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ChinPieceDave667 08-05-2008 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by hrdgain81 (Post 62959)
Looking good Dave, bangin out the burpees dude.

Nice garage btw, I'm diggin the kegs in the back ahhaha.

oops.. :banghead: forgot to mention. that's not me. Although he does kinda look like me. I found the youtube clip to show others what the movement looks like.

TALO 08-05-2008 01:49 PM

Good work man. Those look hard and wearing , might try them just so I know how you feel , but I wouldn't add them to an everyday thing.:biglaugh:

EricT 08-05-2008 02:06 PM

I looked back through the journal, Dave, wondering about your back. You said you tweaked you back at one point and then your lower back was acting/up or tightening up. Is this related?

Well anyway, the stretching should help but you know when something is tightening up stretching is more a palliative thing rather than a cure. In other words it doesn't adress WHY it's doing that. When I had a similar problem with my back I figured it was a case of simple fatigue (from an endurance standpoint). What I would recommend is more core statics and things that will address endurance in the lower back. As well as the stretching to loosen it up, of course.

Great stuff and I hope the back feels better.

ChinPieceDave667 08-06-2008 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Eric3237 (Post 63020)
I looked back through the journal, Dave, wondering about your back. You said you tweaked you back at one point and then your lower back was acting/up or tightening up. Is this related?

Well anyway, the stretching should help but you know when something is tightening up stretching is more a palliative thing rather than a cure. In other words it doesn't address WHY it's doing that. When I had a similar problem with my back I figured it was a case of simple fatigue (from an endurance standpoint). What I would recommend is more core statics and things that will address endurance in the lower back. As well as the stretching to loosen it up, of course.

Great stuff and I hope the back feels better.

Yeah, I know it's a core problem. I'm making sure that the next two weeks are going to address that in my workouts with more core and KB work. But I'm feeling much better and from the stretching, KB mobility work and not squatting real heavy, I'm giving myself a chance to heal up and work more efficiently, i.e., less injuries.

ChinPieceDave667 08-06-2008 06:00 AM

Tuesday's Workout

35 minute HIIT Run:

Crunches 3x20
Leg lifts 3x15
Crunch Twists 3x15

PM Training:
1.5 hours of Submission Wrestling

My back is feeling tons better but my cardio sucks. :arg: Got schooled in class last night by one of the guys I use to be equally matched with. Goes to show what persistence will get you.. Class was great but I couldn't finish the last 2 rounds of sparring out of 6, so I have something to shoot for, note each round is 5-6 minutes. Diet is getting better so I'm getting excited about that. Everything is going well. I'm going to start Yoga again but I need the funds for it, so that will be in a couple of weeks.

Funny story. I just got done class and I'm beat. I go into the lobby of the gym and I see this hot chick come in and she glances over and looks at me for a while. Then she gives me this smile and I'm thinking, "Hell yeah, she hot and she digs me. Ego is feeling good." Then I look over at a window that looks out onto the street and I see my reflection... Yeah... I F'in looked like Will Ferrel in Zoolander, Mugatu, my hair was all standing up on end. Damn, she was laughing at my hair... Ego is now way down.. Oh well.

ChinPieceDave667 08-07-2008 05:38 AM

Wednesday's Workout

DB Bench: 5x5 @ 80, 85, 90, 95, 100

KB rounds:
Snatch, KB high pulls, Cleans, Swings 3x5 @ 16kg.

1 minute break

Medicine Ball Core twists: 3x20 @ 12lbs.
Jump Rope: 1 min.

1 min. break, then start back at KB rounds. I'll explain.

Crunches 3x20
KB Windmills 3x5 @ 16kg.

I wanted to do something different so I did DB bench, which I can't even tell you the last time I did that, and a drill my brother told me about but I made it a little harder.

So what I did was place two kettlebells about 25 ft. apart from each other. I would start at one side, lets say the right, and do KB Snatches with that arm for a set of 5. Then place it down and side step as fast as I could all the way to the other kettlebell and do that side for a set of 5. Then go back and do KB high pulls, then go back and forth till I got all the KB exercises done, i.e., No rest. After I got all the KB exercises done, I would rest for a minute and then start the medicine ball twists, going from left to right would count as 1. After I got done one set of that I would jump rope for a minute, rest a minute and repeat for 2 more sets.

I was so dead after this I had problems keeping my form on the windmills but was at least able to get some done.
Great workout, and I jacked my heart rate up, my monitor said I averaged 160 with a max of 200. I made sure I cooled down by taking a couple laps around the room I was in and stretching out. I feel good and the diet is doing well.

MONSTAFACE 08-07-2008 08:09 AM

damn. that seems like a killer work out. i bet you felt like passin gout when you were done. shit i would have passed out lol

ChinPieceDave667 08-07-2008 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by MONSTAFACE (Post 63190)
damn. that seems like a killer work out. i bet you felt like passin gout when you were done. shit i would have passed out lol

Yeah... when I was laying down stretching my back, I made sure to stay down for just a bit longer.:biglaugh:

Pitysister 08-07-2008 01:07 PM

what all do you do for back stretching?

ChinPieceDave667 08-08-2008 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 63216)
what all do you do for back stretching?

mostly, when laying down, pulling my knees into my chest and pulling my knee across my body and having it touch the floor while I try and keep my upper and mid back flat on the ground. Also, hanging from a pull-up bar, touching your toes and pulling on a door nob will your back curled in, I don't know how else to explain it.

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