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ChinPieceDave667 12-16-2005 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by hrdgain81
I will be refeeding on Saturday rory. Whole wheat pasta, red gravy from scratch, meatballs (perhaps a sandwhich on a whole wheat roll), sausage, i am getting hungry just thinking about it.

ooooh man I feel you here. I went out the other night and everybody got food that had fries with it.. I can't begin to tell you how bad I wanted to say "F' it". Sat is my refeed too. can't wait to eat Chinese food.. Rice here I come.

EricT 12-16-2005 08:31 AM

Hrdgain, are you Italian?

hrdgain81 12-16-2005 11:19 AM

yeah but only half. lucky for me, my mother side is italian, so i learned to cook from her.

I make a mean ass red gravy, and a pretty banging alfredo. the only problem is mixing all that fat from the alfredo with all the carbs from the pasta is a diet killer. i used to make alfredo sauce and put it on salads with chicken when i was running the ckd. that was awesome.

EricT 12-16-2005 11:42 AM

:) I asked because you said gravy instead of sauce.

Alfredo with chicken sounds good. I'll have to try that.

hrdgain81 12-16-2005 12:17 PM

yeah thats my style :D

hrdgain81 12-19-2005 07:58 AM

Friday - at about 10am on friday i started to feel very achy, very sore, and kind of out of it. By the time i left work at 5pm, I could barely walk, my calvs, hamstrings had tightened up so much it was painful. by 6pm i couldnt scratch my head or my bi's would cramp up. Everything hurt, everything was sore. So i went home, and went straight to bed. No workout, no nothing (besides a large gatorade). I believe I was dehydrated, and the melting point decided to kick my ass for it.

The feeling has since passed, and I have dropped the MP dosage from 6 down to 4 to combat this, we will see how it goes.

on the positive side, I am starting to see some definate thinning out. the scale is also providing some encouragement, I am sitting at 221 as of saterday morning. but again i was severely dehydrated on friday night, so i'm prob more around 223 or so with a comfortable amount of water in me.

hrdgain81 12-21-2005 05:58 AM

After looking at my overall progress, I've decided to lay out what my next steps will be to reach my goals. i am pleased with how the training/diet/supp regiment has worked so far, so I will be taking off friday of this week, through the new year from hitting the weights. This will serve as my deconditioning for my HST cycle to begin in early jan. (cardio will not cease)

I will keep my diet the same through the HST cycle, trimming cals off of my daily intake slowly. My supps will be Activite, MP, fish oil, xtend, and I may throw in a stim for a few weeks at a time (e/c stack, basic cuts). But they will be used sparingly, and for no more then 2 weeks at a time at low dosages.
This will be a six week cycle. Cardio will be early morning empty stomach walks on lift days, 15-20 min in this phase. With martial arts training on off days.

I will most likely follow that up with a week break, then start in on another modified waterbury cycle. This yeilded great results this last go around, and I believe it will again. I may be utilizing X-factor for this depending on feedback from 0311. Cardio will be realatively the same, but I will walk every morning. This will also be a 6 week cycle, and that will place me into march, and hopefully at my goal of sub 10% bf.

Then comes the time to pack on some serious mass. I will be 'lean bulking' to keep my bf low, but i will be force feeding protien, bcaa's, and the like. I have a ph cycle ready to go and here is what it will look like.

week 1: S1+, 5mg m1t ed
week 2: S1+, 5mg m1t ed
week 3: S1+, 7mg mdien
week 4: S1+, 8mg mdien
week 5: S1+, 9mg mdien
week 6: S1+, 9mg mdien

pct will be 6 week NHA stack, pyrmding rbxt down to one cap ed. I have all liver protectors ect covered, and this should give me some very nice gains.

I am undecided as to which lifting protocol I will be using for this bulking cycle. I may look at other waterburry methods, or try the lyle mcdonald bulking protocol.

Any suggestions, thoughts, comments on all of the above are welcome and encouraged. if its gonna help my gains I say post it up.

225lbs, sub 10% by June 1st 2006

Darkhorse 12-21-2005 06:47 PM


This will serve as my deconditioning for my HST cycle to begin in early jan. (cardio will not cease)
Be careful with the cardio. Maybe some low intensity stuff, but the harder you hit it, the more your muscles will become resistant to damage/stay conditioned. I would just stick to the martial arts training during your SD. Hopefully, it won't negate the rewards of your first week or two of HST.

hrdgain81 12-22-2005 04:50 AM

hahah trust me when i tell you 0311, my morning cardio is not intense at all. If i do a half mile in 15min its a lot. I wouldnt even call it brisk. The martial arts on the other hand maybe more intense then i'd like. I havent been to my dojo in over a year, and i'm sure my sensei (who is like a step father to me) will punish me for my that :D

ChinPieceDave667 12-22-2005 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by hrdgain81
hahah trust me when i tell you 0311, my morning cardio is not intense at all. If i do a half mile in 15min its a lot. I wouldnt even call it brisk. The martial arts on the other hand maybe more intense then i'd like. I havent been to my dojo in over a year, and i'm sure my sensei (who is like a step father to me) will punish me for my that :D

god I miss those days.:D

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