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EricT 10-28-2007 10:11 AM

Another stretching guide from IFA

EricT 02-29-2008 01:56 PM

What to stretch?
Start here:

Balance of Power by Bill Hartman

Some Helpful Shoulder Tests

_Wolf_ 03-01-2008 06:41 AM

awesome article, Sir!!! :)

widdoes2504 03-01-2008 08:17 AM

Good info!

Pitysister 09-05-2008 02:20 PM

supine scorpions:

calf stretch:

scap pushups: very important to keep elbows and shoulders locked in place..your scapula should drop down between your shoulders...1-2" or movement on this.

fire hydrants:

Pitysister 09-05-2008 02:20 PM

hip corrections:

rdls: maintaing good back posture, bend over while keeping head and eyes up. if those drop, so does posture. reach both hands down to touch the floor, or as far as you can go. stand up fully, and repeat.

The next three, maintain good posture, chest out, head up. on the pullbacks, the leg should come straight up to your butt, don't let it go off to the side. with the cradle walk, don't bend over to grab your foot, bring it up to you while maintaining good posture, pull the foot up, push up on the opposite foot, release foot, step down, repeat with other leg.

high knee pulls:

pull back butt kicks:

cradle walk:

deep wideout drops:

squat to stand:

dislocations: start with hands very far apart, and gradually move in as your flexibility increases.

Pitysister 09-05-2008 02:51 PM

Cat camel: not a stretch, just smoothly roll through the movement.

bird dog: keep stomach tight throughout, and glutes active.

side to side leg swings: make sure to keep good posture, and the motion comes from the hips, not the lower back.

lateral squats: go deep.

front to back leg swings: again, good posture, chest out, head up. make the swing originate at the hip.

Pitysister 09-05-2008 02:51 PM

crossover reverse lunge:

both bridges: focus on glute activation, not hamstrings...if you need to, touch your quads with your fingertips to activate them a little bit to keep the hams inactive.

band walks: don't let either foot drag, and never lose tension in the band.

From here through the side lying trunk twist, don't force anything, just smoothly go through the movements.

side twist:

bent knee twist:

yoga twist:

prone scorpion:

side lying trunk twist:

Pitysister 09-05-2008 02:51 PM

Ankle Mobilization

Thoracic Mobilization

EricT 09-05-2008 03:19 PM

Awesome work, Pity! Thank you so much. I stuck this thread so everyone could see this brilliance.

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