Thread: Please Critique
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Old 01-02-2007, 04:08 PM
Rank: New Member
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 25
Default Please Critique Version 2

Hi. After taking your feedback and doing some more reading I found this workout that would fit my tight schedule and allow me to do the exercises right. My only hesitation with the full body workouts are that if I feel I am not going to get done in time I might rush through things and do it wrong or not at all.

Goal: Change lifestyle, lose beer belly, lose the double chin,
Gain A Lot of Mass.(major priority!) Then later get cut.

Taking advice I will wake at 5am, eat, and be at the gym at from 6am-7am

What are your thoughts on this routine:

Monday: 10min cardio warm up
Lower body and abs
Tuesday: 10min cardio warm up
Upper body-chest/back/arms/shoulders
Thursday: 10min cardio warm up
Upper body again
Friday: 10min cardio warm up
Lower Body and abs

Supplements: This remains the same as previous since I had no feedback against it. Please let me know of alternatives, ETC.

Creatine: right now I have a jug of the Muscle Tech Cell-Tech (after research I am finding that there are more less expensive and (better) ones?
Protein: Optimum Nutrition
Multi-Vitamin- right now I have a bottle of Ultra Plan Ultimate Plus from Hi-Health (advice?, I like taking one pill that does it all.)
HOT-ROX- I took this before and was amazed at the results. Tried a lot of others but this one didn't give me the jitters or upset stomach, etc. I like it and love what it did, and I will use it in cycles when I hit the wall.

Thank you for any help you can give! I want to redesign my entire life and hopefully influence my wife and children to eat healthy and be more active.
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