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Old 05-12-2008, 07:05 PM
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Cradler Cradler is offline
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"Stop acting like little kids"/"drop the playground drama"

Don't bite the hand that feeds. Simple as it comes.

"Here I am willing to drop every ounce of my year and a half acquisition of knowledge and experience in the gym to heed your guys' advice, and you're giving me attitude?"

The problem is that time doesn't mean anything. I can spend a year and a half doing bicep curls, does that make me a better lifter? Does it make me more knowledgeable? You have to understand that no matter what time you put in, you may have - and in this case were - making some mistakes with it. Not a problem. Just move on from it and don't cling to that year and a half.

"Goddamn it guys, I restarted Rippetoes twice. You're acting frustrated? Put yourself in my shoes. And then the people you ask for help start giving you attitude. You guys are acting like the buff guy in the corner of the gym who when the skinny guy goes up to him and asks for help they just snarl and act superior."

From the posts I'm reading Eric and Anuj aren't giving you any undue attitude. They're frustrated because it seems like you're not listening - mainly because they specifically said not to do DFT 5x5 and you went and did it anyway. It's an advanced program. You're not there yet. Don't fret about it. They're trying to help you out and you're going on in anyway, why shouldn't that be frustrating? Just step back and listen rather than going in headfirst.

@ Eric/Anuj: Sorry to step in rather abruptly. I just read his post and got a little frustrated myself. I usually don't give lifting advice since I'm unversed in it too - back to you!
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