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Kane 04-19-2006 08:29 AM

Results at Week 6
Day 1 chest/calves
Flat Bench [5x5] 10lbs
Incline Dumbell Press [2x8-10] 20lbs
Flat Flyes [2x8-10] 25lbs
Standing Calve Raises [5x15] 25lbs

Day 2 Back/Shoulders
Standing Military Press [5x5] 5lbs
Upright Rows [3-5x8-10] 25lbs
Deads [5x5] 35lbs
JS Rows [2x8-10] 15lbs
Chins [2x8-10] -
Shrugs [2x8-10] 35lbs
Hammer Strength Row [2x8-10] 70lbs

Day 5 Bis/Tris
Close Grip Bench [5x5] 15lbs
Barbell Curls [5x5] 30lbs
Seated Tricep Extension [2x8-10] 5lbs
Incline Hammer Curls [2x8-10] 10lbs
Weighted Dips [2x8-10] -
Preacher Curls [2x8-10] 10lbs

Day 6 Legs
A2G Squats[1x5] 20lbs
Leg Press [2x8-10] 30lbs
Leg Curls [2x8-10] -
Seated Calf Raises [5x15] -

All the weights listed are my increases since starting the program, and IMO when I started the program I was already at my PR's from OVT...So I've made a few new PR's :D Most of these exercises don't have PR's from before either. And since the weight belt broke at the gym I haven't been able to use anything more than BW for Dips and Chins.

ChinPieceDave667 04-19-2006 08:32 AM

good job man. that is some impressive numbers all around. keep up the good work and always add more metal. :hbang:

_Wolf_ 04-19-2006 08:33 AM

ok.. good work though... best of luck :)

btw, till when are you on this program and once you complete this one which program do you have in mind..?

Kane 04-19-2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by anuj247
btw, till when are you on this program and once you complete this one which program do you have in mind..?

I'm gonna stick to this one for probably another month maybe more, depending on how my gains progress, I'll be re-evaluating my gains more frequently in the near future.

As of now I don't have a definite routine in mind...Here's a few of my ideas:

-HST (although I don't think I have quite enough strength to switch over to a hypertrophy program yet)
-Single Factor 5x5
-Make up my own routine with DC elements in it
-Max OT

I've been reading about the above routines and have yet to make up my mind...I'm open to other ideas and routine suggestions...but I don't want a barrage of Waterbury of CT articles lol :hbang: One more thing to note is that I won't have a training partner in the summer, so bench will have to be done on a smith or in the squat rack :(

Kane 04-21-2006 11:18 AM

Day 2 Back/Shoulders
Smith Military [5x5] 115 (excluding weight of bar because I don't know what it is)
Upright Rows [3-5x8-10] 115
Deads [5x5] 295
JS Rows [2x8-10] 170
Chins [2x8-10] BW
Shrugs [2x8-10] 265
Hammer Strength Row [2x8-10] -

Holy crap this workout was rediculous. Military presses were ridiculously heavy, and Deadlifts, oh fuck, the number says it all. I was praying for death :hbang: I called it a day after Shrugs because I was barely alive by that time lol.

Kane 04-21-2006 11:21 AM

Day 5 Bis/Tris
Close Grip Bench [5x5] 175
Barbell Curls [5x5] 110
Seated Tricep Extension [2x8-10] 85
Incline Hammer Curls [2x8-10] 45
Weighted Dips [2x8-10] BW
Preacher Curls [2x8-10] 90

Complete domination of Close Grip, wasn't even close to needing a spot. For some reason I have a sudden spike in tricep strength. Hammer curls didn't increase in weight, but in reps. Last week I did 8 reps and this week I managed to do 9. The 50's will be a challenge and a half...bring it!:fest30:

Darkhorse 04-22-2006 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kane
I'm gonna stick to this one for probably another month maybe more, depending on how my gains progress, I'll be re-evaluating my gains more frequently in the near future.

As of now I don't have a definite routine in mind...Here's a few of my ideas:

-HST (although I don't think I have quite enough strength to switch over to a hypertrophy program yet)
-Single Factor 5x5
-Make up my own routine with DC elements in it
-Max OT

I've been reading about the above routines and have yet to make up my mind...I'm open to other ideas and routine suggestions...but I don't want a barrage of Waterbury of CT articles lol :hbang: One more thing to note is that I won't have a training partner in the summer, so bench will have to be done on a smith or in the squat rack :(

Good progress Kane. Here are my thoughts. From OVT to now with 5x5, you've been using the 5 rep range for quite a while. So I think Max OT and single factor 5x5 is out of the picture. I'm sure you'd agree. IMO 4-6 RM's will get you thick and strong, I love them, but you should consider using your strength gains for some higher reps. If you stay perpetually in the 5 RM, it will result in diminished returns. I'd say that unless you're on a specific long term program, you should switch up the rep range/exercises/frequency every 4-6 weeks.

I just made a full HST program for my brother, which is the same one I'm on for the moment. It doesn't look anything like the example I posted either..If you're interested in that, I have a spreadsheet completely detailed if you consider HST. I made it pretty fun IMO..To summarize, both me and my brother didn't like using the same exercises for all six workouts of each mesocycle, mainly because we didn't like using such light weight at the onset of each meso..So, what I did was make two workouts (A,B). This way, you'll only have 3 workouts for A, 3 for B for each meso (15,10,5). You can start off a lot heavier this way, and it keeps the fun factor high. I've already gained 5 lbs back coming off of my injury in three weeks..

Pm me your email if interested. I personally think it's well worth you investing 6-8 weeks into.

Kane 04-22-2006 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by 0311
Good progress Kane. Here are my thoughts. From OVT to now with 5x5, you've been using the 5 rep range for quite a while. So I think Max OT and single factor 5x5 is out of the picture. I'm sure you'd agree. IMO 4-6 RM's will get you thick and strong, I love them, but you should consider using your strength gains for some higher reps. If you stay perpetually in the 5 RM, it will result in diminished returns. I'd say that unless you're on a specific long term program, you should switch up the rep range/exercises/frequency every 4-6 weeks.

I just made a full HST program for my brother, which is the same one I'm on for the moment. It doesn't look anything like the example I posted either..If you're interested in that, I have a spreadsheet completely detailed if you consider HST. I made it pretty fun IMO..To summarize, both me and my brother didn't like using the same exercises for all six workouts of each mesocycle, mainly because we didn't like using such light weight at the onset of each meso..So, what I did was make two workouts (A,B). This way, you'll only have 3 workouts for A, 3 for B for each meso (15,10,5). You can start off a lot heavier this way, and it keeps the fun factor high. I've already gained 5 lbs back coming off of my injury in three weeks..

Pm me your email if interested. I personally think it's well worth you investing 6-8 weeks into.

Thanks 0311. You make some very good points. I've been beating my logbook (or trying to) for a while now and honestly I could use a break from it. I have made really good strength gains IMO and I think that a run of HST would compliment that. I know I said I wasn't ready for HST earlier, but pretty soon my gains will peak and the logbook will be beating me lol. PM Sent! :hbang: :fest30:

PS. I'm done school this monday and I will have to renew my gym membership at home, so I'll have pretty much 1 week of off time. So I will finish the week I'm on and most likely switch to HST when I go back home.

Kane 04-23-2006 11:09 AM

Day 6 Legs
A2G Squats[1x5] 165,185,195,205,225
Leg Press [2x8-10] 380
Leg Curls [2x8-10] 150
Seated Calf Raises [5x15] 135

I absolutely crushed the logbook on this one. I figured since it's probably the last workout of this routine, I'd really get fired up and bend leg day over the table. I honestly don't know how I did 380 for leg press, thats a 150lbs increase!, my legs were shaking ALOT and I probably shouldn't have done it, but :hbang: I'll post a brief summary of this program shortly!

Kane 04-24-2006 01:14 PM

Ok, I've been on Needsize's 5x5 for 6 weeks now (6 intense weeks). I'm very happy with the results from this program, strength increased across the board, and gained quite a bit of size as well. Deads went from a PR of [1x5] 295 to [5x5] 295 and A2G went from [5x5] 135 to [1x5] 225 (with a pyramid starting at 165).

Between this program and OVT, I've added about 5" to Chest, 3" to Arms, and 4" to Thighs, with a 1" increase in Waist size, with an overall weight gain of 10-15lbs (not sure where my BF% is right now) and in about a 4 month time period. I'd say that's pretty damn good.:hbang: :fest30: (I'd like to see the muscle mags beat that lol.)

OVT and Needsize's 5x5 really jacked up my strength and size. This is definitely an amazing routine combo. The future holds HST (routine courtesy of 0311), and I can't wait to see how the 3 routines work together.:fest30:

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