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Iron Man "HIT"

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Iron Man "HIT" Iron Man "HIT"
ok.. now dont flame me for posting this one... i'm merely adding more and more info onto this website...

i know of the endless debate between DC, IA and IM... and i am also aware that IM has stolen theories of IA and DC... but thats no reason why people should'nt know of the program...

Originally Written by MR. BICEPS

Yo Brothers in iron,

How many of you are using the IRON MAN "HIT" routine everyone has been raving about over at PROFESSIONAL MUSCLE????


I've had several request asking me to elaborate about my off season mass building routine. I will do my very best to explain it. If you have questions please feel free to ask as it can be hard to explain things with just one post.

First let me start by saying that our muscles contain two types of tissues, (type 1) and (type 2) fibers.. Type 2 fibers contain the most growth potential so those are the ones you will want to concentrate on if your a bodybuilder. Theres 3 sub-categories of these type-2 fibers. "A-fibers", "B-fibers" and "C-fibers." When all three type-2 fibers are worked it will make the difference between a guy who looks big and a guy who looks BIG!!!

Type A can be stimulated by hitting failure on a weight that will allow for the performance of 11-15 reps. Type B fibers with 6-10 reps and type C fibers will be stimulated by hitting failure in the 1-5 rep range. Good form is always a must!

Wait a good 3 minutes between sets to allow ATP/CP levels to replenish so the most weight can be used per set..Lactic acid builds up when one moves too rapid to the next set or when using advanced techniques such as pre-exhausted super sets. LACTIC ACID will destroy the bodies ability to regenerate ATP/CP. How affective your AAS program regimine works in conjunction with your training program will be determined by how well your body regenerates ATP/CP levels. When levels of ATP are made low they trap (ANDROGEN RECEPTOR SITES) and block the signal for the body to grow. Diet and proper rest between sets has a positive affect on ATP/CP.

As most have already figured out, it's the big basic exercises not the puny isolations exercises that will put the most mass/strength on your body. Show me a man who can use 350 lbs on the shoulder press and I'll show you a man with a big set of capped shoulders. Big Kiwi comes to mind here as his shoulders are massive from doing heavy presses behind his neck. Isolation exercises would not have built his deltoids to such monsterous proportions.

One heavy set of 1-5 reps will stimulate the C fibers such as that of powerlifting program and this will build up strength that cannot be achieved on a typical bodybuilding rep scheme of 8-12. Added strength allows one to break down more muscle tissue over a period of time forcing the muscles to expand in size. Just look at the muscle size on some powerlifters!

It was the great Phil Hernon himself who stated in a thread why use (chop sticks) to eat with when one can use a (shovel)? He is comparing chop stick to isolation exercises such as leg extensions for the quads and the shovel would be squats for that same muscle group. If you want to improve on the exercises that contribute the most to making progress in the size/strength category you need to build your workout around them. Phil makes a great point!

I believe in leaving isolation exercises for pre-comp/cutting "only" when more time under tension will be needed through the use of drop sets to burn calories and work the muscles more intensely. Bodybuilders should try and put less drain on the already vulnerable CNS during a cutting phase. Isolation movements can be incorporated to allow for more volume, yet cause less drain on the CNS as compared to adding in more enrgy draining compound movements. In additon "OVER-USE INJURIES" can be avoided when dieting down by adding isolation exercises. A higher level of volume will be needed and using "ONLY" compound movements can result in "OVER-USE" injuries.

Lifting "heavy" on a long term basis with heavy isolation movements in the off season has damaged many a joints because they are not considered a natural movement for our bodies! If your joints becomes irritated with a particular basic exercises simply change to another basic exercise if needed. For example; if inclines begin bothering your rotator cuff switch to declines but its imperative to use the exercise that makes your particular body grow best, not what is working for your training partner. We all differ a bit in how our bodies responds to certain exercises. I prefer 15 degree declines for overall chest development where as a 30 degree decline works my arms and shoulders too much. My old mentor Bill likes 15 degree inclines best. My other training partner excels with flat presses. GO FIGURE! If changing exercises doesn't help the joint irritation issue at hand simply rest the injury so it can heal.Then get back after it!!!

DOGCRAPP stated in a thread that the shape of our muscles cannot be changed. In other words you will in no way turn a blocky person into a small waisted symmetrical one by using certain exercises such as those of the isolation version, or by not using certain exercises like heavy compound movements.. DC makes a great point!

BIG A said in a thread he uses mostly "incline presses" for chest but his lower chest still grows the most because it's the way his chest genetics are laid out. He stated there is no such things as an upper chest and a lower chest. Simply said, a muscle contracts as a whole. Big A makes a great point!

Iron Addict asked in one thread what musculoskeletal muscles would be out of balance if "ONLY" one basic exercise (the most important one) per body part was performed? He makes a great point!

Sammy's dad stated in a thread that Ronnie Coleman is really only doing "3" sets to failure per body part twice a week not "12" if you where to exclude all his time consuming warm up sets. Sammy's dad makes a great point!

Theres 4 main reason why working a muscle group "TWICE" each week is better than only "ONCE." (#1) Is explained by DC. If you can break a muscle down more frequently and then let it re-build you get more growth cycles. (#2) You are able to use the most weight for any rep range on the first 3 sets for any particular muscle group, therefore you'll break down more muscle tissue with 3 sets done twice weekly as opposed to 6 sets done once a week.(#3) Each body part has it's own individual (protein turn over rate) and I think every body part needs to be treated as a lagging body part. Training any body part with more frequency produces more "circulatory androgens" similar to that of a site-injection protocol.That's why you will frequently hear of trainers hitting a "weak" muscle group (twice per week) as opposed to (once). Theres 4 reasone working a muscle group TWICE a week is better than ONCE.(#1) Is explained by DC. If you can break a muscle down more frequently and then let it re-build you get more growth cycles. (#2) You are able to use the most weight for any rep range on the first 3 sets for any particular muscle group, therefore you'll break down more muscle tissue with 3 sets done twice weekly as opposed to 6 sets done once a week.(#3) Each body part has it's own individual (protein turn over rate) and I think every body part needs to be treated as a lagging body part. Training any body part with more frequency produces more "circulatory androgens" similar to that of a site-injection protocol.That's why you will frequently hear of trainers hitting a "weak" muscle group (twice per week) as opposed to (once). (#4) Another very important advantage to be gained by working every muscle group "TWICE" each week as opposed to only "ONCE" is being able to rotate different exercises for a particular muscle group once the body reaches a plateau with that one particuar exercise you have decided works best for each body part. After a period of time the body develop what is know as fiber recruitment pattern burnout from doing the same exercises over and over. "BUT" changing to another exercise altogether leaving the "MAIN MASS BUILDER" up on the shelf for a period of time (for example 6-8 weeks) is a BIG MISTAKE!!! What happens is the bodies neural pathways goes into "DE-TRAINING" where it has to "re-learn" the (MAIN MASS BUILDING) exercises all over again much like someone learning how to walk again after being involved in a bad accident. My program is designed so that you find the "ONE" main mass building exercises for a muscle group that works best for your particular body, then you milk that exercises for all it's worth until it quits producing results. Once you discontinue to show improvements with that exercise alternate your MAIN MASS BUILDING EXERCISES (for e.g.; declines) with the ALTERNATE EXERCISE (for e.g.; inclines) every other workout until you start seeing strength gains once again. It's best to discontinue using the "ALTERNATE" exercise altogether and do only the "MAIN" exercise once the plateau has been broken by 10 lbs on upper body exercises and 20 lbs on lower body exercises.

_Wolf_ on 04-15-2006, 06:06 AM

On and on I could go but I think you get the point. Keep in mind you get the most for your efforts with the first 3 sets. This is talked about in Bill Pearls book "GETTING STRONGER". After 3 sets you get less results for your efforts. So spend your energy on the exercises (that count the most) with the first 3 sets (that count the most) by attacking the A-B-C type- 2 fibers, which (count the most) and by using that one and only exercise that (counts the most). Leave the rest of your success to genetics, nutrition, drugs, and rest.

Heres where some tend to get and quickly overtrain their CNS and larger muscle groups putting a halt to any strength gains that could have been made long term. They been taught through MUSCLE MAGS that it requires more sets to stimulate a "larger" muscle groups like quads, as opposed to the "smaller" muscle groups like the biceps. The answer would be "NO IT DOES NOT"!! Why? Because the smaller muscle groups in exception to forearms and the lower back recover at a faster rate than the larger muscle groups. The biceps recover quicker than any other bodypart even though they are considered a small muscle group. For larger muscle groups such as the legs, it take longer for the cells and muscle fibers to elevate protein synthesis along with the extra time needed for the CNS to regain its composure. Regardless of what many may have been led to believe the chest is actually a "SMALL" muscle group like the arms.Traps are actually a large muscle group not a small one because they cover nealry 1/3 of the total back mass. The calves are a small muscle group but receover very fast. Deltoids are considered a large muscle group like that of the legs and lats, yet they get pounded so hard with chest/back work they are easy to overtrain. I think you can see what I say here as it makes common sense.

Why do a push pull routine? Because of PTOR (protein turn over rate). If for example, you trained lats heavy on Monday and then trained your biceps the following day, it would most certainly disrupt the anabolic phase of the biceps growth and recovery process due to secondary involvement during the "compound" lat movement you performed on the prior day. This would make for poor bicep growth.

Some may ask; but wouldn't it limit my ability to use as much weight as possible on shoulder and tricep exercises after pounding the chest? As with any training program the body quickly adapts. Anyone who has ever incorporated a pre-exhaustion program for a particular muscle group knows that at first the weights used will be less until the muscles adapt to the change. Once your system gets used to training delts and triceps after chest the amount of weight you'll be able to use rises at a rapid rate. Wait 5-15 minutes depending on your time re-straints before going to the next body part so maximum strength can be regained. Waiting only 3 minutes between exercies in "NOT" enough!! Sit on a bench doing nothing during this time..Be that Big guy who sits around on his butt as though he's doing nothing, yet hes the BIG GUY..

Why a total of 6 sets for overall back work as opposed to 3 sets? This is decieving because in reality your only doing 3 sets for your lats "chinups" (not rows). Ever notice how the DOGCRAPP routine employs only one exercies per body part in exception to the overall back? The reason being lat pulldowns hit the lats where as row hit the muscle of the mid back. This is two different muscle groups just as the quads are the antagonist for the hamstrings. By not doing 3 sets sets of rows along with 3 sets of chins ups it would be like doing 3 sets of bicep work and leaving out the tricep. That would cause a severe muscle imbalance. So your only doing 3 sets for lats. The other 3 sets (rows) are for the upper/inner back thickness muscles..

This program consist of doing two warm up sets per body part. The first warm up set should be very light and about 15 reps. The second warm up set will consist of a moderate weight for 6-8 reps. (In noway should these sets be fatiguing). Then 3 total work sets per body part are to be performed. Work the type 2- B-fibers first.Then perform a 2nd set hitting the low repped A-fibers. Finish off by blasting the C-fibers. When wroking legs and traps use a high-mediun-low rep set/scheme. Use a medium-low-high rep/set scheme when doing upper body. Each set is taken to complete failure or one rep shy depending on your recovery abilities. Like "Magoo" stated in a thread, stimulate the muscle and move on. No need in doing multiple sets as you'll only be hurting your joints and zapping the CNS by doing so. Why waste uneccesary time in the gym through countless sets when end road can be met with less?????? Hit one fiber type with one intense set and move on to the other fiber type!!!!

NOTE: Some including myself do better with this program by doing their medium rep set (6-10) on their first set, the low rep sets (1-5) next, and the high rep set (11-15) last. Some tend to get fatigued and lose too much strength by blasting away at their type-c fibers/high reps at the beginning. "Experiment" to see which way works best for you. Cycling the two approaches (ABC fibers) set scheme or the (BCA fibers) lay out order works great as well. I've found by attacking the C fibers (heavy weight/low reps) first one increases their chance for injury.

NOTE: One should not be able to reach the upper rep range on their last set during weeks 4,5, and 6. A (DELAYED FORCED REP/MODIFIED REST PAUSE) needs to be employed on the last set of every exercises but not on the heavy 1-5 rep unless it's done last. It's best to avoid doing your DELAYED FORCED REP/MODIFIED REST PAUSE before the heavy set as it will cause much fatigue and not allow one to be able to lift a maximal amount of weight.

I am use the term modified rest-pause and delayed forced rep interchangeably as many are confused with the term DELAYED FORCED REP!Now heres how to do a delayed forced rep:

Lets say you are able to get 11 reps on the last set of incline presses with a goal of 11-15 in mind. You should rack the weight after hiting failure, rest only long enough (generally 5-15 seconds) so that you can pick up the weight and crank out another 1-3 reps to make the upper limits of 11-15 range with (1) rep being the goal because many find that doing more than one rep is too exhausting on the CNS. The delayed forced rep/modified rest pause does not have to be pushed to absolute failure but should be difficult. If you make 11 reps on the high rep set or the 5 reps mark if your doing the heavy set, STILL go ahead and do a MODIFIED rest pause anyways. Shoot for around 3 reps on heavy set before doing the rest pause and shoot for 10-12 reps when doing a modified rest-pause for the high reps. This will keep you at the higher end on the heavy sets and at the lower end on the high rep sets.

NOTE: One should only use the modified rest-pause technique on weeks 4,5, and 6 of the 6 week cycle. Do not use rest-pause during the first 3 weeks as it will cause burn out of the CNS. During this time frame (weeks 4,5, and 6 you should change your split to the following:

Monday: Chest, shoulders, lats, traps, abs

Wednesday: Biceps,triceps, rotators, calves, quads,hams.

Friday: Same as monday and so on.

With this 3 day a week HIT program 3 sets are performed twice in an 8 day period. Its imperative you never work out two days in a row so the CNS can be ready for the next workout. The CNS's ability to recovery "does not" increases as we progress in our training. The stronger we get the more intensity that can be generated through lifting heavier weights, therefore making the recovery process taking even longer. Steroids only compound the problem by making one stronger. Big A talked about this in his STICKY telling beginners how they should train, but he was really talking about all levels of trainers. 3 days per week, MWF is optimal for off-season. Leave the 5 days per week training for pre-competition.

NOTE: a layoff is indicated every 6 weeks on the IRON MAN "HIT" for a period of ten days. Since training would normally be terminated on a Friday and would not be resumed until Monday of the (second-following week). You may lose some nervous system function but no muscle loss will occur. You will come back stronger and break personal records on every exercise. (FAILURE to take this "10" day lay off will inevitably hold you back in SIZE-STRENGTH)!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chest: One compound movement for chest. I have found the 15 degree decline or incline press to be the best for most but some like flat bench presses.

Shoulders: One over head compound pressing movement like dumbell presses or a smith machine, etc.

Triceps: Close grips or lying tricep extensions if your elbow joint can handle them..

Traps: Shrugs.

ABS: weighted crunches or weighted cable reverse cruches : Do a higher rep range on abs so the lower back is not injured.


Back width: pulldowns or better yet chin ups.

Back thickness: rows

biceps: dumbell curls..Avoid heavy concentrated curls such as one arm spider curls as they can rip the tendon/muscle clean from the bone.

calves: standing calf raises "not the seated version" as they are for the soleus.

quads: squats

hams : leg curls

FRIDAY: Same as mondays workout

(WEEK 2)


NOTE: I left out deadlifts as Iv'e witnessed several trainers trainers blow out spinal disk performing this movement while using proper form. It destroyed their bodybuilding activities along with their life so I no longer give out advise pertaining to this exercises. Be careful if you choose to do them! This workout program will need to be adjusted if you incorporate deadlifts.

NOTE: For each push-pull movement the antagonist muscle group recieves the same amount of work sets. For ie; (CHEST PRESS-ROWS). (SHOULDER PRESS- PULLDOWNS) and so one.

Preventing "boredom" will always be an important factor in everyones success. While rotating to a different exercise each session is not an necessity with this program, some "enjoy" being able to do so with the (basic mass builders). Thats fine!!! A good illustration would be doing squats one workout and substituting squats for the leg press machine the following workout and then back to squats the next time around and then back once again to the leg press and so on. But you must avoid incorporating such movements as heavy shoulders laterals, pullovers, flyes, leg extension, concentrated curls, good mornings, wrist curls, etc when trying to further your progress as these will not aid in adding the size-strength you seek but will most certainly set you back with nagging or possibly chronic "injuries".

NOTE: Serious competitors will make their best overall gains by subdividing their training year into about 75% bulking/25%cutting cycles. You need to have a bulking periods (where they try to gain as much strength-muscle mass as possible and ACCEPT some fat gain). This period should consist of 12 weeks of bulking/mass training on the (IRON MAN "HIT)", (two 6 week cycles). Then you will want to do a (4-6 weeks cutting phase) (IRON MAN

NOTE: This is a time for anabolic users to lower their dosages and give their bodies a break from all the force feeding.

If you are a serious competitor..Allowing yourself to get "TOO FAT" in the off season for extended periods of times makes it extremely hard to diet down without losing a ton of muscle. So 'bulk' for 12 weeks and then diet down through carb/calorie cycle for 4-6 weeks to strip off some of the fat you've gained while keeping the muscle mass/strength. Don't be surprised if you make forward progress in muscle mass with this specialized conditioned routine. No need in dropping calories unless your heading into a contest.

NOTE: Take a 7 day lay off after 4 weeks or 10 days off after doing 6weeks of the cutting period, then bulk again, then- diet again.


NOTE: Most bodybuilders use drugs during the pre-contest/conditioning phase that significantly increased the results by allowing (more fat loss) and (less muscle loss or even a slight gain in muscle mass). Utilizing a 3 day staggered calorie/carb count along with five days per week of anaerobic/aerobic training for a 12 week period will be sufficient.

The workout will consist of doing what I refer to as "DOUBLE POWER DROP SETS" (low rep drop sets). I have found this to be the very best "HIT" method for getting "Competition Ready." It allows for the use of heavy weights inorder to maintain hard earned muscle size/strength, shorter rest periods to provide a nice pump to the muscles, and enough volume to provide a hardening effect to the bodies musculature as a whole. I have learned that volume training with heavy weight and low reps (4-6 reps) while utilizing (DOUBLE DROP SETS) is the VERY best way to train when going for that rock hard physique. The 4-6 rep range allows you to use heavier weights, which helps to maintain your strength levels and harden up those muscles by stimulating (ALL FIBER TYPES) without producing "too much" of a pumping effect.

NOTE: Heres what consist of (1 power double drop set). Begin the selected exercises with a 4-6 rep max to failure, then drop the weight by about 10 to 20 percent or so with each drop. A (30- 45 second rest period) should be taken between each set within the drop set series. Repeat with the lighter weight for the first drop set for 4-6 more reps to failure, and wait 30-45 seconds before finishing off with a second drop set (last set of that series) for 4 to 6 more reps to failure. Wait a total of 3 minutes before repeating another series of (DOUBLE POWER DROP SETS). A total of 12-18 reps should be performed within each series of double drop sets. After working an individual muscle group you'll definitely understand how this works and you'll love how hard and pumped up your muscles feel after doing several sets. It's much more satisfying then the bloated, soft feel of doing lots of burning reps with a relatively lighter weight. If your body-fat is low enough, your veins should look like they're going to explode.

The IRON MAN "HIT" conditioning/pre-comp routine consist of a five day anaerobic split with 30 minutes of aerobics to be performed on each of the workout days. Only those with an ectomorphic body type should skip on the aerobics. Weekends are off periods!!!

(Heres a list of common errors made when dieting down):

1. Cutting calories excessively causing muscle loss and a slower metabolism. Remember if you want to stay big you have to keep your calories at a REASONABLE level.

2. Overtraining by doing too much "anaerobic/aerobic exercise" in an attempt to make up for poor eating habits. The majority of fat loss should come from PROPER NUTRITION.

3. Lifting weights that are too LIGHT will not stimulate all 3 subcategories of type-2 muscle fibers. In order to stay BIG, STRONG, and gain DENSITY, you must continue lifting intensely with HEAVY weights.

4. Not utilizing a 3 day STAGGERED calorie/"CARB" count.

5. Not eating enough MEALS throughout the day.

6. Not eliminating all DAIRY products.

7.Giving in to food URGES causes your bodies to DESIRE them even more so.

8. Getting too IMPATIENT by expecting to see BIG progress in your problem areas right away just because you have lost a few pounds of fat.

9. Doing too much cardio first thing in the MORNING on an empty stomach depleting glycogen stores to the point where it interferes with your evening weight training session. PRE-COMP-BELOW), where the goal is "fat loss" and "sparing muscle mass-strength" with the power double drop sets and the addition of more aerobics.

9. Doing too much cardio first thing in the MORNING on an empty stomach depleting glycogen stores to the point where it interferes with your evening weight training session.

during dinner (last healthy meal of the day) is a bad idea since your body is slowing down for the day and you have that eight hours of sleep in front of you. Keep t10. Being contest ready too LATE in the game will not allow one to gain the desired fullness come contest day.

11.Chose a target bodyweight that will leave you as lean as you can possibly be regardless of the WEIGHT CLASS it puts you in.

12. GUESSING on how many calories you are eating will make it impossible to gauge what needs to be adjusted.

13. Relating to the scales more so than the MIRROR.

14. Not drinking right at 2 gallons of WATER daily.

15. Not ingesting enough tendon, muscle, and joint supporting essential FATS.

16. Not using glucosamine/chondroitin to aid in JOINT function.

17. Not eating enough PROTEIN to preserve lean tissue. A minimum of 1.5 gram per lb of lean muscle tissue will be needed.

18. Neglecting ZINC supplementation to help keep test/estrogen levels in balance.

19. Using the OUTDATED carb depleting/loading phase the night before a show.

20. Not using supplemental fat loss AIDS.

21. Eating too much protein and NEGLECTING clean carbs and essential fatty acids to help protein to be utilized more efficiently.

22. Not upping daily meals to 6 per day for better ASSIMILATION when ingesting over 2500 kcalories.

23. Not watching for feedback to see if insulin levels are too HIGH or too LOW will cause bodyfat increases and/or excessive hunger.

24. Relying soley on carb MANIPULATION for bodyfat loss because it's an overall calorie deficit that causes fat loss. If calories remain unchanged a reduction in carbs will not bring forth the desired fat loss.

25. Using the 3 day staggered calorie approach with overly AGRESSIVE calorie cuts from day to days will result in muscle loss. For i.e. 500 calories. 250 is plenty..

26. Not keeping your aerobic INTENSITY between 70%-80% of VO2 max for a total of 30 minutes.

27. Using CREATINE because it can cause muscle strains along with overall water retention.

28. Not using MCT oil (up to 3 TBS daily) to help control sugar cravings and energy levels.

29. Not keeping essential FATS at around 10% of total of daily calories.

30. Eating too many carb sources in the form of SIMPLE SUGAR at anytime resulting in fat storage.

31. Eating lots of CARBS hem to an absolute minimum if any during this time frame.

32. Not eating all the sugar free popsicles or jello sweetened with SPLENDA you want when craving sugar. After a low or no carb dinner is the best time to use these in your battle of the bulge.

33. Trying to fix something in the diet that isn't broken. NEVER make drastic changes to try and gain a little if your are getting results.

34. Using high glycemic carbs such as DEXTROSE post workout.

35. Putting your TRUST in various supplements, for eq; CHEAP protein powders/malto, inorder to make your diet more economical when you could be eating multiple cheap meals throughout the day consisting of such things as canned Tuna, Brocolli, Egg whites and old fashion quaker Oatmeal/splenda.

36. Not eating the biggest carb meal BEFORE a late evening resistance workout to be performed after (4 pm).

37. Not eating the biggest carb meal directly AFTER a resistance workout done prior to late evening (4 pm).

38. Not eating enough clean carbs such as lettuce, brocolli, and greenbeans resulting in a clogged up digestive track.

The IRON MAN "HIT" split looks like this:

(Day 1)

Chest: Low incline press 2-sets, standing cable crossovers 2-sets.
Abs: machine crunches-2 sets, reverse cable crunches-2 sets (8-10 reps to be used with each drop sets instead of 4-6 when training abs)

(Day 2)

Lats: Wide grip pulldowns-2 sets, bent arm pullovers on machine-2 sets.
Upper back: Rows to the belly button 2-sets, rows to the lower chest area 2-sets.
Lower back: Hyperextensions 3 straight sets (15-20) reps to be used with each drop set. If deadlits are to be used for lower back instead keep the reps at (4-8) for 3 sets.

(Day 3)

Shoulders: Over head shoulder press-2 sets, one arm at a time cable side laterals-2 sets..

Rotators: 1- set of one arm at a time bent lateral raises to be performed with a cable.

Traps: Front of the body barbell shrugs 2-sets, behind body barbell shrugs-2 sets.

(Day 4)

Biceps: Incline dumbell curls 2-sets, one arm at a time spider cable curls 2-sets.
Triceps: Lying tricep extension 2-sets, pushdowns 2 sets.

(Day 5)

Quads: Squats-2 sets, leg extensions 2 sets.
Hams: Lying leg curl-2 sets, standing one leg at a time hamstring curls-2 sets.
Calves: Calf raises 2-sets, seated calf raises 2-sets

(Day 6) OFF

(Day 7) OFF

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EricT on 04-15-2006, 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by Anuj
ok.. now dont flame me for posting this one... i'm merely adding more and more info onto this website...
I haven't read this yet and I'm not passing judgement on it. But let me make one small point.

Have you ever seen those online dictionaries where people can add their own definitions? You can get "more and more" definitions for the same word. Funny how having 10 completely bogus definitions doesn't add up to a good one.

Don't get me wrong, Anuj. I appreciate your enthusiasm. But I know you don't actually thoroughly study all these artcles you are posting.

Last edited by EricT; 04-15-2006 at 10:11 AM..
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EricT on 04-15-2006, 10:21 AM

type C fibers will be stimulated by hitting failure in the 1-5 rep range
What the hell are type C fibers? I've never heard of them.
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_Wolf_ on 04-15-2006, 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by Eric3237
Don't get me wrong, Anuj. I appreciate your enthusiasm. But I know you don't actually thoroughly study all these artcles you are posting.
thanks for appreciating my enthusiasm but i DO read them... and some of them i read THOROUGHLY.....!
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_Wolf_ on 04-15-2006, 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Eric3237
What the hell are type C fibers? I've never heard of them.
well, neither have i... and when i read that, i thought may be i'm missing something.. so i started searching for Type C Fibres and turned up empty handed.... i thought may be some of you guys would make a comment on it.. glad you did....
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EricT on 04-15-2006, 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by Anuj
thanks for appreciating my enthusiasm but i DO read them... and some of them i read THOROUGHLY.....!
Well! Your not a skimmer anymore? In that case I've falsely accused you! Awesome then. Oh, and that enthusiasm comment sounds patronizing. My apologies. I meant it sincerely.

I couldn't find much of type 2C fibers either. Something about immature muscle...
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_Wolf_ on 04-15-2006, 07:40 PM

to be honest, when i posted the article i hadnt read it... but then AFTERWARDS i read pretty much all of those posts..
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cavman on 07-27-2008, 02:33 AM

Anybody here at BB.Net ever tried this 3 sets at different rep. ranges like in the above article?
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dove45 on 08-18-2013, 10:11 PM

There is no link, when I go for BB.net.
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