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Old 02-16-2007, 01:45 PM
mac mac is offline
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Posts: 123
Default As if there weren't enough creatine threads

I'm due to buy some more creatine, and with all this talk lately about which creatine to buy, it's got me second gussing my creatine of choice. What I have been using (for the past 6 months or so) is Creafuse. Here's a link to the stuff.

Now the ingredients is, Kre-Alkalyn PH Buffered Creatine, D-Ribose, Taurine, Glutamine Peptides, L-Carnitine, and PharmaDex™ (insulin stimulating carbs). Now do I really need all this stuff or is it just a gimmick geard toward my pocket book. I have been looking into bulk nutrition cee. The price difference has got me thinking, do I really need all that shit in the creafuse? Will the bulk nutrition cee be a better product for me? Hopefully someone will be able to explain all the differences between the two for me. Thanks
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