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ChinPieceDave667 11-18-2008 06:28 AM

^^^That goes double for me.

Ross86 11-18-2008 04:15 PM

Yesterday's workout

Neutral grip pulldowns - 150X5, 160X5, 170X5, 170X5
Hammer strength low row - 3X5 185
Upright rows - 3X5 95
Face pulls

Scapula is mildly aggravated. I don't know whether it was from the upright rows or the weird grip I used on the hammer strength rows. It was probably a combination. I might do upright rows again next week, but it will be with less weight for more reps. I'll probably cut out that brand of hammer strength row also.

Ross86 11-18-2008 04:18 PM

I went to the gym to use the foam roller and do some massage, but I slipped in the icy parking lot and aggravated my hamstring. It probably only set me back by a day or so. I went ahead and foam rolled it. I'm going to massage it a little more right now and then ice it. Already took my NSAIDs. Blah...injuries suck.

Pitysister 11-18-2008 04:25 PM doc gave me a tube of's an anti inflam gel...since i got gi tract problems with lactose in medication it realy limits what i can get for nsaids....this doctor gives me free shit all the time. i love him. i'll let ya know how it works when i use some.

Pitysister 11-18-2008 04:25 PM

u need to get a foam roller for home. :)

and u got ice...hahahahha....suck :)

Ross86 11-18-2008 04:30 PM

I do need a foam roller for home. Ice does suck. I almost ran into a guard rail on a bridge last night. I busted my ass in the parking lot today...and the high here today was 25. Thank God for my handicap parking tag.

I have Voltaren in pill form. :D

Pitysister 11-18-2008 04:51 PM's it work?

Ross86 11-18-2008 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 72004)'s it work?

Not as well as ibuprofen IMO. But, it's a twice-a-day thing instead of 100 times per day like ibuprofen. I would guess that it's less toxic than taking ibuprofen at the max dose/frequency per day, but that's straight supposition.

Ross86 11-19-2008 03:51 PM

Neutral grip DB press - 60X5, 70X5, 75X5, 80X5, 85X3
Standing military - 135X5, 145X3, 155X1, 115X10
Dips - BWX15
Neutral grip DB press - 60X13, 60X9

HIThopper 11-19-2008 05:10 PM

Nice pressing Rossco.Especially after dumbell presses,they beat my shoulders good!!

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