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Old 01-18-2008, 12:06 PM
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hrdgain81 hrdgain81 is offline
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Eric, I completely agree with what you've said, which makes me think you misinterpreted what I was trying to say, or perhaps I worded it incorrectly.

I am not anti-drug, or anything like that. If you are sick, or have a serious medical condition that needs prescription meds, there is no reason not to go down that road. There are a lot of problems with our health care system in the country, but by no means am i advocating going off all manufactured pharmaceuticals, far from it.

Especially when it comes to antidepressants, or antisychotics, no one in thier right mind would say that they shouldnt be available to those who need them. But (and this is a big but) if you could possibly take some vitamin b, for mild depression, anxiety, ect and not have to be all doped up all the time, I think thats a solution that deserves to be looked at, and given a chance. However, many doctors get kick backs for prescribing meds, especially expensive antidepressants, so they are quick to throw them at people. We have pills for everything these days, and I think it tends to get out of hand. That being said, there is still a chance I will explore that road if the vitamins dont pan out to be a long term solution.

There are no absolutes in any of this, the whole thing is grey IMO. There are those out there who will swear up and down that ADD doesnt exist, and that it is a ploy to sell drugs. I will say that there are definately a lot of misdiagnosed kids out there, but I've seen some who litterally cant function in society without medication for ADD, and at even at the age of 8, know that there is something wrong, and ask to be given thier meds so they can control themselves.

As far as the laws go though, in regard to steroids and GH, I dont see a point in having them scheduled, or any drugs for that matter. Its bullshit that a consenting adult, cant do a cycle if he feels like it. I know I wont win many friends like this, but i feel the same way about most drugs. Why is cocaine illegal? Why is weed illegal? Why can cops ticket me for not wearing a seatbelt? Why does the gov't feel it needs to protect us from ourselves? Its insanity, and its not what our gov't was set up for, they should be serving us, not the other way around.

Back on topic, I like vitamins

Eric, you always spark interesting conversation, I hope your son is recovering well, and will be ok very soon. now my hands hurt from all this typing, and I blame you hahah.
I don't do this for my family, my friends, women, accolades, pride, or ego. I do it for me and no one else, its just part of who I am.