Training plan
Saga: Cutting.
Training plan that i have used for first 8 weeks of my cutting....
E questa è La giornata: Bodybuilder.
- Flow
Its a plan building on ABC2x logic, very simple.
I could train 6 times in a week.
Cardio 6 times in a week, ever after training.
The flow that i folowed was....
- Monday: A1(Back, rear shoulders, traps and biceps)
- Tuesday: B1(Leg and gastrocnemio)
- Wednesday: C1(Chest, shoulders and triceps)
- Thursday: A2(Back, rear shoulders, traps and biceps)
- Fryday: B2(Leg and gastrocnemio)
- Saturday: C2(Back, rear shoulders and biceps)
*Abdomen i had to train at least 2 times in a week.
- Workouts
- A1(Back, rear shoulders, Traps and biceps)
- Deadlift OR T-Bar row:
4 sets(10,8,6,4)
- Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown OR Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck:
3 sets(10)
- Seated Cable Rows:
3 sets(12,10,8)
Rear shoulders and traps:
- Cable Rear Delt Fly:
3 sets(10)
- Barbell Shrug Behind The Back
3 sets(10)
- Machine Preacher Curls
3 sets(12,10,8)
- Hammer curl + alternated curl
3 sets(10)
- Overhead Cable Curl
3 sets(10)
- B1(Leg and gastrocnemio)
- Squat sumo(feet out) + squat
3 sets (12,10,8)
- Leg press
3 sets (12,10,8(drop set))
- Leg extension
3 sets (12,10,8(drop set))
- Leg curl
3 sets (12,10,8(drop set))
- Free, just have to do 6 sets.
- Free, just have to do 2 or 3 exercises with 3 or
4 sets.
- C1(Chest, shoulders and triceps)
- Incline barbell bench press:
3 sets(12,10,8(drop set))
- Peck deck OR dumbbell flyes + Barbell OR Dumbbell bench press:
3 sets(10)
- Crossover:
3 sets(12,10,8(dropset))
- Military press on smith machine:
3 sets(12,10,8(dropset))
- Lateral dumbbell raise + 2 frontal dumlbbell raise:
3 sets(10)
- Dips on parallel:
3 sets(ultil failure)
- Push down:
2 sets(drop set in each)
- Seated Bent-Over One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension:
3 sets(10)
- A2(Back, rear shoulders, traps and biceps)
- Bent-over row OR Reverse grip bent-over row:
3 sets(12,10,8)
- Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind The Neck:
2 sets with drop set
- Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown:
2 sets with drop set
- Straight Arm Pulldown:
3 sets (10)
Rear shoulders and Traps:
- Cable Rear Delt Fly
3 sets (slow concentric)
- Shrugs with dumbbell
3 sets (slow concentric)
- Curl grip open
3 sets(12,10,8(drop set))
- Curl with Barbell H
3 sets, 10 reps(last with drop set)
- Curl 21
3 sets.
- B2(Leg and gastrocnemio)
- Squat
4 sets(12,10,8,6)
- Leg press (feet open) + leg press(normal)
3 sets(10)
- Unilateral leg extension
3 sets(10)
- Stiff
3 sets(slow concentric)
- Free, just have to do 6 sets.
- Free, just have to do 2 or 3 exercises with 3 or
4 sets.
- C2(Chest, shoulders and triceps)
- Decliante barbell bench over:
3 sets(12,10,8(drop set))
- Inclinate barbell bench over
3 sets(12,10,8)
- Dumbbell flyes + Crossover + dips grip open on parallel
3 sets.
- Back barbell shoulder press
3 sets(12,10,8)
- Frontal barbell shoulder raise + Barbell up right row(grip open)
3 sets(10)
- Barbell bench over (close grip)
3 sets(12,10,8(drop set))
- Push down + Push down(with rope)
3 sets(10)
- French press machine
3 sets(10)
After training, could be running on treadmill, bycicle or stepmill.
in first eight weeks, how i still had energy i always runned on tradmill or even on the street.
Usually with a duration of 30 minutes in high intensity.
- Another things
When i was arriving near fifth week, i was bored of the training plan.
Please leave me your comments, this helps me get feedback on "La giornata: Bodybuilder"
and also makes me happy. Well, "La giornata: Bodybuilder" remains here, but comes back tomorrow!