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Old 08-26-2007, 01:16 PM
Topshelf Topshelf is offline
Rank: Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 91

Workout A
3x5 - 160lbs

3x5 - 135lbs

1x5 - 195lbs

Dips +10lbs - 10/9

So I decided to skip the microloading right now for 2 reasons. First, I only have 2 more days this week before vacation. And second, I was holding off on more weight because I thought my form was really bad. But after the vid, I realize it's not that bad, so I decided to stop being a girl (no offense IK ) and just add some dam weight. I have to admit, 160, especially without a belt, was tough, but I'd say 12 out of the 15 reps were done properly. So I should be able to get all 15 in good form by Thursday. Only thing I can't seem to do yet is focus on the bar. As soon as I start to push up, I immediately focus on my feet, so I have to work on that. Could have added 5lbs to the bench today too, so that bummed me out. 10lbs more on the dead, and man did I feel that. Plus I added 3 more dips. So really everything went up today which makes me feel great. I guess that really is progress and if I can keep going like this, I should be able to reach my next goal in a few months. OK, enough rambling, must eat!
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