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WonderMonkey 04-06-2005 09:26 PM

The Max-OT thought talks about the lack of pump in it. I'm having trouble getting used to it myself but I'll give it an 8 week cycle and I'll let the results, or lack of, speak for themselves so long as I've given it a fair effort.

apocalypse 04-06-2005 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by 0311
Those guys probably didn't have a good diet and hit their muscles 4 times in a week. :D

For real, I know some kids at my gym that does bench press everyday, they are bony as hell, but they sure can lift more weight than me. If it comes to a fight its a whole different story, I will kick their ass from ga to tuscaloosca :D

hrdgain81 04-07-2005 05:31 AM

I can understand your concern with going to heavey slayer. I'm the same way. When i do heavey compounds I get almost no pump at all. I can do the whole nine, negatives, forced reps, isometrics ... as long as i go heavey i get no pump .... but god dam do i feel it the next day.

The most effective thing i've done for that situation is this ... go balls out heavey on all compounds. And when it comes to the last two sets of a muslce group, pound out light wieght for 15 reps, just to get blood flowing in the area. Note, you dont want to exhaust with this, just work till you can feel the pump and then stop, you should also be streching and flexing in between sets, that will also help with that.

Stay strong brother and keep us posted on what your up to.

slayer of souls 04-07-2005 05:36 AM

thanks for the tips. I will start going heavier.

apocalypse 04-07-2005 06:19 AM

This is what works for me slayer. On my chest day I usually start with 6 sets incline dumbbell press, then I do another 6 sets flat bench, then I usually go use one of those wide grip chest press machine or declines. After all that, I end it with doing a combination of incline cable flyes/under the shoulder flyes, and bearhugging flyes, with hands far towards the back and another 3 or 4 sets of pull overs. I really dont think the last two names are technical but that's what I call them :p May be 0311 can help.

slayer of souls 04-07-2005 09:14 AM

thanks again for the tips. I am going to do chest today, and will train heavy!
Its going to come as a real shock, hopefully that will work. I always thought the old school training style of heavy weights was outdated. But I will let you guys know how it works out for me.

My workout today will be as follows unless there are any other recommendations.

Bench Press - 8-6-6-5
Incline Dumbell- 8-6-6-5
Dumbell Fly 8-8-8

11 Sets total, much shorter then my current chest routine so I am thinking about adding in biceps.
Barbell Curls- 3 Sets 8-6-6
Alt Dumbel Curls 2 Sets -8-6
Hammer Curls 6-6

Will try the 3-0-1 timing.

Any suggestions? My gym does not have the seated chest press machine, pec deck fly, hammer strengh press. So that is why I normally do more sets on bench and Incline, I used to do aprox 6.

Is this routine fine? I really appreicate all the help I can get. I dont think I ever admitted that training has been my biggest weakness. WIth so many resources out there and various schools of though in regards to training its hard to pick the most effective routine.

hrdgain81 04-07-2005 10:31 AM


I always thought the old school training style of heavy weights was outdated
I'm only 23 and all of a sudden i'm old school. :D

honestly i would go even heavier, if you can do a set of 8 your still too light on the wieghts. Its just me I guess, but i grow and gain strength best in the 3-5 rep range. and I always force reps on my last set, at least two, you gotta rip the muscle apart, then let it heal to get stronger, the more you rip it, the stronger it will grow back. (untill it stops, then you gotta shock the monkey umm system.)

Darkhorse 04-07-2005 12:23 PM

I also envisioned I HAVE to get 8 reps, then I HAVE to get 6. Just think to yourself I know I can get at least 4 perfect without a spotter. If you get to 8 and you think you can do more, then go for it, and next time use heavier weights. Don't be tempted to start adding other muscles because of the lower volume. Since you are going heavy, it'll take you just as long to wait and recover between sets. Plus you won't be thinking in your mind, "Shit, I still have 6 more sets of chest and I still need to hit biceps." :eek:

apocalypse 04-07-2005 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by hrdgain81
I'm only 23 and all of a sudden i'm old school. :D

honestly i would go even heavier, if you can do a set of 8 your still too light on the wieghts. Its just me I guess, but i grow and gain strength best in the 3-5 rep range. and I always force reps on my last set, at least two, you gotta rip the muscle apart, then let it heal to get stronger, the more you rip it, the stronger it will grow back. (untill it stops, then you gotta shock the monkey umm system.)

With that dien dick of urs I dont think u can no longer shock the monkey :D

slayer of souls 04-07-2005 07:58 PM

thanks for all your tips! I did heavy weights @ low reps and less sets. I did not feel such great contractions but I left the gym looking huge and pumped. I will keep on doing this for a couple of weeks and hopefully I will see some progress.

Thanks again!

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