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verbatimreturned 05-13-2006 08:56 AM

Day 3:Morning Cardio
30 Minutes on the treadmill :)

verbatimreturned 05-13-2006 09:01 AM

Day 4: Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps
Seated Dumbbell Press 3 8-10 40's to warm up, then 55, 60, 65
Seated Side Laterals 3 8-10 20, 25, 30's
Bent over Laterals 3 8-10 30, 35, 40
Shrugs 3 8-10 * Moved these to day II
Close Grip Bench 3 8-10 (did skullcrushers instead, no perticular reason for this, but I will be doing close grip bench next week)
Overhead Dumbbell Extension 3 8-10 60, 65, 70
Straight Bar Press-down 3 8-10 dont remeber
Standing Barbell Curls 3 8-10 70, 80, 80
Inclined Dumbbell Curls 3 8-10 35's, 40's, 35's
Hammer Curls 2-3 8-10 forgot
Leg Lifts 4 12-15 nothing special to note here

I did cardio, not scheduled. But my home alarm system went off at like 2:30 in the middle of the night because of a power outage, so I was up basically a large majority of the night, I decided I might as well make the best of it, So i sat there until 5:00 and then just did some cardio and went on with the day lol

verbatimreturned 05-13-2006 09:09 AM

Day 5: Legs
Squats 4 8-10 (total of 6 sets, I took Erics advice, and warmed up by doing squats not stretches) I also did a heavy set of 5 for the last set,
Leg Extensions 3 8-10 (legs felt a little bit tired on these, and I didnt do nearly as much as the normal weight, but this is due to the squats first)
Stiff-Legged Dead Lifts 3 8-10 same technic as usual 135 for these, worst part was I had a slight asthma attack and forgot my inhaler at home lol, so I was taking like 5 minute breaks between sets to catch my breath
Lying Leg Curls 3 8-10 70, 80 90
Leg Presses 3 8-10 3 plates each side, 4 plates, 5 plates
Lunges 3 8-10 held 20's and walked around lol
Crunches 4 12-15

I took erics, advice on the stretching


PNF has been shown in studies to cause short-term gains in strength so that is why I mentioned it. Whereas traditional static stretching is more likely to do just the opposite.
you were 100% right with this (not that I doubted it) but I did some light squats instead of stretching and I actually did have an easier time going through my usual poundages, and was able to go much heavier on this. I did some stretching after my workout

Darkhorse 05-24-2006 07:09 PM





EricT 05-24-2006 07:10 PM

He's sick today.

verbatimreturned 05-25-2006 08:55 AM

been to lazy to update lol but I can promise you all that I've been working out. Ill update later tonight lol:biggthumpup:

verbatimreturned 05-25-2006 06:18 PM

Ok since I'm obviously extremely far behind on this (well only a few days after my usual weekly update) I'm just going to sum up everything as far as last week in one post. So far this has been working, I'm visably smaller (due to fat lose) What I'm looking to do is possibly incorperate some type of HITT cardio, instead of my usual 30 minutes 4 MPH on the steepest incline on the treadmill in my basement. My workouts have all been done, I havent missed one yet :) Last sunday I weighted myself and I was 1.5 lbs. lighter, so I guess thats positive, then again I really dont care about what the scale says as long as I look good in the mirror. I wanna get some calipers so I can measure my bodyfat instead of steping on to a scale, I think thats more reliable as far as keeping track of weightlose (any good recommendations as far as brands/where to by would be awsome) Strength has basically remained the same, except for my bench. Which I believe has actually went up, in school I put up 225 for 2 reps. (I've done that for 5 reps before, but not in a looong time) As of now, I'm probably going to be running this diet for alot longer 4, 5 more weeks then see where I'm at.

EricT 05-26-2006 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Verb
then again I really dont care about what the scale says as long as I look good in the mirror.

I would just stick with that.

verbatimreturned 05-28-2006 08:23 AM

Day 7: Cardio
Woke up this morning and got this outta the way. I think I'm gunna start updating this on a daily basis instead of a weekly so I dont slack like last week lol:biggthumpup:

verbatimreturned 05-28-2006 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Eric3237
I would just stick with that.

Yeah thats what I'm gunna probably end up doing. Maybe I'll get some calipers if I have some money laying around, always wanted to know my BF% so it would be interesting for me to find out

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