbell smallfry.

Green Man

Kane 12-05-2005 07:31 AM

I used DB because the gym was packed and couldn't get a bench :)

Kane 12-05-2005 01:37 PM

Because of school and what-not, my routine got shifted a bit, I am starting my 3rd cycle of OVT, I managed to work it so that Day 1 starts cycle 3. So far I am very impressed with this routine, today was day 1 and I managed to add at least 10lbs to all the -1 exercises and complete all reps.
week 0 week 1 week 2
A1-Bench Press 70 DB 165 175
A2-Flat Dumbbell Flyes 35 30 30
B1-Incline Bench 55 DB 125 135
B2-Incline Flyes 30 30 30
C1-Lat Pulldown 150 150 162
C2-DB Pullovers 80 80 90
D1-Barbell Rows 120 120 135
D2-Seated Cable Row 100 125 125

This is a very intense workout and it took the first two cycles to get used to it. Muscle pain doesn't usually set in until the day after, but when it does you'll know. Last week I tried to carb cycle somewhat, on heavy lifting days it was high carbs, on the less intense days and off days I did moderate carb loading. It seems to have helped with my workout energy and recovery time, although that could also be from just getting used to the workout.

A few buddies of mine were interested in trying this workout, but they all got scared off after one workout and said I was a masochistic animal hahahaha.

Kane 12-09-2005 03:15 PM

Well its exam time at school, started on the 7th, which means that the gym takes a backseat to studying (pardon my language). After about a 4 day break I was able to go today , it was a poor workout (day 2 legs/abs), between dehydration from coffee, lack of sleep, stress and an all around sudden negative change in lifestyle I am not surprised much. Most of the weights were down in the exercises, the shear volume of the workout was enough, let alone pushing myself to hit those high weights. BW is down a few pounds hovering around the 170 mark. I'm going to really concentrate on bringing this around and getting back into the 'bodybuilding lifestyle'.

Darkhorse 12-14-2005 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kane
Well its exam time at school, started on the 7th, which means that the gym takes a backseat to studying (pardon my language). After about a 4 day break I was able to go today , it was a poor workout (day 2 legs/abs), between dehydration from coffee, lack of sleep, stress and an all around sudden negative change in lifestyle I am not surprised much. Most of the weights were down in the exercises, the shear volume of the workout was enough, let alone pushing myself to hit those high weights. BW is down a few pounds hovering around the 170 mark. I'm going to really concentrate on bringing this around and getting back into the 'bodybuilding lifestyle'.

On intense programs like this, it's better to take time off and NOT resume the gym until everything is finished outside the gym. It really won't benefit you going every so often, trying to squeeze in a poor quality workout. Just take all the time you need, then come back with some slightly scaled back weights until your muscles become conditioned again. There's just no way to come back here and there and expect to increase the weights.

Kane 12-15-2005 03:21 PM

Trouble gave me the same advice too, and reluctantly I have to agree with the two of you. I'm really excited about this workout and the results I'll see, but I'm going to put it on hold until after the Christmas holiday is over and then go apeshit. For the time being I'm just doing a moderate workout at the gym...because I'd go nuts if I didn't go.

ChinPieceDave667 12-16-2005 06:27 AM

don't worry man we all go through that once in a while. I'm in the same boat right now. after the new year it's going to be great. things will come around.

hrdgain81 12-16-2005 07:22 AM

hit those books brotha, then as soon as your done get back to that iron. Arent these guys great? its amazing how helpful and friendly everyone here is ... well almost everyone.

EricT 12-16-2005 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by hrdgain
Arent these guys great? its amazing how helpful and friendly everyone here is ...

You said a mouthful :) . I think this place and its members are the best. I really do (with notable exceptions of course).

Kane 12-16-2005 09:18 AM

I agree. One of, if not the best BB forums for both members and content.

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