34y, male, 207lbs, 6'3"
Bodyfat 21.5%
Daily caloric intake to maintain weight (Harris Benedict Formula):
3200 cal (based on moderate activity 3x per week).
Desired routine:
Starting Strength (book on route)
Add muscle mass while hopefully keeping my body fat percentage down.
I've been running 3 miles right before I start lifting weights.. But I've been told that's a big no-no, so I will do that on my off days..
I go to the gym every 2nd day.
My diet has been up till now 40 carb - 30 protein - 30 fat, with a daily cal intake of around 2800.
I think that's been a big part of why I'm not seeing any gains. (besides bringing down my BF% down to 21.5% from 23%..
It's odd that I've been stable at 205lbs..
Guess I must have been cheating on the calorie side more than I thought!!!
To do:
Drink more water!
Get dextrose and maltodextrine
Get Starting Strength
Eat more!
Breakfast: ? + water and a glass of milk
Lunch: ? + water and a glass of milk
Preworkout shake: ? + Omega 3 vitamin + glass of water
Post workout shake:
2 cups of water
37.5g of protein (whey powder)
37.5g of dextrose
37g of multidextrine
1 multivitamin
***** Do I need BCAA powder or creatine?
Dinner: ? + water and a glass of milk
Snack: ? + water and a glass of milk
Any comments, help you could give would be most appreciated!!!!