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FlyUSMC 10-05-2009 06:40 AM

10/1 a
Late update
This day was the worst I've ever had in a gym, and I have no idea why. I was rested and nutrition was on course. Squats hurt like hell and I couldn't even get near parallel. I'm dropping back down 10 for the next workout (today). Bench I did one lame set at the intended weight then had to drop it down 5 again for the next two. DLs went alright but form wasn't quite where it should be. However, right now I'm attributing that more to how badly everything hurt/how it was going than anything, so I'll keep concentrating on it. After that I just got the hell out of the gym. Post the results from today in a few hours. I've spent the past 4 days in the middle of nowhere with no exercise and terrible nutrition, so we'll see how today goes. Thanks for those links Wolf.

Squat: 165 incorrect.. down 10
Bench: 145/140/140 try 145 again
DL: 240 up 15

Pitysister 10-05-2009 07:06 AM

with your recent history....maybe you should just stick to 5 pound jumps per week...not workout? slow and steady wins the race. :)

_Wolf_ 10-05-2009 08:33 AM

Did you bother to go through the links I posted?

FlyUSMC 10-05-2009 09:51 AM

Pity- I just went along with what my body was feeling according with the program recommendations, but everything except for deadlifts is now looking like a 5/workout progression is in order.

Wolf- haven't had a chance yet, literally went straight from my thursday workout out camping through sunday night. I'm checking a few out now before my next class in 10 minutes, but I'll be going over them more fully today and tomorrow. I appreciate you putting all of that together.

FlyUSMC 10-05-2009 06:14 PM

10/5 b
Good news and bad news. Good news is that today's workout went great. No pain in the knees for once, incredible how much more enjoyable that makes squats... The catch is that all of that is probably because I took my pain medications before the workout. Long story short, after being on heavy pain meds for 10 months, I discovered I was dependent. So, I completely stopped taking them, making for a pretty miserable week or so. Now I only take them if I absolutely need them, like this morning. So it's great that my workout went great, but I'm not counting on it going 'great' again next time. Oh well.. such is your life when you get cranked by 3.5 tons of Suburban. My squats were deeper than ever, just below parallel this time. We'll see how Wednesday goes. I've been on the program for a month and change now, so I began adding some arm-specific work

Squat: 155 up 5
Overhead: 85 up 5
Rows: 140 up 5
Dips: 35 up 2.5
DB curls: 35 increase reps
Abs: done

Hit 23 pullups yesterday, which is where I was before the accident.

FlyUSMC 10-07-2009 06:17 PM

10/7 a
Increasing squats 5 was a mistake I didn't account for. What I neglected to factor in was the fact that while I have the pain meds in my system, things get a lot easier. A lot. Didn't think about that today and went for 160. I did make it through, but it was probably the hardest squat workout I've ever had, mentally and physically. Took the energy out of me for quite a few hours and I kinda hobbled around the rest of the day. Well, that's that. Good news is that my squats were still deep and painless (knees), and deadlift form is improving. Almost where it needs to be now. Taking the day off of cardio tomorrow to give the body more time to recover.

Squat: 160 keep!
Bench: 145 up 5
DL: 250 up 10
Hammers: 3x9 w/ 35, up reps
Dips: 37.5 up 2.5
Abs: done
Pullups: done

Weight: 155.4

FlyUSMC 10-09-2009 09:59 AM

10/9 b
About to make a post in the training forum, because I have no idea what the hell just happened. Progress went from increasing 10lb every workout on every lift to squats, overheads, and rows not progressing at all. No transition between the two, and I have no idea why. Diet is in check, and I'm getting enough sleep.

Squat: 160 went better (less bad), but still not acceptable
Overheads: couldn't even do the 4th rep at 90lb. finished it with 85 again
Rows: 145, form was horrible and the bar wasn't reaching my chest most of the reps.
Dips: 40 up 2.5
Hammers: 40 inc reps
Abs: done

On a positive note, I just picked up some creatine and will begin using that as soon as it shows up. That will help, but I still need to address the current problem.

FlyUSMC 10-20-2009 08:35 PM

After my week off, I got back today. I was very surprised to find that I had very little trouble getting almost a2g on both front and back squats (tried a few backs just to see). I've obviously still got some issues since I should be able to do that anyway, but that was a very welcome surprise. The only thing I can attribute that to is mobility exercises having a much larger/quicker effect than I would have imagined. Sticking with the honeymoon period training this week and will begin real "training" next week.

Front Squats
Pullthroughs (can't lunge with my physical issues)

_Wolf_ 10-20-2009 10:50 PM

Please start posting videos of your workout. It will REALLY help us guide you. I've been keeping an eye on your journal even though I rarely reply however it's hard to give you help when I can't see what you've done, you know?

FlyUSMC 10-21-2009 06:47 AM

I'll bring a camera with me tomorrow

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