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Mr. X CKD Manual

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Mr. X CKD Manual Mr. X CKD Manual
(Note: Instead of doing all the calculations in the article below you can simply use this CKD Calculator to find your daily totals.)

The Mr.X CKD Manual

I would like to dedicate this to Bart, without him I would not be writing this nor would I be the person that I am today.

So, you want to start a CKD. Now, what the hell is a CKD you ask? Well, a CKD (cyclo-ketonic-diet) is simply a diet that consists of two cycles: low/no-carbohydrates and high-carbohydrates. How do these two come together to actually make a diet, simply stated: they do, that’s it. But, to be serious. A Ketonic diet is something that we all hear from Atkins, which is basically High-Fat, Moderate-Protein and Low/No-Carbs. Yet, this type of diet, although very effective for the average Joe, is not sufficient for a bodybuilder’s (weightlifter’s) needs.

Why? Well, once your muscle glycogen is depleted, your workouts become a pain in the ass, you are sluggish and muscle loss can occur. (due to the fact that no insulin is present in the system, there will be NO muscle gain while in Ketosis) Because, the main goal of Ketosis is to have no glycogen in the liver so glucagon can be released. (yada yada yada yada, well I don’t think anyone cares about the technical aspect, so I’ll get to the point)Basically, it all boils down to the following: Day 1-6 you eat High-Fat/Moderate-Protein/Low-No-Carbohydrates, then Day 7 you eat HIGH-GI carbohydrates and low-fat, in order to achieve supercompensation and refill muscle glycogen. (this will ensure quality training throughout every CKD cycle you do)

Mr.X, can you please just shut-up and give us some information on setting up a CKD.

YES, I can-------
Setting up a CKD (6days Ketosis/1day Carb-Up)
First-off, let’s figure out your BMR (basal-metabolic-rate). Take your weight and multiply it by 12=daily calorie intake without a deficit.
(100lb person) Example: 100lb x 12cal= 1200cal…1200cal=BMR

Everything I put forth will revolve in one way or another around your BMR, so listen up.

6/1 ratio (6 days in ketosis/1 day carb-up)
Figure out your BMR...(basal-metabolic-rate)=caloires needed to maintain current weight
weight x 12=BMR....(EXAMPLE: 100lb x 12=1200 cal a day)
Use the following fat/protein ratios w/ BMR deficit:

Day Fat Protein BMR
1 85% 15% -5%
2 75% 25% -10%
3 65% 35% -15%
4 70% 30%
5 70% 30% -10%
6 65% 35% -15%
7 (Carb-Up)** +30%
**---I will go into detail on the carb-up later in the article---
So, how do you calculate these percents and BMR. Well, let’s use a 200lb person as an example of this.


200lb. x 12cal=2400cal (BMR)
Ketosis: Days 1-6:
Day 1: 85%fat/15%protein-- BMR-5%

2400cal (BMR) x .05=120cal (is 5% from BMR)

2400cal (BMR) – 120 cal (5%deficit)=2280cal for day 1

---fat ratios for day 1---

2280cal x .85 (that is 85% fat)=1938cal from fat

Fat has 9 calories/gram

1938cal divided by 9cal/gram=215g fat for day 1

---now we need the protein ratios for day 1---
,p>2280cal x .15(that is 15%protein)=342 cal from protein

Protein has 4 calories/grams

342cal divided by 4cal/gram=86 g protein for day 1

Totals for Day-1: 215g fat/86g protein
Now, you might ask, why is the protein so low? Because protein can keep you out of Ketosis and, remember, everyday you are in Ketosis, you are burning fat while preserving muscle because Ketones (hence the name Ketosis) are protein sparing. Protein can convert to glycogen at almost 58% efficiency, so you see why excess protein is a bad idea. Plus, strictly from a scientific standpoint, a person can maintain current muscle mass at merely a 15%protein ratio, while no muscle gain is possible, maintenance is a very feasible idea with these ratios.
Day 2: 75%fat/25%protein-- BMR-10%

2400cal (BMR) x .10=240cal (is 10% from BMR)

2400cal (BMR) – 240 cal (10%deficit)=2160cal for day 2

---fat ratios for day 2---

2160cal x .75 (that is 75% fat)=1620cal from fat

Fat has 9 calories/gram

1620cal divided by 9cal/gram=180g fat for day 2

---now we need the protein ratios for day 2---

2160cal x .15(that is 15%protein)=324 cal from protein

Protein has 4 calories/grams

324cal divided by 4cal/gram=81 g protein for day 2

Totals for Day-2: 180g fat/81g protein
Day 3: 65%fat/35%protein--BMR-15%

2400cal (BMR) x .15=360cal (is 15% from BMR)

2400cal (BMR) – 360 cal (15%deficit)=2040cal for day 3

---fat ratios for day 3---

2040cal x .65 (that is 65% fat)=1326cal from fat

Fat has 9 calories/gram

1326cal divided by 9cal/gram=147g fat for day 3

---now we need the protein ratios for day 3---

2040cal x .35(that is 35%protein)=714 cal from protein

Protein has 4 calories/grams

714cal divided by 4cal/gram=178 g protein for day 3

Totals for Day-3: 147g fat/178g protein
Day 4: 70%fat/30%protein-- BMR

2400cal (BMR)

---fat ratios for day 4---

2400cal x .70 (that is 70% fat)=1680cal from fat

Fat has 9 calories/gram

1680cal divided by 9cal/gram=186g fat for day 4

---now we need the protein ratios for day 4---

2400cal x .30(that is 30%protein)=720 cal from protein

Protein has 4 calories/grams

720cal divided by 4cal/gram=180 g protein for day 4

Totals for Day-4: 186g fat/180g protein
Day 5: 70%fat/30%protein--BMR-10%

2400cal (BMR) x .10=240cal (is 10% from BMR)

2400cal (BMR) – 240 cal (10%deficit)=2160cal for day 5

---fat ratios for day 5---

2160cal x .70 (that is 70% fat)=1512cal from fat

Fat has 9 calories/gram

1512cal divided by 9cal/gram=168g fat for day 5

---now we need the protein ratios for day 5---

2160cal x .30(that is 30%protein)=648 cal from protein

Protein has 4 calories/grams

648cal divided by 4cal/gram=162 g protein for day 5

Totals for Day-5: 168g fat/162g protein
Day 6: (same as day 3) 65%fat/35%protein-- BMR-15%
2400cal (BMR) x .15=360cal (is 15% from BMR)
2400cal (BMR) – 360 cal (15%deficit)=2040cal for day 6
---fat ratios for day 6---
2040cal x .65 (that is 65% fat)=1326cal from fat
Fat has 9 calories/gram
1326cal divided by 9cal/gram=147g fat for day 6
---now we need the protein ratios for day 6---
2040cal x .35(that is 35%protein)=714 cal from protein
Protein has 4 calories/grams
714cal divided by 4cal/gram=178 g protein for day 6
Totals for Day-6: 147g fat/178g protein

Essential-Fatty-Acids: flaxseed oil, sesames seed oil, sunflower seed oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, peanut oil

Now, I know, I know. You want to know how to do this the easy way. Because, what I’ve just shown beforehand is probably damn complicated.
So, here is a simple rule-of-thumb way to break down your Ketosis ratios:
1)Set calories at: 12 cal/lb
2)Set protein intake: typically 0.9 g/lb. Protein has 4 cal/gram
3)Set fat intake: take protein calories and subtract them from total calories, then divide by 9 to get grams of fat.
In practice, most people end up eating about 1 gram of fat for every gram of protein. Ketosis almost always establishes with 1/1 ratios. (fat/protein -grams-)

I’ve heard different ratios stated by different people on this subject, but as you know, opinions are like ass-holes everyone has one and it stinks. So, I will attempt to come up with a feasible ratios for you.
DAY 7: --carb-up— BMR+30%
2400cal (BMR) x .30= 720cal
2400cal + 720cal=3120cal
3120 x .70= 2185 cal from carbs
Carbohydrates have 4cal/g
2185cal divided by 4ca/g=546g carbs
3120 x .20=624cal from protein
Protein has 4cal/g
624cal divided by 4cal/g=156g protein
3120 x .10=312 cal from fat
Fat has 9cal/g
312 divided by 9=35g fat
Totals: 546g carbs/156g protein/35g fat
SAMPLE CARB-UP: (6meals) –based on 200lb person—
1-2: 150 g liquid glucose polymers...like carb powders (ex..carbo max, dextrose..etc.) w/ 1 scoop protein
3-4: 75 g of liquid and solid glucose polymers...sugar cereals (frosted flakes,honey-nut-cheerios..etc) w/ fat-free milk w/ 1/4 cup walnuts
5-6: 50 g of complex carbs (low-GI)...oatmeal, brown-rice, beans, yams, sweet potato w/ 1/4 cup walnuts

Why is it that people say to avoid fructose? I've heard that quite a few times, and was curious why. How important is this? Fructose resupplies the liver with glycogen first, if the liver is full, then via the pentose phosphate pathway, all additional fructose goes to FAT.

I know that every reader wants a simple way to figure out a carb-up, so here it is:
1) Set total calories at: 16 cal/lb
2) Set protein intake: typically 0.2 g/lb. Protein has 4 cal/gram
3) Set fat intake: usually 0.1g/lb. Fat has 9cal/gram
4) Set carb. intake: add protein and fat calories and subtract it from total calories, then divide by 4 to get grams of carbs.
In practice, most people end up eating about 2.7 grams of carbs for every lb of weight.

So, what type of workout and cardio do you have to do while on CKD. Here is a sample workout routine based on a 6/1 CKD. (6day Ketosis/1day carb-up)

1- 30 min cardio morning(empty stomach)/workout: Chest, Upper-Back, shoulders, arms, traps, abs
2- 30 min cardio morning/ workout: Legs, (includes, calfs, hams,quads), lower-back
3- 45 min cardio morning OR 1 hour cardio during the day
5- 30-45 min cardio AM no workout
6- 30 min cardio AM/ full body workout = circuit training 3-5 times (very light 20-25reps)
7- before carb-up…early in AM do a full body circuit workout 3-5 times (very light 20-25reps), then IMMEDIATELY begin CARB-UP.
-(DAY 1-6) For each bodypart do 1-2 exercises with 12-10-18-6 -dropset-12 reps---
ex: bench-press 12/10/8/6 drop set 12 reps
-You can increase the number of exercises for legs 1-3 with 12-10-8-6-12 reps---

Ok, now that I have given you way too much information to comprehend, I am going to load up a little more info about supplements and then we’re done.

Supplements you need for CKD:
FIBER –soluble or any other form
Multi Vitamins(MV)/ Multi Minerals(MM)

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