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How To Build Bigger Biceps In 3 Easy Steps by Jeff Anderson

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How To Build Bigger Biceps In 3 Easy Steps by Jeff Anderson How To Build Bigger Biceps In 3 Easy Steps by Jeff Anderson
How To Build Bigger Biceps In 3 Easy Steps
by Jeff Anderson

Clint Eastwood wouldn't have been a very intimidating Dirty Harry if all he pulled out was a little .22 caliber pistol to make his point. He knew that to really make the bad guy's knees shake and the lady's legs quiver, a .44 Magnum was the weapon of choice?!

So when it comes to bicep development, why should you settle for second rate pea-shooters when you can pack some really big guns?

Let's face it, all men want big biceps. They're the easiest muscle to show off without getting undressed, women love to wrap their arms around them when walking down the street, and they're small!

Whoa, hold up there sparky…I didn't mean YOURS were small. I simply mean that compared with other muscles of the body, like your chest, back, and legs, your biceps are a relatively small muscle.

That's good news for you and me because it means that it's much easier to target your biceps for growth than it is to take on larger, more complicated muscle groups.

So why aren't YOURS the size of softballs yet?

One quick look around any local sweatbox and the answer becomes clear…most guys have absolutely no clue how to effectively work their arms!

But these 3 EASY STEPS are guaranteed to make sure you don't end up on the "loser list".


Because the biceps are a smaller muscle, and because they're used in compound exercises when working other muscle groups, your arms are more prone to overtraining than any other muscles of the body.

I'm sure you understand by now that your muscles grow when they're at REST, rather than work. So if you keep your biceps at work by targeting them more than once a week, you're setting yourself up for major disappointment!

This is where the "more is better" crowd will lose every time! Stick to only one targeted arms workout per week and you'll give them the much needed recovery time to pack on new muscle.


No, I'm not talking about your computer…I'm referring to your muscle's range of motion.

If you ever want to grow your bi's to their full potential, you must concentrate on hitting all of the muscle fibers. The only way to do this is to take the muscle from full "pronation" (arm extended, palm facing body) to full "supination" (arm curled, pinky turned in toward body).

Look, you're not impressing anyone, especially that cute red head over by the water cooler, by stacking up the EZ curl bar with massive weight and flopping your body all over the place like a hooked bass, your arms barely lowering the weight to full extension.

You MUST start every single repetition with your arms fully extended. (Yes…I know this makes the exercise harder, now grab a tissue, wipe away the tears, and get back to work!)

A little trick to help you accomplish this is to first briefly (like a split-second) flex your triceps before raising the weight each rep.

Since the only way to do this is to fully extend your arm, you'll know you've begun each rep in the optimum starting position to stimulate new muscle growth.


To get your biceps to become bigger, you first have to show them what it's like to be bigger.

Here's how it's done…

At the very top of your curl, when your bicep has peaked, squeeze the muscle hard for approximately 1-2 seconds.

Your curl will make the muscle contract, effectively setting up a "road block" in your bicep. That final squeeze you add will literally force blood, water, and lactic acid into the contracted muscle, causing an intense "pump".

In response, the muscle cells themselves begin to thicken, the capillaries within the muscle grow in number and size to hold more fluid, and stem cells split off to form new muscle fibers, already pre-programmed for growth.


Well, there you have it…but now comes the hard part. And NO, I'm NOT talking about picking the weight up and starting your curls.

The hard part will be forcing yourself to actually DECREASE the weight you currently use because, chances are, you've been padding your ego by working too heavy, while sacrificing the most effective ego-booster…BIGGER BICEPS!

But trust me, the growth you'll get from incorporating these 3 principles will more than compensate for your initially bruised ego.

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_Wolf_ on 04-15-2006, 11:28 PM
Default Don Long's Bicep Training

this article is from another bb website... thought it might help those who are obsessed with biceps... i'm still waiting for an awesome TRICEP program btw..

here is the link to the program:
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_Wolf_ on 04-15-2006, 11:34 PM
Default Ronnie Coleman on Biceps

i WOULD like to post this article, but its too difficult to get the tables, etc..

so i'll post the link instead:
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roadrider352 on 04-16-2006, 08:47 AM

Thanks for the post. That really answered some questions for me
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_Wolf_ on 04-16-2006, 09:06 AM

Originally Posted by [URL="http://www.bodybuilding.net/../members/roadrider352.html"
Thanks for the post. That really answered some questions for me
your welcome... glad to be of help
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verbatimreturned on 04-16-2006, 12:37 PM

Shouldn't we put all of these articles into the article section, so they are much easier to refer back to and so they dont get lost in all of the other training threads?
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EricT on 04-16-2006, 04:51 PM

Sixteen sets of arm curls anyone?

Don Long Bicep Training:

From Flex Magazine, August 1995
Originally Posted by Don Long?
If your biceps are a weak bodypart, don't be afraid to train them several times a week. Getting the blood and nutrients into the muscle more regularly will spur them into growth, and your mental desire to improve will outweigh any considerations of not allowing what is normally considered to be adequate recuperation time. Biceps are one of the smaller muscle groups, and they don't need the same period of recuperation as a large muscle group like quads or back. With regard to recuperation, I think the most important factor is getting eight hours of solid sleep a night. The bottom line with biceps; if you want them badly enough, you'll get them!
Are you trying to confuse me, Anuj? That's like the opposite of what the first article you posted said.

Originally Posted by Anuj
i'm still waiting for an awesome TRICEP program btw..
Just do 20 sets of assorted tricep extensions, anywhere from 12 to 16 reps. If that's not enough do it "several times a week". There, I've writen an awesome tricep routine!

Last edited by EricT; 04-16-2006 at 05:11 PM..
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Darkhorse on 04-16-2006, 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by verbatimreturned
Shouldn't we put all of these articles into the article section, so they are much easier to refer back to and so they dont get lost in all of the other training threads?
I agree Verb, done deal.
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_Wolf_ on 04-18-2006, 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by Eric3237
Sixteen sets of arm curls anyone?

Don Long Bicep Training:

Are you trying to confuse me, Anuj? That's like the opposite of what the first article you posted said.

Just do 20 sets of assorted tricep extensions, anywhere from 12 to 16 reps. If that's not enough do it "several times a week". There, I've writen an awesome tricep routine!

ok.. now you've got me confused as wel... :(
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EricT on 04-18-2006, 12:49 PM

And you're telling people to PM you for routines?

What's there to be confused about? The first article you posted says one thing, the Don Long article says the opposite. I haven't even bothered with the Ronnie Coleman one. Two opposite schools of thought in the same thread. Which is it?

You keep telling people they don't need to do a lot of bicep isolations. That the compound movements and heavy frequent squatting, etc is the key. You even told someone that biceps three times a week was hopeless....and you were on the right track for the most part, imo.

Then you post the Jeff Anderson article that basically agrees with that in spirit although it doesn't go into many specifics. But in the same thread you post something helpful for someone "obsessed with biceps". You're fence sitting.

The triceps thing was a joke. My point is that anyone can throw a bunce of isolations together with multiple rep ranges and sets and then claim that this one is for shape and this one is for that and this one is for that one little fiber that no other exercise will ever hit... Mine was better though cuz it went to 20. Wait a minute, I just thought of an improvement: Mine now goes to 21! This is muscle mag BS.

Originally Posted by Anuj
ok.. now you've got me confused as wel... :(
Don't blame me!
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