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Darkhorse 05-10-2005 05:58 PM

It's always easiest to learn as young as possible. The most spanish I retained was in the 7th and 8th grades. Say, wasn't this topic No-Xplode? :D

verbatimreturned 05-11-2005 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by apocalypse
I took spanish in high school for one year, but hated it. The first class that I went to, I was placed wrong in college level spanish, and hell I didnt even know the letters or numbers, so the teacher asked me something in spanish and I answered saying, Mucho Grande Nachos!! That was all the spanish I knew. The teacher kicked me out of class, I went straight to the principal and told him, I am placed in the wrong class by mistake and I need a schedule change, since i was a principal's honor student, he already knew me, I never had to take a look at that ugly beeotch one more time.

lmfao thats a great story! :D

apocalypse 05-11-2005 10:21 AM

Me and u did our fair share in hijacking this thread, 311. :D

Darkhorse 05-11-2005 06:05 PM

Well in all fairness to us, there is only so much bad things to say about NO2 products in a thread. We kept this thread from dying. :p

apocalypse 05-11-2005 08:16 PM

Every time we post something off topic, it bumps this thread up to the top. Who else agrees with me, NO2 sucks ass?? It just gave companies like MuscleTech another chance to scam poor souls, who believe any shit a supplement company says.

Darkhorse 05-11-2005 08:55 PM

Agreed. Newbies see Jay Cutler on a four page spread with some slump-tech in his hands and they think that's the reason he's so big. :D

Boxing Raven 05-11-2005 09:24 PM

Come on guys, give peace (and NO2 products) a chance...
1. I've used a few NO2 products, specifically 4EverFit's "AKG2", and "Detonator".

2. AKG2 is in the form of capsules. The compound that causes the diolation is called "arginine alpha-ketoglutarate". The capsules have no taste. You take 4 at a time, on empty stomach. They really, really lowered my blood pressure. Actually, too much. I became very vascular (which I am not by nature), and I was happy with that. I also noticed some increase in my pump, which was a bonus (although it was not nearly what the ad's claimed it would be). Basically though, I only purchased the NO2 product in order to increase my vascularity, and any thing else was a bonus to me. I experienced some problems with the AKG2 tablets, they made my chest feel, deep and breathing difficult for short momments. I also had trouble doing cardio while I was taking them, I always felt sluggish and starving, but my lifts went up a little bit. It is noteworthy that I have constantly monitored my blood pressure while taking these NO2 products, and I would highly recommend you doing the same. Case in point, on the AKG2 product, I noticed that my blood pressure began to get dangerously low about 1 hour after digestion, so I backed off from 4 capsules twice daily, to 2 capsules 4 times daily. This worked.

3. Detonator is a powder form, and it tastes like Yak p*ss. (it's really awful) It's a 3 to 1 ratio formula of Nitrous Malate to AAKG and Nitrous Malate to OAKG. So because there are different types of vasodilators, and this product puts together 3 of the best, so that if you do not react to one all that great, you get hit by the others. I have not experienced any of the unpleasant effects of the AKG2 product. The pumps have been slightly better. I have not found myself fatigued on Detonator. I have found myself slightly more hungry, but not as much as with the AKG2.

4. Something that may be of interest to some of you, I was forwarned that NO2 products can produce....ummm....increased blood flow to certain other area's of the body, and I can speak from first hand experience (no pun intended) that I've been getting 2 hour erections since I started taking the product. Not just once a day, but randomly as well as on call. The wife is liking it, so even if I decide to stop taking the NO2, I'll probably end up finding it mixed in with my food anyway. :D

Boxing Raven 05-11-2005 09:51 PM

Taurus - Don't do that man. I'm very susceptible to erhhhmmm...problems right now, and I'm at friggin work! No talking about Gina Lee Nolin while I'm under the influence of these products!

Frontline 05-11-2005 10:00 PM

I didn't notice any increased "blood flow" from no-xplode, but I have serious problems when I'm on yohimbrine hcl. Seriously I have to be careful when wearing shorts downtown in case some young vixen is walking in front of me. I've even had to sit down and clear my mind a few times :cool:

Boxing Raven 05-11-2005 10:13 PM

Thanks dude!

All better now. I was getting concerned. Actually, my office has 5 very attractive females between 21 and 25 years old, so...I just stay pu :D t at my desk.

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