For those who don't know Rippetoe's, it looks like this:
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Dead lift
**2x8 Dips (or Decline Dumbbell Bench Press with your hands Facing each other)
Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows (or power cleans)
**2x8 Chin-ups (recommended mainly if doing the cleans)
My question though is, Are you supposed to increase in weight every week, or every workout, or just whenever you can?
and also do you do the same weight every set (not counting warm-up sets)
like if i start with 105 pounds on bench for 5 reps on my first set, do i do 105 pounds on bench for 5 reps on my 3rd set?
Thanks guys (or gals)!