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ChinPieceDave667 09-13-2007 07:19 AM

Wednesday's Workout

50 Seconds rest between each set. 1.5 minutes between each exercise.

Clean & Front Squat: 9x2 @ 205 lbs. 11x2 @ 195
JS Rows: 12x2 @ 195
DB Curl and Press: 6x4 @ 50
Dips: 12x3 @ 90

Crunches 4x30

Great workout but the start was a little rough. I thought I would be able to do more on Clean and squat but I really started to gas out and had to drop the weight. I usually do BB curl and press but I wanted to try something different and it was a nice change of pace.

ChinPieceDave667 09-14-2007 04:44 PM

Friday's Workout

45 Seconds rest between each set. 1.5 minutes between each exercise.

Clean & Press: 10x2 @ 185 lbs.
Curl Grip Chin-ups: 10x2 @ 35
BB Bench: 10x1 @ 255
Deads: 8x1 @ 315 :arg:

Crunches 4x25 @ 12lb. medicine ball
Leg Raises 3x10 @ 12lb. medicine ball

Well, if there is one thing to be said about Oly. lifting it's that if you don't have built up callus on your hands, you will be in pain. Well, from not doing them in a while I just so happen to get a blister where my middle finger connects to my palm, where you would normally get calluses. At about set 13 one Cleans the blister tears. At set 6 on Deads it starts bleeding, at set 8, I'm in too much pain to continue. I was doing great the whole workout until the raw skin started to tear, then it was very hard to concentrate on form. Got through most of my workout without gassing. Can't wait till Monday. Hopefully my hand will be healed by then.

ChinPieceDave667 09-18-2007 06:30 AM

Monday's Workout

45 Seconds rest between each set. 1.5 minutes between each exercise.

Squat: 20x2 @ 315 lbs.
JS Rows: 12x2 @ 195
DB Curl and Press: 6x4 @ 50
Dips: 12x3 @ 90

Crunches 4x30

PM Training: 1 hr Muay Thai and 1hr BJJ

Well my hand is just about healed up but I did want to tear it open so I decided to add some weight and squat some bigger numbers. I love doing squats by itself. I didn't realize how much Cleans wears me out. I felt great doing JS Rows and the Curl and Press wasn't has hard either. I think I might keep doing just squats on this day just so I can keep my numbers up.
Muay Thai and BJJ were a lot better this day than last time. I feel my endurance starting to pick up again. I can't wait to get under 30 seconds rest.

hrdgain81 09-18-2007 06:47 AM

Lookin good dave, are you racking the bar on squats between sets? Its gonna be a pain in the ass once you get to 30 sec. Either way, good work and keep fighting the good fight bro.

ChinPieceDave667 09-18-2007 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by hrdgain81
Lookin good dave, are you racking the bar on squats between sets? Its gonna be a pain in the ass once you get to 30 sec. Either way, good work and keep fighting the good fight bro.

Thanks man.
Yup, I rack every time. I don't know how it will work out for under 30 sec. but it will be challenging and either way the heart rate will be high. I will most likely rack and just wait for the time to expire and just do it.

hrdgain81 09-18-2007 07:27 AM

^^ yeah, maybe stay under the bar while its racked or something, keeping your position an ready the next lift as you wait.

Oh yeah, i also wanted to get your opinion on something. Through the few months i was doing SE training, I found that it was harder for me to decrease my time interval (aka increase the # of reps per round) then it is to add strength. For instance when doing the starr 5x5, every week after my original PR i was increasing by 5lbs or so. Doing SE training, I was lucky if I added a set every two or 3 weeks. Have you been seeing the same type of thing?

ChinPieceDave667 09-18-2007 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by hrdgain81

Oh yeah, i also wanted to get your opinion on something. Through the few months i was doing SE training, I found that it was harder for me to decrease my time interval (aka increase the # of reps per round) then it is to add strength. For instance when doing the starr 5x5, every week after my original PR i was increasing by 5lbs or so. Doing SE training, I was lucky if I added a set every two or 3 weeks. Have you been seeing the same type of thing?

sometime if that happens I just do the same time next workout till I can get all the set in the time frame. Another option is to cut the time down by 15 seconds and stay there till you are able to do all the reps and sets in the time frame. So if you cut from 60 seconds to 45 you don't cut down to 30 second till you can do everything in the time frame. I feel that is a little too aggressive and I like doing the 5 second cuts more.

What I might do after I hit 10 seconds rest is take the weight I'm using and do a DC style day and see how many sets reps I can do, Then deload big time.

EricT 09-22-2007 10:47 AM

It's been too long since I posted in your journal so I thought I'd stop by to say hey and to wish for your continued success. that's what I'm doing :D. Looking good as usual.

Maybe you should get some chalk for those pulls.

ChinPieceDave667 09-23-2007 08:12 AM

Long time no see.... on this thread. :)
I was thinking about getting some chalk again. I've just been so busy at work, it keeps slipping my mind. I had to take the rest of the week off because of work and I'm hoping to get back in this Monday and start again.

Pitysister 09-23-2007 04:28 PM

you ever watch metalocalypse dude? if can find their new album out on the net...."the dethalbum"....

good stuff :)

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