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Joker13 09-26-2006 05:42 PM

Yea I was thinking off the rack, but on the rack works to.

Joker13 09-26-2006 06:38 PM

Tuesday--Off Day
24 min on recumbent bike. Well the belt my wife got me for my b-day came in from Titan. She must have ordered the 1/2 in thick one, can't wait to start using it for curls,sit-ups...J/k

Joker13 09-27-2006 06:09 PM

Cardio- 26 Min. Recumbent Bike

Joker13 09-28-2006 06:40 PM


D.B. Curls
16+13+11x40 R.p. (+15reps)

Forearmsreverse b.b. curl
1 x 22 x 75 s.s. (+2 reps+10lbs)

on ver leg press
1 x 13 x 180 done like recomended to

145 x 6 (+10lbs)
215 x 6 (+20lbs)
235 x 6 (+40lbs)
245 x 6 (+30lbs)

370 x 7 (+1rep)
245 x 20

Did quads right this time:biglaugh: mother f' er I think I should have an inhaler next to my log for these, I'm not kidden. Had a hard time focusing, wife and kid flew to New's way to quiet here.:wtf: oh yea I f 'ed up this work out...I forgot all about the stretching until quads:chairshot:

Joker13 09-30-2006 09:57 AM


Hammer bench mach
12+6+2 x 230 r.p. (+1 rep)

Hammer press
12+5+5 x 200 r.p (+2 reps)

Dip mach
13+8+7 (+2 reps)

Back width
lat pulldown front
12+6+6 x 180 (+5 reps)

Dead lift
385 x 5 (+2 reps)
405 x 6 (+1 rep)

Well although I beat previous numbers (barely) it was a shit work out. I had to have my blood work done today at 8am. So they said I could not eat after 9pm day before. I pack some milk,mrp and some energy stuff to take right after I get out of the office. So I show up 10 min early not even open yet, lo and behold I go to get my driver lic. and I forgot it at home, on my copier/fax machine cause the doc needed a copy of it. Drive home 20 min. get back to the office and now there are 5 people ahead of me:wtf: So finally they call me, had me sign something and never even asked for my Lic. just typicle shit that happens in my life:biglaugh: :jester:

Darkhorse 09-30-2006 04:33 PM

Lookin' good in here ese!

Got a few questions:

1. For your biceps workout at home (Thursday), do you have any heavier DB's? 40 RP is a hell of a cardio workout! :D

2. Do you feel as though you could squat more weight if you kept the SLDL's last in your workout? It doesn't matter where these two exercises fall in your workout, but IMO squats are the "king ding-a-ling" exercise for the day!

3. You're a big guy. For hammer strength equipment or anything barbell for chest, do you feel more benefit doing upwards of 20 RP compared to doing 11-15 RP heavier? IME, anything with DB pressing is awesome at 15-20 RP. What are your thoughts on this thus far in your training?


Well although I beat previous numbers (barely) it was a shit work out.
Definately NOT a shit workout bro! You must take into account that you're already lifting a lot of weight, so you're at the point to where either a weight increase OR rep increase (even 1-2 more reps) is tremendous progress. Remember that if you "max out" with a weight and cannot increase your total amount of reps, that you need to DUMP it for another exercise.

Joker13 09-30-2006 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by 0311 (Post 23058)
Lookin' good in here ese!

Got a few questions:

1. For your biceps workout at home (Thursday), do you have any heavier DB's? 40 RP is a hell of a cardio workout! :D QUOTE]

Yea i have heaver, but they make my arms hurt:biglaugh: I suppose I could go heavier

2. Do you feel as though you could squat more weight if you kept the SLDL's last in your workout? It doesn't matter where these two exercises fall in your workout, but IMO squats are the "king ding-a-ling" exercise for the day!

After doing squats, man I'm like done, I dont think I could do sldl after them.

3. You're a big guy. For hammer strength equipment or anything barbell for chest, do you feel more benefit doing upwards of 20 RP compared to doing 11-15 RP heavier? IME, anything with DB pressing is awesome at 15-20 RP. What are your thoughts on this thus far in your training?

You know I sorta flip flop on these, I think there are benifits to going higher reps. On the hammer mach it is very new to me but my plan is to get them to a 11-15 rp. I could probaly go heaver on the barbell chest work, but In the past when i try to start going heaver I start to get sloppy. This program sorta prevents that from happinig

Definately NOT a shit workout bro! You must take into account that you're already lifting a lot of weight, so you're at the point to where either a weight increase OR rep increase (even 1-2 more reps) is tremendous progress. Remember that if you "max out" with a weight and cannot increase your total amount of reps, that you need to DUMP it for another exercise.

Again thanks for your help

Joker13 10-02-2006 01:59 PM

Monday-- Gym

hammer mach
12+7+6 x 140 r.p. (+15lbs)

reversa hamer mach
1 x 10 x 80 s.s.

horizantal calf mach
1 x 12 x 230 done d.c.(+20lbs)

leg curl mach
12+7+6 x 110 r.p. (+15lbs)

leg press
1 x 10 x 650 (+2 reps+20lbs)
1 x 20 x 450 (+90lbs)
taken all the way down just in case your wondering

Workout kicked ass today. Mainly because I didnt have to work 14hrs again good for workout, not got for wallet oh well. My legs are getting f'n sore already and they are twitching like crazy never had pain set is so quick usually takes at least 24hrs for me Thank you guys for the advice I have been getting:jester:

Joker13 10-05-2006 02:41 PM


Decline Bench Press
9+5+2 x 285 R.P. pulses (+10lbs)

Standing B.B. press
1 x 15 x 155 s.s.

Skull Crushers
15+11+7 x 75 R.P. (explain below)

Back Width
rack pull ups
27 (+2)

Back Thickness
1 x 12 x 225
1 x 14 x 225

O.k. so I was looking at how I was doing skull crushers and form was way off, it was a combination of crushers and c.g. bench press
so I switched to an e.z. curl bar and had better form lowered wieght. Also switched from t-bar rows to bent over b.b. rows for 2 reasons 1 didnt feel to safe since I'm using a regualr b.b. w/ one end against the wall felt like it was going to slip and crush a nut( after seeing the results of my blood test test levels I can't afford to hurt the boys) reason 2 didn't feel like I was getting the range of movement I should have w/ the 45's on one side. On a good note got aproved for h.r.t. and was very very surprised at what would be perscribed.:jester:

Darkhorse 10-05-2006 02:52 PM


On a good note got aproved for h.r.t. and was very very surprised at what would be perscribed.
Whoa! How'd you bullshit your way through that one! :D

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