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Old 07-31-2006, 05:19 AM
phreaknite phreaknite is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 41

A LOT of people here will disagree with what im about to post, im sure of it........but let me tell u what my deal was...

IN Jan 2006 I started martial arts training and went from 195 (about 25% body fat) down to 180 (about 16% body fat) in 2 months. Now, one can argue that that is because martial arts is like a heavy cardio workout....constant movement using only your body's weight as any kind of resistance. But here's the catch...

In March 2006, I had to give up the karate training and switched over to only weight lifting. From March 2006 to May 2006 I went from 180 (12% body fat) down to 165 (10% body fat). Thats a 15 pound loss in 3 months. From May 2006 to Present, I went from 165-160 (8% body fat) doing only lifting.

What's this mean? It's possible to lose weight from just lifting. My diet was restricted though, staying just above my BMR for most of that time (which was around 1800-2000 calories. This increased my metabolism and now I can easily eat 3200 calories a day without a gain (because now I am trying to bulk up more).

If you really like lifting and odn't want to cardio (like I did) then I would suggest keeping your calorie count just above ur BMR so you burn off most excessive calories in a day. I was tired in the gym sometimes, but you must stay motivated.

Remember, weight loss is a calorie battle. Its THe Amount your body uses vs the amount you intake. So long as you keep the amount your body uses above the amount you intake then you will lose body fat. But be warned. You will get tired and you will get hungry......its all part of the game. Your body doesn't WANT to lose weight, it wants to at least maintain, so if you want to lose then you will get hungrier than normal.

Remember, the more muscle you put on, the more calories your body needs to maintain them, so make sure you understand your BMR and learn to listen to your body.
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