Thread: 5X5 Vrs DHFT
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Old 01-10-2007, 03:04 AM
Jazon Jazon is offline
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Location: Bermuda Triangle
Posts: 59
Exclamation 5X5 Vrs DHFT

If anyone is in dought what routine they should pick up its best to read this first

(I personally think it's awesome to do 5x5 then the DFHT. Both Madcow1 and Matt Reynolds recommended one then the other. There's no magic to it. 5x5 ramps up strength with a very good amount of hypertrophy with it. DFHT is solely for hypertrophy. I'd think that's why they have one before the other. I really don't see why you'd do only one or the other. Trust me, if you can't ass to the grass squat 1.5 times your weight or put up very good numbers then you should really look into doing the 5x5 before a purely hypertrophic program.)

"These were not my words but from a Pro`s Point of view, After weeks of good friends guiding me through the best path possible now i feel its time to shut up a GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!!!!"

E.G Of the 5X5 and DHFT Routines;

2-3 Weeks DFHT Loading

Monday: Upper Body Workout One:
1./// Barbell Bench Press: 4x10
2./// Incline Dumbell Press: 3x8-12
3./// JS Rows: 5x5
4./// Barbell Shrugs: 3x8-10
5./// High Pulls: 3x8
6./// Skullcrushers: 3x10-12
7./// Incline Dumbbell curls: 2 x 8
8./// Hammer Curls: 2 x 8-10

Tuesday: Lower Body Workout One:
1./// Olympic Squats: 5x5 (working up to a 5 rm)
2./// Goodmornings: 3x5
3./// Pullthroughs: 3-4x10-12
4./// Hamstring Curls: 2x10-12
5./// Leg Extensions: 2x 10-12
6./// Weighted Abs/ Obliques: 5x10
7./// Calves: DC Style

Thursday: Upper Body Workout Two:
1./// Flat Barbell Bench Press: 5x5 or 4x3 (heavy)
2./// Board Press: 5 rep max (smythe)
3./// Standing Military: 5x5 or 4x10
4./// Dips: 3x8-10
5./// Pullups: 5xfailure
6./// Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 3x10-12
7./// Barbell Curls: 2-3x8

Friday: Lower Body Workout Two:
1./// Olympic Squats: 3x5, 1x10 (lighter)
2./// Rack Deadlifts: 3x5-8
3./// Pullthroughs: (3-5 sets of 10-12, some arched back, some rounded back)
4./// Hamstring Curls: 2x10
5./// Leg Extentions: 2x10
6./// Weighted Hyperextensions: 2x10-12
7./// Weighted Abs/ Obliques: 5x10
8./// Calves: DC Style

1-2 Weeks DFHT Deload

Monday: Upper Body Workout One:
1./// Barbell Bench Press: 4x10
2./// Incline Dumbell Press: 3x8-12
3./// JS Rows: 5x5

Tuesday: Lower Body Workout One:
1./// Olympic Squats: 5x5 (working up to a 5 rm)
2./// Goodmornings: 3x5

Thursday: Upper Body Workout Two:
1./// Flat Barbell Bench Press: 5x5 or 4x3 (heavy)
2./// Board Press: 5 rep max (smythe)
3./// Standing Military: 5x5 or 4x10

Friday: Lower Body Workout Two:
1./// Front Squats: 3x5, 1x10 (lighter)
2./// Rack Deadlifts: 3x5-8

**This is why it's only 3 weeks for the loading. If you don't come close to overreaching in this brutal couple of weeks, then you weren't trying!!

( Advanced 5X5 )

4 Weeks Loading 5x5

Olympic Squats: 5x5
Benching: 5x5 (flat)
JS Rows: 5x5
Accessory (skullcrushers and abs)

Olympic Squats: 5x5 (reduced 15-20% from Monday) or Front Squats 5x5
Standing Military Press: 5x5
Deadlifts: 5x5
Pull ups: 5x5
Accessory (incline curls and abs)

Olympic Squats: 5x5 (1x5 pyramid)
Benching: 5x5 (incline)
JS Rows: 5x5
Accessory (weighted dips and abs)

1 Week Deload 3x3 (use same weight as last week of loading)


Olympic Squats: 3x3
Bench: 3x3
Rows: 3x3


Light Olympic Squats (70% of Monday): 3x3
Deadlifts: 3x3
Military Press: 3x3
Chins: 3x3
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