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MONSTAFACE 07-28-2008 11:42 AM

oh ok. thats cool. glad to see you are working on it. just keep looking up hip flexibility stretches and you shoul dbe fine. im pretty sure you did that already but that stuff helps a lot

Andrew.cook 07-28-2008 12:09 PM

What kind of shoes do you squat in? How wide is your stance? I can tell you that in a flat shoe, like Converse All Stars, I feel much better doing a powerlifting style squat, but it bites me on any kind of high bar/front squat. Squatting mechanics change too much and I end up on my toes if I'm not seriously warmed up. Even so you can see some heel movement if I'm not really concentrating. In lifting shoes (Oly style) this is not an issue at all.

What kind of warmup progression do you go through before your squats? Any dynamic stretching?

Ross86 07-28-2008 12:50 PM

Feet are slightly more than shoulder width apart. Flat soled shoes.

My warm up lasts about 20 minutes. It's mostly dynamic stretching. I have been doing the following with weight (squats): warm up set (not very deep), stretch/depth (very deep), warm up set again (normal depth), weight acclimation (normal depth). And some of the sets I repeat. I never do consecutive sets during my warm up. I do some work with a resistance band also. I do several other things such as bodyweight squats, unilateral bw squats, ankle stretches, etc. I go more by feel than anything...some things are always part of the warmup, while others aren't. So far, the longer I spend warming up, the more easily I get through my sets (weight feels lighter and I'm more fluid). In the mornings or if I've been sitting for the past few hours before going to the gym, I will walk or jog for a few minutes to get loosened up before starting my typical warm up. Overall it's pretty solid. I just need to stick with it. I feel like it's a pretty effective warm up. I think I'm just feeling my age...all 22 years of it :D

MONSTAFACE 07-28-2008 12:55 PM

^^^ word. well it seems like you have everything under control. when i got back into squating i had to tamper with the width of my feet for a while, even my speed because i was coming up on my tip toes all the time. it eventually got back to normal though. the only problem i have with my hips on squatting is front squats and over heads. i began to work on them before i fucked myself all up. i plan on just doing a lot of stretching and things of that nature just like you are doing. i may even do alot of work with just the bar. thanks for posting all that stuff you do because i will def use it

Andrew.cook 07-28-2008 01:23 PM

Hmmm, sounds good to me. Trust me, you think you have aches and pains now, wait until you hit your 30's. I think that was about the point where I was like "what the hell, I'm not old but I feel like it!" :)

Still getting stronger though, and that is all that matters.

MONSTAFACE 07-28-2008 04:51 PM

yeah. hopefully before then i can do shit to help prevent that. at least im hoping :)

Ross86 07-29-2008 11:26 AM

Pull ups - 6, 5, 5
Face pulls - DS
Dip shrugs - DS
Scapular press ups w/ resistance band - DS
Curls - DS

Improved on pull ups. I did a lot of stretching and warming up..more than I did last week. It's my new favorite exercise. I want to see if I can top it the next time I do them.

Pitysister 07-29-2008 02:04 PM

i'll buy you a notebook if you get 10 pullups next time :)

Ross86 07-29-2008 07:39 PM

I already bought one but since you offered I am going to give it a try. (I've been loving having that notebook in the gym with me) I haven't maxed out for a single set yet. 10 will be pushing it.

I accept your offer. :D

Pitysister 07-30-2008 03:43 AM

any preference on college rule or wide rule? :)

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