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Old 02-24-2007, 03:23 PM
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Darkvision Darkvision is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 113

Ok well, got back from the gym today. I'm a tad shocked especially after reviewing the Rippetoe's guide again (posted here), because I literally have to use the same weight for everything? I'm perfectly ok with dropping my squat to 95 (which is the most I can bench / pendlay row) but no way in hell can I standing press 95, does that mean I have to drop everything to 60[amount I can press]? OR is it that the only three weights that need to be the same are deadlifts, squats, and bench presses? (can they be like 20 lbs off or what, my deadlift is 185 while my bench is 95 .. big diff so I need to basically drop the deadlifts 90 pounds?) If I have to drop the deadlifts 90 pounds or whatever to make the weights all the same that concerns me because wont that be like lifting air and not do anything to build me up? What's the gain out of this? Does it give a chance for my other muscle groups to recoop better while I build them up to 185 or whatever the end goal is?

Hmmmm and today the knee pain returned, it doesn't seem too serious because it almost disappears (can't feel it unless I execute the same ROM again) within about 10 min after the exercise, in fact when I got home from the gym I went for a light 30 minute jog and didn't feel any knee pain. I just did a free squat and it hurts same knee (right one) same spot, but only slightly when im coming out of the hole. I mean it's barely there. I don't know if I mentioned this before and sorry if it seems im going in a loop but it's right above the kneecap, it's very easy for me to just suck it up and keep squatting but again I'd really like your opinion once more about whether or not im putting myself at a big risk for injury and I'll require knee surgery or something in the future. Heh I'm only 17 my knees shouldn't be giving out already haha so im not too concerned about it, just hope it'll stop, if it was both my knees I know I'd have a problem. I think =/.

Ok and lastly;

"When you say you are "weak" on things does that mean you feel the weight your are at is weak compared to other people or that you don't feel strong at this weight? Also, 10 lbs for certain things like MP's and bench press can be too much."

Let me describe this a little more. It's basically what you said how I don't feel strong at this weight, I'll grab the bar and it seems just plain tough, I couldn't complete more than one set today. Is that because the bar was a different weight? At our gyms we have dark grey ones and light silver ones, I don't remember the time I successfully completed 3x5 of 95lbs if the bar was a silver one or what. Maybe it's all in my head lol. Is the weight on these bars different? I remember reading somewhere (probably that Rippetoe FAQ) that the bars in the gym are all Olympic sized 45 lbs? I've been calculating this the whole time this way. All the bars are the same size, just different color.

I know I've said a lot and I'm asking so much, I almost regret taking up so much of your guys' time on the responses but believe me I have read my fair share of material around here I was actually hesitant even creating this thread, I'm thrilled I didn't get a "use the search button" response, because believe me I have.
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