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Old 10-30-2008, 10:43 AM
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please don't get butt hurt because we don't really need a health forum.
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Old 10-30-2008, 10:47 AM
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Maybe you misread my post, I wasn't saying I don't think we should add a health forum. I was saying I don't think you should keep your opinions to yourself

I was to lazy to quote so I just did the old ^^
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Old 10-30-2008, 10:58 AM
john917v john917v is offline
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Mad Matt, I'm pretty new around here, and I've been accepted from the beginning. There are some forums that are real garbage. The members are total jerks, the mods. are as well. It's real nice here.
As far as ideas, let us know. We like hearing different things. The only bad idea is one that isn't heard. I think the health thread is a neat idea. But, I think it would be kind of hard to do a health section. What do you think would be good to talk about there?
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Old 10-30-2008, 11:07 AM
EricT EricT is offline
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People are just stating their opinions, Matt..
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Old 10-30-2008, 12:33 PM
mad matt mad matt is offline
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Ok guys, i just feel that if EricT had suggested it then most people would have said "good idea". As for why i suggested it, well the whole concept of bodybuilding concerns health. If someone decides to start bulking then there are health issues to consider. How many people bodybuild and smoke? and how does smoking affect that training, how do other drugs affect training? People could share thier experiences when comming back from injury. Ive checked other web sites out and by far this is the best, and ive had some good advice from Pity, Ross and others. Anyway i dont mean to be shirty dudes
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Old 10-30-2008, 01:18 PM
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you can ask any of those questions in the training forum....and/or in the open conversation forum
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Old 10-30-2008, 01:18 PM
EricT EricT is offline
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You're getting little whiny there. I get a "good idea" about as often as I get a bullet in the head. Make another post about ME and we will have a bit of a problem. I don't even know who the heck you are.

As far as suggestion, I myself, don't constantly ask for stuff from Sleazy, who, does this out of the goodness of his heart. And if I do, it's little things.

You want to be truthful, making a suggestion is cool, but having twenty some odd posts and then WHINING about peoples reaction to it is NOT getting off to a good start here.

If there was a forum made from every suggestion, which are MANY and usually from new members, this place would be ridiculous. You have to consider how much traffic a certain forum would get and usually you judge by the amount of interest that subject already seems to generate. Health, as it pertains to bodybuilding is already covered here in nutrition and such. As far as the broader definition of health an your assertion that that is what bodybuilding is about...you must not have know many bodybuilders. You have health concious bodybuilders for sure but bodybuilding does not MEAN health by any means.

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If you act sanctimonious I will just list out your logical fallacies until you get pissed off and spew blasphemous remarks.
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Old 10-30-2008, 01:41 PM
john917v john917v is offline
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Mad Matt, there isn't really any favoritism here. We all just get along. There's no cool/influential group, like in school. Except for me, I'm the coolest. JK
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Old 10-30-2008, 01:59 PM
mad matt mad matt is offline
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I didnt think the threat was needed however if ive upset anyone then im sorry.
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Old 10-30-2008, 02:01 PM
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eric virutally threatened me one time.
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