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Old 04-14-2008, 07:08 PM
RobS RobS is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 116
Default chalk/straps for deadlift???

i posted this question in my training journal yesterday and didn't get any responses so i figured i'd put it up in the training section so more people would see it and hopefully i'd get some responses. so, anyways, here is my issue with deadlift:

last friday i pulled 515x1 which tied my old 1rm. i was fairly happy about b/c for whatever reason i wasn't feeling all that strong that day and i was having some trouble with my grip. i use a double over hand grip for as long as i can while i am working up to heavier weights then i switch to an over/under grip when i start to feel like the weight is getting real heavy. with that being said, on friday when i pulled the 515 i felt my grip slipping but i was able to get the weight up and hold it at lock out before setting it back down. after that i gave 535 a try. i was able to get the weight moving but my grip just gave out and i couldn't hold it. it is frustrating b/c this is not the first time this has happened, i know that i am strong enough in the legs and back to get more weight up but i just can't hold onto it. so, i was wondering what everyone thought about the idea of investing in some chalk or straps. right now i don't have anything like that to help me with my grip.

does chalk really help that much? would it be enough to help me keep my grip and get the weight up? also, should i invest in straps? my only problem with that idea is that im worried if i do start using straps my grip strength wont increase and i'll never be able to get the weight up without them. what does everyone think?
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