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Pitysister 07-13-2008 11:58 AM

yeah....i could rig up something with the plywood and tire no prob....

good reading btw :)

i been thinking about a good place to would probably not mind trampled grass...less he has to mow....and their neighbors are douche i would not stand out.

Kane 07-14-2008 07:09 AM

Alot of tire shops that service larger truck (dumptrucks, transports, tractors, etc.) will have a pile of used or fucked up tires that are just sitting around or waiting to be tossed at the end of the month. You could try and pick one of those up cheap, and the starting weight of a truck tire is probably around 40-50lbs.

I had an old truck tire and I cut a circular piece of plywood that was just a bit bigger than the size of the rim, I popped the plywood inside and it made a base on the inside of the tire. Then I just put an old paint can filled with rocks in it. Tires have lots of room inside and with the plywood in there you dont have to worry about keeping it attached to the tire.

It's especially good for the winter because you don't have to worry about the plywood digging into the snow and jamming (or breaking), the tire doesn't dig in (it sinks a bit) and it still provides as much or more resistance than pulling on asphalt or gravel.

Pitysister 07-14-2008 01:21 PM

there is a tire place right next to my parent's i forgot about...they just throw old tires out a side window until their guy comes and picks them up...jackpot.

Pitysister 07-18-2008 02:50 PM

before i forget....on box squats for de it a percentage used?

Darkhorse 07-18-2008 03:47 PM

I wouldn't worry about it for now since you're just starting out. Try 50% and go from there. If you're not extremely fast, lower the weight further. For raw lifters, the percentages are higher than what are commonly recommended. Additionally, the percentages are just loose guidelines. I know I'm usually a lot higher than what is recommended.

Pitysister 07-18-2008 06:32 PM

sweet...thanks dude... long is a mesocycle...basically when do i stop deads being my me lower...and start on squats?

Pitysister 07-18-2008 06:36 PM

also...i've been doing some rear delt/scap work on tuesdays and saturdays....low weight...high reps.

band pulldowns behind head....scap pushups...db pressups...rear flyes....and prone trap raises...

i haven't really noticed any fatigue with doing it this way...usually 2 sets of 10 or 20...think it's ok to keep it on tuesday/saturday?

Darkhorse 07-19-2008 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pitysister (Post 61576)
sweet...thanks dude... long is a mesocycle...basically when do i stop deads being my me lower...and start on squats?

You could go 3 weeks without any problem whatsoever. Try going three weeks before rotating. You could stand to benefit from doing more work than singles too. 3 x 3 static, pyramid, 3 RM, rotate would be a good idea if you felt up to it. That means the first week is the same weight for all reps, second week you'd pyramid to a top set w/ 2 of those sets being > 90%, then that final week is a true 1-3 RM to measure progress before rotating. Then whenever they come up again, you have something to base your progress on.


Originally Posted by Pitysister
also...i've been doing some rear delt/scap work on tuesdays and saturdays....low weight...high reps.

band pulldowns behind head....scap pushups...db pressups...rear flyes....and prone trap raises...

i haven't really noticed any fatigue with doing it this way...usually 2 sets of 10 or 20...think it's ok to keep it on tuesday/saturday?

If you feel good then do it. When I do the four day westside, I hit my rear delts/upper back all four days, then sled pulls on top of that. Like you, I only go heavy twice a week. What I found works great for me is to do my rear delt work on upper days (ie. face pulls, rear laterals, reverse pec dec, banded pullaparts, ect), then my heavy rowing on lower days. Then again, it totally depends on how I feel.

Pitysister 07-21-2008 01:29 PM

i'm gonna add these in today:

mainly because....she's cute. and i wanted to share her with y'all :)

Pitysister 07-30-2008 02:06 PM

is there a limit to how many reps above 90% you can on me days?

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