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FlyUSMC 10-10-2009 09:10 PM

I'm just catching a quick update tonight, but I'll get into the link more thoroughly in the morning. I found a lot of success with SS in years previous, but it's time to get away from it. I'm not ready to say that programming coupled with form is the reason for what's going on, because a) upper body workouts began to fail as well, and b) deadlifts were still progressing fine. I've fixed my form since that DL video with 225, which wasn't too hard once I began to concentrate on it. Before looking too much into the posted links, there are already several changes I'm already going to make:
1) first off, I'm taking a few days of rest. Even if I didn't need that physically, I do to clear my head. I'm having severe motivational issues right now due to the pain and progress problems. I'm the type that is going to make myself go to the gym regardless, but I'd rather not hate it. And my body needs some time to recollect itself.
2) I'm going to start doing mobility exercises every day, not just lifting days. Additionally, I'm going to look into getting re-evaluated by my PT. Ideally I'll be given some things to work on without returning to therapy several days a week, but we'll see.
3) new program.
4) new program.
5) new program.

thanks for the link, I'll be reading it in the morning.

_Wolf_ 10-11-2009 06:40 AM

I am also taking a few days off from lifting actually...

Ok, you need to add this into your list:

Regular video updates with multiple sets of compound exercises

This will help us decide where you're heading.

Pitysister 10-11-2009 08:31 AM

your heading in the right direction.

Pitysister 10-11-2009 01:25 PM

also...look up some activation drills....for upper body days, low trap and serratus anterior activation....and lower body days glute max and glute med activation. scapular pushups, wall slides, gray cook hip lifts, and band sidesteps work very well. :)

FlyUSMC 10-13-2009 05:40 PM

Regarding the activation drills and mobility exercises... is this intended to replace a warmup, or is it best to do both?

Kane 10-13-2009 06:18 PM

Mobility and activation are separate from the warmup.

Pitysister 10-13-2009 06:36 PM mobility is my warmup :) there's a variety of lunges and whatnot in there, and they get me pretty warm. but i still do "warmups" for each exercise.

FlyUSMC 10-13-2009 08:04 PM

I would die doing lunges these days... I'll keep the warmup :)

EricT 10-14-2009 06:08 AM

The Honeymoon Period article is about an initial period of learning the lifts. It's not about programming them. It's not a program or a means of progression at all..just about learning. Which for beginners will actually mean progression.

I just wanted to clear that up. I think many people indoctrinated into the Rippetoe Roger Rabbit method (you know, where you drop a refrigerator on your head over and over) can probably benefit from taking some time to un-learn/re-learn.

Cradler 10-14-2009 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by EricT (Post 82738)
(you know, where you drop a refrigerator on your head over and over)


thank you for the best sentence i've read all week eric

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