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Joker13 10-05-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by 0311 (Post 23212)
Whoa! How'd you bullshit your way through that one! :D

Sir I'm ofended that anyone would think that I would bullshit my way to hrt:biglaugh:

My test is a low 215:biglaugh:

Joker13 10-07-2006 10:52 AM


Drag Curls
10+8+7 x 90 r.p. (+10lbs)

Hammer d.b. curls
1 x 14 x 45 r.p.(+5lbs) next time try for more reps same weight

180 x 12 s.s.

leg curls
15+8+7 x 110 r.p. (+15lbs)

mach hack squat
450 x 8 (+20lbs)
320 x 20 (+50lbs)

Had a real good leg day, just noticed on the hack squat mach starting wieght empty is 54lbs so really I did 500 x8 and 370 x 20 full r.o.m. but to keep it simple, I will only put plate wieght on journal . I already notice change in strenth and shape in legs and I find it easier to think of it as 4 sets of 5 w/ no rest while doing them:jester:

Darkhorse 10-08-2006 04:58 AM


I find it easier to think of it as 4 sets of 5 w/ no rest while doing them
That's exactly what I do as well. It's all a mental game. The same train of thought also puts squats last in your workout to ease your mind.

Here's some writeups I've seen on widowmaker squats from HST:


Originally Posted by Jules
From the standpoint of weightlifting tradition, 20-rep squats is as time-honoured as they come. 20-rep squats produce a sick amount of metabolic stress and offer a form of clustering at a fairly high load. Finally, there's a possibility that clustering/density training could produce higher strain than contiguous reps. I'm working out a variation of 20-rep and Gironda with some people that more or less replicates that. But I'm not completely sure how well it will work. Again, from DC's point of view, 20-rep squats are part of the training methodology that has worked through the years.

Use of post-failure techniques as well as 20-rep breathing squats means he's ratcheting up the erk1/2 levels, and thus even with the very low volume, you'll enjoy enormous sarcoplasmic hypertrophy workout to workout. Couple that with Dante's hardcore stance on EAT!!, you'll see immediate size results as well as some recourse against the wipeout of your CNS. Unlike a unoptimized HST routine, you can expect sarcoplasmic hypertrophy every workout.

I can obviously see a lot of progess being made. What are your results thus far?

Joker13 10-08-2006 07:53 AM


I can obviously see a lot of progess being made. What are your results thus far?
Well, I started d.c. within a couple of days of finishing my s.d. I think it had alot to do w/ keeping most of my gains. Remember I was coming of a 5 day split, which come to think of it, was about the same thing I did from age 17-22. I can see an improvement all around, and this may sound wierd but also guage my progress on how my work shirts size 2 x fit. They are now tight around my arms upper back and front shoulder area.

Looking at my log I see major progress made in the leg dept. ex. when i started on hack squat mach i couldnt even finish the widow maker I did 180 x 15,5 now 3rd time around i did 320 x 20.

Size wise I am bigger even as I'm typing looking at my bi's and shoulders they are bigger. I really like the program, I am spending 2 hours less in the gym per week, and making better gains..what more can you ask for...can't wait till I get my test levels in the upper norm levels and see what progress I make then:jester:

Again Thanx

Joker13 10-09-2006 03:05 PM


Bench Press
9+5+3 x 265 r.p. pulses (+20lbs)

DB press
11+7+6 x 80 r.p. (+10)

C.G bench press
12+8+5 x 205 r.p (+20lbs)

Back Width
pull ups to front
12+9+8 (+5 reps)

Back Thickness
Rack Deadlift
430 x 9 (+20+1rep)
485 x 6 (+30lbs)

Good training day may have to drop d.b. press for ?? having problem stabilizing wieght. Sat leg workout KICKED MY ASS I;m so fucking sore right now it hurts to climb a curb let alone steps:jester:

Joker13 10-12-2006 06:16 PM


D.B. Curl
10+8+5 x 60 R.P. (+20lbs) had to assist w/ other hand on neg

Reverse B.B. Curl
1 x 18 x 95 (+20lbs)

190 x 12 D.C'ed

155 x 6 (+10lbs)
225 x 6 (+10lbs)
245 x 6 (+10lbs)
255 x 6 (+10lbs)

405 x 4 (+35lbs)
295 x 16+4 :gay: :lame:

Well I got a little over ambitios on the 20 rep went 16 racked and got back under to finish. I sort of blame it on my work scedule this week tuesday-15hrs wed- 12hrs today-13hrs. On a good note doc put me on 400mg week of test ordered will come from pharmacy mon or tuesdayjester:

Joker13 10-14-2006 08:50 AM

Sat Gym--home

Hammer strengh
8+3+2 x 250 r.p. (+20lbs)

hammer strengh
10+6+3 x 230 r.p. (+30lbs)

15+8+7 r.p. (+2reps)

Back width
lat pull down
9+5+5 x 200 r.p. (+20lbs)

385 x 6 (+1rep)
425 x 3 (+20lbs)

O.k. work out wasnt feeling it

Joker13 10-14-2006 04:16 PM

Just a hypothetical question, would D.C be good on a say test cycle?
hypothetically speaking of course

Darkhorse 10-14-2006 04:21 PM


Just a hypothetical question, would D.C be good on a say test cycle?
hypothetically speaking of course
Hell yeah it would!!

I'll edit this with some hypothetical changes to your routine. :D Basically some added volume to your routine. Additionally, if the weight really starts taking off, there's the option of spacing your routine out further to accomodate both load and volume. :weights:

Joker13 10-16-2006 03:51 PM


Hammer curl
12+8+6 x 155 r.p. (+15lbs+1rep)

Hammer curl reverse grip
1 x 12 x 80 s.s.

Horizantal calf mach
250 x 12 D.C.'ed (+20lbs)

Leg Curl Mach
13+8+8 x 125 r.p. (+15lbs+4reps)

Leg Press
1 x 10 x 680 (+30lbs)
1 x 20 x 500 (+50lbs)

Felt strong today I love that leg press mach, does something to your ego when ya fill up the bar full of 45's and have to start on the other bar:biglaugh: Anyway Doc is putting me on 400mg of test c per week that sould be here tommorow w/ the anti estrogens. I'm still not sure what to do though. I was planning a test cycle w/ 500mg week Doc is putting me on 400mg which I would be fine w/ but I'm starting with low test levels. So should I do 400mg like the Doc said or Do 500mg like I was planning. My thinking is people do a 500mg week cycle, w/ normal test levels 400-600 I'm starting at 215 test level:wtf: Hypothetically speaking of course:biglaugh:

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