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04-08-2008, 09:21 PM
Rank: Light Heavyweight
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Location: Alberta , Canada
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Originally Posted by MONSTAFACE
did that sluggishness transfer into the gym?
I didn't work out Sat or Sun, just had a family day watched movies.

04-08-2008, 09:24 PM
Rank: Light Heavyweight
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Location: Alberta , Canada
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Originally Posted by MONSTAFACE
ok. i didnt know that your fat intake would have to be that high. do you have to pay attention to what kind of fats you are eating. like i know mayo is a completely different thing from olive oil. i know im kind of slow with this stuff but it confuses me just a bit. im reading it and grasping it but there is just a little im confused about. and that part is the fats.
My fats are coming from all over. At least 8g+ of fish oils ( caps ) . Sometimes I add EVOO to my shakes. I will try to eat fish at least once a week. But the majority is coming from red meat. Lots of ground beef, steak , sausage(beef and pork). Of course chicken is a daily with atleast 8oz or more.
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04-08-2008, 09:25 PM
Rank: Lightweight
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oh aight cool. ill b paying attention to the journal. ill keep reading on the diet and look at yours and 0311;s progress some more. never got a chance to read his whole journal but i have to now. thanks homies
You clearly don't know shit about fuck - KANE
You're not some sort of mystical creature that is immune to a training effect- KANE
I wish there was an entity that represented the term "injury" if it was, i would find it and beat the living shit out of it!!!!!
yes......i just type and press enter, i dont proofread i did enough of that in college. you know what i meant when i typed it anyway

04-09-2008, 04:53 AM
Rank: Light Heavyweight
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 4,221
great stuff guys...
and good luck talo

04-09-2008, 05:48 PM
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I woke up around 3:50pm had a shower and went straight to the gym (Not the best thing to do ). I started off very good hit 315 3x3 and 275 2x5 close grip , then I died off. Good thing is I only had skull crushers,lat raises,pull downs and DB curls to do. I managed to finish off in 50 mins, slammed a protein shot (42g) then came to work to cook my omelet ( 4 whole eggs and 5 egg whites with cheese).
I did weigh myself at 228lbs (104kg) . This I figure is a true weight as I had no food and just finished a workout. Not bad since 235 was just an estimate I would say 230/232 would have been closer to my starting weight last week on an empty stomach.
After plugging my food in to fitday I ended up with Totals 3156 = 176(f) 22(c) 355(p). I have until 7am to finish eating.
Last edited by TALO; 04-09-2008 at 07:45 PM.

04-12-2008, 10:22 AM
Rank: Light Heavyweight
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Location: Alberta , Canada
Posts: 3,077
Week 2 done. Carb up today. Good day since it's my youngest birthday and I can drink some beers and eat some pizza.
Started the day off with two bowls ( 4 cups) of cerial ( 130g carbs ) I need to get in about 400g today. Also had an egg(4) and hamburger(1/2cup) omlet.
So I went to the drug store yesturday and picked up some ketostix. (I never even new they had these) So The first one I tried it came out neg , a few hours later it came out small amounts. NOw this was my fifth day so I should have been in full keto. I'm not going to totally rely on these stix , but it would be nice to know...
Has anyone ever used these ?
As for my workout yesturday it was a good one. Nice and quick , which I like since I don't last very long in the gym - 40 mins is good enough!! For the first time I took 65% of my max squat and did 8 sets of explosives - 3 reps only. Then I did some box squats 275x1x8 then off to stiff legged deadlifts ( which I am feeling the pain today from) and finished with calfs and cardio.
I did fined it hard to get in all my calories yestuday as I and making the switch from night shift - off - day shift. So I was only up for 8 hours. I did manage to get in 2500 cals , so today I will have well over 4000.

04-12-2008, 02:39 PM
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Posts: 58
The Ketostix are a good tool. I used them when i was on CKD. I think the trick to carb depletion diets is getting yourself into ketosis as quickly as you can after your carb up with lots of excercise so that you get a good 4 full days in ketosis. Once your body starts producing ketones you'll be burning fat all day long for energy. If you do everything right your tests will be dark purple by the end of the week.

04-12-2008, 03:51 PM
Rank: Light Heavyweight
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 4,221
very interesting.

04-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Rank: Light Heavyweight
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Location: Alberta , Canada
Posts: 3,077
Going to try and finish my last carb meal by 5:00pm. Then in the early am go and do 30 mins of cardio on an empty stomach to help get me in ketosis faster.

04-14-2008, 06:18 PM
Rank: Light Heavyweight
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Location: Alberta , Canada
Posts: 3,077
Sunday(upper)and Mondays(lower) workout were very good. Had lots of strenght and was not as tired this carb up as I was for the first one. My last carb meal was a burger and fries and a sunday from DQ. So far today I have put in 2200 cals with 60% fat 40% protein.
I am still feeling sore as fuck from Friday and Sundays workout. Day off tommorrow so hopefully my chest will be good to go for Wednesday.
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