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Thermo life: Dicana/Stizm

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Old 01-23-2006, 10:52 AM
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Default Thermo life: Dicana/Stizm

Just recieved my package from thermolife. I will begin tomorrow with the dicana only, asses it for a week, then add in stizm.

I will wiegh in and post stats tom. morning. And will update my wieght and measurements every 6-7 days.

Diet: My diet has 3 seperate 'days', high carb on lifting days, lower carb on non lifting days, and refeeds every 7 days. As I continue to cut, my macros will slowly decrease.

lifting days: 200g protien, 150g carb, 120g fat
non: 200g protien,100g carb, 120g fat
refeed: 200+g protien, 200g carb, 100g fat

training: HST cycle, in my 4th week, 3 full body workouts per week, progressive loading.

Cardio: 12min empty stomach morning cardio on lift days, 30min martial arts or tredmil work on non lift days. (sundays off)

fish oil
Activite (aprox 2 weeks left)

Feel free to post up comments or questions.
I don't do this for my family, my friends, women, accolades, pride, or ego. I do it for me and no one else, its just part of who I am.
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Old 01-23-2006, 11:39 AM
RoryL RoryL is offline
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I'm looking forward to this.
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Old 01-24-2006, 05:26 AM
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Day 1

starting wieght 221lbs

Initial reactions none, No imediate effects from a single dose of dicana.

I have decided to drop the Activite from this stack.

I cant wait till its in full swing either rory
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Old 01-25-2006, 05:25 AM
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Day 2

I caught a little bug early this week, missed my first workout, and my cardio yesterday. I am going to see if i can work through it, but if I'm as tired as I've been the last two days I will have to skip again tonight ... being sick sucks.
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Old 01-28-2006, 07:25 AM
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Day 4

I wiegh myself upon waking on saterday mornings.

wieght: 219lbs (-2lbs)

Diet: my diet was shit this week, because of being sick i ate way to many carbs, and slouched on my timing. I am very suprised i lost any wieght at all.

Training: This was the final week of my 8 rep max's in a modified HST cycle. My strength has been consistant, but my stamina has not. being sick took its toll, and I have been losing reps on my secondary sets on most lifts.

deadlift 275x8x8
Flat bench 275x7x4
incline db press 100x5x3 (just had nothing on these)
high pulls 135x8x8
chins bwx8x7
db shruggs 110x8x8
standing calv raises 380x8x8

Cardio: I missed all my cardio this week because of the sickness. again, suprised i lost anything.

Dicana: I still have not felt the heat some talk about while on it, I dont feel much effect at all. But because of my shitty diet this week, and my lack of cardio, i believe that it is doing something. I will keep my dosage at 2 a day split morning and night, add in stizm on monday at 2 a day, morning and afternoon and see how it goes.
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Old 02-01-2006, 11:11 AM
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Day 8

notes: Things just keep getting in the way of me staying focused. I was called in for jury duty the last two days. so that completely screwed up my diet. It has set me back at work, and that will further hinder my progress. Working later to pick up the slack sucks my ass.

But as always i'll make the best of it. My workouts have not suffered this week. I started my fives monday and will continue with it. I think the cold i had is just about gone so i wont have to worry about tit anymore.

I am running dicana at one morning one night, and stizm one morning, one afternoon this week. I will gradually increase both if needed next week. I am still not feeling any of the heat others have mentioned, and my apetite hasnt
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Old 02-01-2006, 11:51 AM
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keep it up man. I feel your pain.
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Old 02-04-2006, 08:52 AM
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Day 11

Training: Strength is holding up nicely. I pushed through 280x5 for two sets and got 3 on the last one, last night. I was a little disapointed on the last set, but my breathing was off and I wasnt as focused as I should have been. Dam red head at the gym was distracting me

wieght: 225 (+6lbs)

now this seems a bit drastic to me. I dont believe its possible to put on six lbs of fat in one weeks time, especially not in a caloric deficit like I am at. so there must be another explination. Either I'm holding extra water for some reason, or my glycogen stores are full ... or both. I dont apear to be any heavier then last saterday, but its hard to tell looking in a mirror. I will reserve my judgement on this week, stick to my diet and see what happens.

Cardio: I've been a little lax with this so I'm going to get more focused. I'm going to up my morning cardio by 2min, and my non lifting day cardio I will up the intensity.

Supplient notes: I have been seeing some tightness in my jaw, and in the back of my neck. The neck could just be soreness from lifting hard, but the jaw shouldnt be. I have also had added stress at work, so this could be contributed to it also. I am keeping my dosages the same for next week.
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Old 02-12-2006, 12:42 PM
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Day 18

Training: This week was pretty shitty as far as lifting goes. Work has been pushing me and i had company all week. So both those things hindered my focus, but since it was my final week of 5's I stuck it out and push through. Here are some numbers from my routine.

flat barbell bench: 295x4x3x2
wide grip pullups: 15x5x5x4
Hack squat: 255x5x5x5
deadlift: 295x5x5x5 (seperate day from hacks)

strength is holding, but I exspected more ... I am not displeased with the numbers though.

Cardio: I was again pretty lax with cardio mainly because i had house guests, and because i once again need to fix my tredmill. Unfortunately i only had 4 cardio sessions instead of the 6 i was shooting for this week.

Diet: Was again lax, but i had company ect ect, insert excuse here bla bla bla.

Suppliment notes: I am feeling no effects from these supps as of right now. Which is good IMO. I dont like feeling like I"m not me when taking something, and harsh stims often do that to me. I will kick up my dosage of Dicana tomorrow to 3 ed. and see how that goes.

wieght: 219, I have had a few people, including the gf, tell me my ass disapeared in the last week or so. I can see definate thinning out in the mid sec ect. I am veyr pleased with how this is going, even though the scale hasnt changed much.
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Old 02-19-2006, 08:46 AM
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Day 24

Personal note:

So life has pretty much sucked lately. Working 12+ hour days on average for the past week. I'm exhausted all the time now. I hit the gym only once this week, and i just havent done any cardio at all. my diet has gone to shit, having little to no time to eat or prepare meals is killing me. But even with all this ...

wieght: 218

and even my boss asked if the "stress from work is making me lose wieght". that shit cracked me up, because i'm the type to eat more, and make shitty food choices when extreme stress kicks in. Hopefully next week I will be able to get my shit back on track.
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