The only thing I think I'd change right away with your workout you posted up is add deadlifts. They are going too well right now to sideline them I think. I really enjoy them as well.
Sure.. My post was to get you started thinking on the right path. Nothing more. Change anything you see fit because I really don't know anything about you to make even a single set in stone recommendation other than looking at your experience level.
Deadlifts are great, just understand that if you decide to drop the actual conventional deads for a mesocycle or two, you won't lose much at all.. Which is why I stated that I could drop them for a few months, come back and hit a PR lol. Everyone's indeed different, but I want to disspell any myths like "if you don't hammer away on them, you'll never move forward".. But again, if you want to include them, I'd probably put them as your ME squat lift, and keep a squat variation like front squats on your other day.