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Old 03-23-2007, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by The IronBull View Post
Very good post Eric.

And i agree with most of it except "There is no reason that three sets of 8 or so is better than 5 sets of 5 or 4 sets of 6 for that matter."

Why do 8 reps when <6 reps, when the heaviest loads are used, effectively stimulate all fiber types there are to stimulate?

Also, why do high sets when muscle growth can be very adequately stimulated with relatively few sets if each workout set is performed to the point of muscle failure?

Does these not quailify as reasons?
Personally I agree with you completely IB, but not everyone wants to be a monster. There are advantages to doing 8,10,12,15 reps a set, although they may not be strength, or even muslce stimulating advantages.

for instance, HST starts off in the 15's, one perticular reason is because sets like that have been shown to improve joint elasticity. Also, if your goal is to drop body fat, higher rep ranges can be used to create a cardio like effect ... especially when supersetting, or doing a glycogen depletion workout, a la UD2.

IMO if your goal is strength/mass you cant beat low rep sets with heavy resistance. Its just that simple, but I think eric was getting at, not everyone has the same goals, so you cant just prescribe sets/rep ranges as if they are the same as you.
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