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hrdgain81 12-08-2008 01:34 PM

I hate to sound like a broken record, but shit, I guess its unavoidable. After the 3 days of stomach virus, I had a good day and a half before my current ailment kicked in. I have a sinus infection, as well as an upper respitory infection, gotta love that. I haven't really slept at all in the last few days, and I had to come in to work today because the other guy was out, so there is no rest for the sick and retarted I guess.

The only good thing is I'm not losing any ground here, I'm still at 255lbs, even with the lack of cals. Hopefully this shit will clear up this week, and I can get back to my diet and training.

Pitysister 12-08-2008 02:11 PM

suck man. tis the season for that shit.

hrdgain81 12-15-2008 02:07 PM

yeah, but I'm past the worst of it, so its time to get right back to the diet, and the weights. I've been doing a little thinking, and I'm going to tailor my routine to more of a Martial Arts purpose, since my main goal is to get back into fighting shape.

Thats going to take place in three meso cycles, first is going to be strength (3 weeks), then Strength-Endurance (3 weeks), then just endurance (2 weeks) which will act as my deload.

I'm thinking strength will be two full body workouts, of the 3x5 persuasion, SE will be 3 2-3 minute timed sets, and Endurance will be 4-5 sets of 10 with significantly less weight. And of course every saturday morning is going to be a depletion workout, followed by a carb up per ckd manual.

Diet has been strong today, and I picked up some keto sticks to make sure I'm in ketosis. I was not this morning upon waking, I'm going to have to tweek my sunday night meals to help clear out blood glucose.

ChinPieceDave667 12-15-2008 02:53 PM

glad to see you getting back into it and things working out. Here if you need anything. Go get them killer.

hrdgain81 12-16-2008 07:11 AM

Thanks Dave, I think I'm doing ok for right now, I tested this morning, and there were trace amounts of ketones, which means I'm in ketosis. Now I just have to stay there, ha.

last nights workout:

1. Single arm swings (l,r) 3x5
2. floor press 3x5
3. squats 3x5

I preformed these sets in succession, so I did 1,2,3, then repeated. All done with 65lb kbs.

hrdgain81 12-17-2008 02:22 PM

Tuesdays workout, kept it really simple:

Clean and press 3x5 (65lb kb)

lunges (l,r) 3x5 (50lb vest)

I spent a lot of time warming up, and stretching both before and after. Tonight will be a rest night because I'm working late, and I'm going to start up with cardio tomorrow.

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