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hrdgain81 03-14-2007 12:18 PM

shit thats rough slayer, take your time and heal up good man.

slayer of souls 03-17-2007 11:21 AM

Ah its nothing serious. I just keep icing it often, it should heal up fine.

I booked an appointment with my physiotherapist on Tuesday hopefully I wont need a cane anymore.

widdoes2504 03-19-2007 10:40 AM

Good luck on Tuesday man.

slayer of souls 03-27-2007 11:40 PM

Sorry for my belated response.

Well to start I went to meet with the physiotherapist on Tuesday. He confirmed what the last physiotherapist said i.e., minor tear in my quadriceps extensor, and to continue squats and extensions to minimize scaring. I have been off my cane since then and can squat with no problem, obviously not as much as before but 2.25 plates per side from 3.25.

I booked another appointment with him in regards to my lower back problem. I have refrained from doing good mornings and dead lifts just to give my back time to recover. He said there was no serious physiological problem with my back, just a bit of inflammation. I modified my workout and now do light deadlifts and pull through, I am also taking this time to further strengthen my core ab muscles.

ChinPieceDave667 03-28-2007 05:14 AM

glad to hear things are looking a little better on your way to recovery. Good luck.

widdoes2504 03-29-2007 04:28 AM

Good to hear things are getting better.

slayer of souls 04-02-2007 09:29 PM

Thanks guys, man my back still bothers me even when I was doing JS rows. I have dropped the weights but it still feels tight and uncomfortable.

Darkhorse 04-02-2007 09:40 PM

Get better bro! PM me!

slayer of souls 04-03-2007 11:36 PM

Thanks 0311, PM sent.

EricT 06-06-2007 08:25 AM

Hey Slayer, I've been thinking and researching and so wanted to recommend a change to the "lying buttocks stretch" which I think is much better...and to anyone else I've recommended this to (Matt, Phil?)

First of all even though it's called the butt stretch you not really stretching the glutes. Just so everyone knows there is no need to actually stretch the gluteus maximus. Anybody ever got tight in that area? I doubt it. It's not a muslce that tends to shorten. So what you're really trying to stretch is the piriformis which runds deep through the glutes. This can become tight as it becomes stronger.....on the other hand certain chronic habits can make it weaker and tighter at the same time. You could also just say it's a hip stretch.

Anyway to make a long story short I wasn't satisfied with that stretch so these are the ones I'm doing which I like better:


To do the piriformis stretch, lie on your back, and flex the right hip and knee. Now, while grasping the right knee with your left hand, pull the knee towards your left shoulder. This adducts and flexes the hip. In this position, grasp just above the right ankle with the right hand, and rotate the ankle outwards. This applies internal rotation to the hip and completes the stretch. Another way to do this stretch is to stand on your left foot and place the right foot on a chair, such that the right knee and hip are flexed at about 90 degrees. Now, using the right hand, press the right knee across towards the left side of the body while keeping the ball of the right foot on the same spot on the chair.
There are other ways but these are fine and more efficient I think. As such I would do it for a shorter time and build on it. And remember the goal is to keep the muscle loose with a normal range of motion not to stretch them to the ends of the earth.

Keep in mind that the other is still a good stretch and the piriformis would be a seondary stretched in that. This new one is just more a primary p stretch and that muscle is one likely to cause problems. I could recommend a couple of variations to the original stretch which are all just variations on a theme.

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