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Life and times of hg81

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Old 07-30-2012, 04:27 AM
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Default Life and times of hg81

This log is going to be a little different than most, I will be focusing on the journey as apposed to an end goal of some type. Goals tend to change over time, and my objective is to keep a record of the entire process here.

Some starting stats:

Age: 30
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 236lbs
Measurements to come, didn't have enough time to get my gf's help this morning.
Bf: I don't even want to know at this point, but it has to be in the 20's somewhere. I plan to get a new set of calipers to take this measurements.

I currently have two events coming up which I need to prep for. Luckily they have some similarities in terms of training.

The first is my dojo's yearly martial arts camp, starting on Sept 7th.

The second is an obstacle course 5k run, with zombies lol. Check it out at www.runforyourlives.com.

I am heading out in a few to stretch and get in some cardio on the esplanade. cardio today will consist of:

8 isshinryu empty hand Katas (forms), each done twice, once at 50% speed/strength, the second at 85%. (percentages are relative, this more or less means one warm up, and one at high enough intensity to get my heart rate up).

Between each set of two katas, I will be doing knuckle push ups for sets of 3 to 5 reps on either concrete, or on the wooden blocks i have that are covered with 80grit sandpaper. This is to create calluses over the knuckles. Similarly the katas will be done barefoot on concrete as well.

Will post results after ...
I don't do this for my family, my friends, women, accolades, pride, or ego. I do it for me and no one else, its just part of who I am.
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Old 07-30-2012, 06:10 AM
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WO went a little differently than expected, did 1.5 mile warm up walk/jog. Then all 8 katas at 75%, 3 x 5 knuckle push ups. Feeling pretty good, may go for a "distance" run later tonight.
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Old 08-02-2012, 10:06 AM
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Tuesday's wo was a bit of a let down, doesn't seem like the strength is coming back as easily as I had hoped. Here is the break:

15 min jog warm up

3x5 wide grip pull ups (85lb offset). Last set only got 4

3x5 hammer grip pull ups (85lb offset). Last set only got 2

3x5 dips, body weight. slightly wider grip, slightly bent forward to incorporate more chest.

3x5 incline db press, 65lbs. roughly 30 degree incline.

3x2 incline db fly, 15lbs, very slow, more of a stretch than a lift.

*quick note, I will not be lifting legs at this point. Doing so leads to prolonged soreness which hinders my martial arts training. The legs will be worked heavily during MA training.
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Old 08-02-2012, 10:10 AM
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Wednesday is an "off day" for me. This means my regular work out is replaced by roughly an hour of mobility and stretching movements.

These include techniques from karate, jujutsu, gung fu, tai chi, and yoga. I've had multiple injuries over the years, so staying mobile and flexible are very important. I do stretch every day but not to this extent.
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Old 08-02-2012, 12:23 PM
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Today I decided to do things a little differently than Monday, I did each 6 total kata, first at 50% for a warm up, then at 80%, then 5 push ups. I feel pretty dead right now, its not that hot out, but 86% humidity definitely didn't help.

finished off with some stretching, and a greek yogurt.
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Old 08-02-2012, 02:16 PM
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By the way, it's pretty much just me in this section now. lol

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Old 08-03-2012, 08:09 AM
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LOl, I kinda figured that IW, glad your still around. I guess I was gone longer than I thought, everyone else moved on huh. Either you way, I am always open for advice, and I'll check in on your thread as well sir.

Today wasn't a bad wo, 20 min incline "hike" started at 4% at 2.5mph, ended at 8% and 4mph, heart rate was 125 or over after the 3min mark (my warm up).

Rowing machine: 4 sets, pyramid style lb increase. I am not too worried about weight for this wo, I am more or less using weights as further cardio, of course with the added resistance benefit. hrt rate stayed about 115 for the most part here.

Lat pull downs: 3 sets, very light weight, high reps, keeping hrt rate up again.

incline bench: 3 sets of 15, ending with 55lbs.

incline fly: 2 sets of 3, 15lbs. This is more of a stretch.

*quick note, I am focusing a lot on my shoulders and back, which may be obvious at this point. After my severe a/c joint separation my collar bone is not seated correctly in my right shoulder. I have done rehab in the past, and gotten it back to nearly full strength. The issue is that it fatigues and loses strength much more quickly now when I don't consistently work it.
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Old 08-03-2012, 03:13 PM
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Sounds like you're battling against some injuries. I know how that goes.

Busted my collar bone 2x and my appendix blew out in the last couple of years. Always sucks to "start over".

Keep it up. Good to see ya back.

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Old 08-24-2024, 03:30 PM
jack_gilbert jack_gilbert is offline
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Are knuckle pushups painful
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